Monday, April 30, 2012

October 8, 1971 (Letter from Barb Lucia)

I'm living in the slums again in my usual October unemployed state -- how is the ocean, sunshine and restaurant life??  Seems to be my forte -- working at the ocean -- the only time I'm ever content -- duh!  Nothing like living in fantasyland all the time.  Maybe Renee was right-- we do live in a dream world.

Anderson drove me back to Boston!  He and another guy came to Warren and stayed at Mardi's house and ate her ravioli -- she was happy, needless to say, about staying in Msp and work!  We started out for Boston one bright sunny day (last Thurs) and ended up spending the nite in Niagara Falls w/ two bombed guys on my hands -- trying to get them up to the room plus sneaking Harry in unobtrusively -- I'm there, duh, what in the hell am I doing in Niagara Falls?!

They stayed here for 2 days -- having a fantastic time w/ no refrigerator, no music, etc.  We were just putting the place together again and had no stereo or radio plus Anderson got stuck w/ getting a U-haul and going out to get our new refrigerator.  He is really nice sometimes, you know?

So here I am -- my head is completely turned around since I left here in July -- seems like 3 years not 3 months.  Since living on the Vineyard, I am so alienated from this kind of life and here I thought I had outgrown these sudden changes of heart (?)  I feel exactly as if I'm living in Warren ,Pa and can't get out!  Not that I mind living in Boston but just the day-to-day shit plus it is so ugly around her e-- I can't explain how I feel -- but yet there's no sense in moving around the goddamn county every 3 months forever -- they ought to lock me up somewhere!  Also am at a loss because it seems I have a job back at old Mass Mental but no salary because of the money freeze, state govt, etc.  Right now I am typing for a guy at Mass Men for $3/yr until this job is done, probably another week.  Hey, I do have a good job.  Enough of such shit -- I had a great 6 weeks of August/Sept -- BIG DEAL -- and now it's over ok -- what are you doing?  Duh!  Mardi and I were talking about this the other nite -- how I got to live at M. Vineyard and have fun in the sun and all that but now I have nothing and she stayed in one place and didn't get to go anywhere but she has everything she needs as far as security goes, etc. -- and we decided that no one is really getting anywhere!  As if there's somewhere to get to -- and there's Sue Smith in Warren thinking that we're so neat because we don't live there but of course we're not neat or cool or whatever -- and everyone sits around envying you because you're in California but they don't think about the hassles with money and a place to stay and no security and all that -- they don't understand that you're just living, wherever you are!  Place has little to do with it.  Although sunshine and peace can let you feel content no matter what your hassles are.  Are you having a quiet time nowadays?  If you're doing a lot of acid, etc. you're not exactly in the place I mean?  Remember my ex-old man from last year who came to Boston last October fresh from tripping his little heart out constantly in California full of love and peace, brother -- I saw him in September and he has lot all his sunshine ways I fear an dis now completely hard-core city -- screw your brother!  God, people are weird!  (Far-out, freaky, and not least of all -- groovy.)  You'll have to see what going back to Buffalo does to your head in January -- believe me, it'll be strange.  And of course, we'll see you at Christmas in Warren -- hey, something new.  Did you know that Don Corey got married last Saturday?!  Far out?  Thought I'd throw that in for old times sake -- so did Marti Graves and of course Tina and Mark -- Joan is going back to Clarion in January.  That's it for the news that makes the news.  Mardi and Bill -- that famed financial wonder -- both ran out of money at the same time -- him in Philly and her in Msp.  She had to send him his paycheck and I had to send her $10 to make it though the week -- amazing, truly amazing.  Here I sit with no car, no stereo, No TV, no car-stereo tapes, etc. sending money to Msp.  They have everything you could possibly want -- except xtra money.  Hey, we're all clean.

Switch to the local news -- you know that Doreen and John are getting married in December -- she's moving out next Friday into their new place in New Hampshire and I am freaking out -- I can't imagine living here and not living with Doreen.  Nancy lives here now -- I don't know if you've met her -- she's going to nursing school now and studies all week long - I am going to be really lonely this year!

Sat. nite.  Hi there-- I just got back from work -- I went to type a couple hours tonite -- every little bit counts!  I stopped by at the hospital to chat with Bill, the security guard.  This is his C.O. job and I swear he's the only person in the world who reads more than you do -- a book a night is his average since all security guards do is sit there all night.  His dream is to go to the Adirondacks and write a novel.  Why do I know such weird people -- not weird, just different?  Well Paul, what are you doing right now -- 11:00 p.m. -- Sat nite -- working -- right?  I hope we all can actually carry on a conversation when you come home.  Mrs. P said to be sure and say hello -- I think she worries about you!  Now why would anybody worry about you!  Duh!  I even worry!  Take care and write -- see you soon.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

October 5, 1971 (Letter from Tony)

It's about fucking time that I wrote to you.  I am really sorry that I haven't written yet.  I've started a number of letters lately and haven't finished many.

Well, let's see, since I last saw you in the beginning of August I have:  hitched to Boston.  It was good.  Hitching was remarkably quick and fun.  I saw Mike, went up to Maine for a few days (his father owns property there).  The whole thing was nice but a little too relaxing.  I saw Maddy for a day, we toured Cambridge and then went to Boston Common and Boston Garden.  They are both great.  They were shooting a scene from "That Girl" in the Commons when we were there.  Coming back I got a ride from a 50 year old engineer who owned his own company and then from 2 AWOL Navy guys who were going to Detroit to visit one of their girlfriends.  They were really cool, they kept pulling out a bottle of Scotch to celebrate every 100 miles or so.

Back in Buffalo, I spent a lot of time with Christine and a lot of time working at Sunshine House.

I've gone through a lot of changes of feelings toward Christine.  (I met her at Sunshine House.  She is an occupational therapist at the Cantalician Center and might be going to UB in Jan.)  Sometimes I feel really good being with her, sometimes I feel that I'm forcing myself.  I've only known her for a little over 2 months and we've really moved quite quickly.  The speed of the whole thing coupled with its novelty and my own insecurity have led me often to doubt what was going on.  Right now I feel pretty good about the relationship, I just have to take some sort of an activist role to keep expanding and widening it.  It was due in a large part to her that I took your room. The need for some sort of privacy (especially having my own bedroom) is much greater now than before.  Now, if we want to make love I don't have to worry about my roommates coming in.

It was really a tough decision to leave Allenhurst.  I didn't want to miss the closeness of living with 8 or 9 other people.  I really did enjoy that.  There was always someone there to talk to and people to do things with and we were important to each other.  But I figured after last year, here because Harvey and Mike Engel, who I would have been living with, were stuck way on the end, on Oxford, and they have freshman guys living next door.  Way it's a bad place.  I thank you for going and staying in Calif (that sounds stupid) how about I'm glad I got the chance to move in here.  (Better)

I enjoy my freedom a lot.  I don't have classes and as of yet I'm not working.  I have no set times for anything. It was great when school started and everyone came back.  I went around and spent a lot of time with people like Dennis, Donna, Iris, Maddy, Ralph, Elise, etc.  It was fine but they, for the most part, were slowly bummed out.  (I really learned the meaning of that phrase when Mike Kanter and I went out to Huntingdon for a day.  Boredom is the main ingredient.)  Especially Maddy and Iris; living with Dennis and Donna was tough cuz neither of them has a boyfriend and they are on LaSalle and somewhat isolated (as I am here and you were out on Tonawanda Creek.)  They are very very depressed, nothing they do excites them, they feel that they have few friends, etc.  I felt really bad because they were so depressed, and there wasn't a lot I could do.  I mean my sparkling wit and personality and my terribly creative mind can only be stretched so far.

I'm getting a little annoyed with them because neither one has come to visit me here.  It's tough adjusting from last year to now.  Before there always was time and the place to talk things over.  Now, a conscious and definitive action has to be taken to go see them.  I'm no longer an integral part of their lives, like we were all an integral part of each other's lives in Allenhurst.

Harvey is very bored and not very satisfied with his new roommates (he and Mike Engel were put in with 2 transfer students and a freshman).  He and I are still close and all and I don't feel uncomfortable at all with him, whereas with Iris and Maddy I fell very self-conscious.

There are blind steps and groping of our exile, the painting of our hunger as, remembering speechlessly, we seek the great forgotten language, the lost lane-end into heaven, a stone, a leaf, a door.  Where?  When?

As you might have guessed I'm reading "Look Homeward Angel".  I've been reading it for a long, long time. No concentration and no time.  It's such a beautifully written book.

Last week I went to Colden and camped out from Tues nite to Friday.  It was fine.  I spent a lot of time walking around and just trying to catch up with myself.

The week before I rode my bike to Springville (40 miles) and nearly died of exhaustion.  I'm so out of shape, I've been playing tennis.

Sunshine House has been doing at least one fine thing of late.  We've been going to concerts, setting up a tent and operating during the concerts.  We get in free and we helped a lot of people that way.

There was a concert on Rotary Field, an all day thing and we were there.  It was pretty poor. Cactus (boo, boo, hiss) was the second featured group.  Savoy Brown was pretty good.  There was about 8 groups there, Long John Baldry and Al Kooper.  We shared a tent with the performers and got high with them.  It rained near the end of the concert.  It seemed sort of fitting.

The day before, Saturday was "Celebration" in War Memorial Stadium with the Blues Project, Taj Mahal, Sha-na-na (they were great), J. Geils, Box Scaggs, and the Paul Butterfield Blues Band.

The concert lasted from 2 till past 12.  The weather was great and so was the music.  Paul Butterfield was incredibly good.  I missed Boz Scaggs because I was in the tent.  We were much more organized at this one and did a fine job.  Also the music was much better than the last one.

Sunshine House has been pretty much a dominant force in my life for awhile now.  I try to keep a little distance just because too many people there (at least two) have made the whole thing into an ego trip and it's really messing them up and it's not helping the house.

We just got funded through Community Action Corps by the Student Association.  We got $8,500 and I'm treasurer.

October 15 we're working at the Blood Sweat and Tears concert in Kleinhans???  Who could possibly bum out for $4-$5-$6-$7, unless they would because of those prices.

Ok I shall wind it up now.  Speaking of money, I think I owe you $ for the deposit you made here.  Yes?  If so, please tell me how much and I'll send it to you in a couple of  years.  You're last phone bill was $5 so I paid Herbie cuz he paid the bill so please deduct that from what I owe you.   Okee dokee.

Well, write again if you get the chance and always remember the immortal words of a great California intellectual, they serve as a source of inspiration in times of need, "Let's shine this left over garbage on."

A couple of weekends ago there was a meeting of crisis center people from all over N.Y.  It was at Buff State and it was really good.  Afterward about 40 of us went into a dorm room and smoked and drank Southern Comfort, scotch, and 6 kinds of wine.  We were on the 4th floor and security was on the 5th so we broke up early.  The first 4 floors of hi-rise are closed to dorm students cuz of faulty construction.  Have you ever heard of Dr. Bronner's soap?  It's supposed to be peppermint flavored.

September 27, 1971 (Letter from Mardi)

Happy to find your letter in my mailbox tonight!  Thanks for such a fast response!  These Monday nights are bad and your letter was just a neato keen surprise.  Lately I feel like the "Orphan of the Storm" or something!  Ah, poor Mardi.  "That's life" I know!  Work, go to school, work, go to school -- how do people do it?

Glad to hear you'll be going back to school and that you got the $620.00.  You definitely have to stop here on you way back or I won't forgive you!

Anderson left the morning for the New England states!  Wouldn't you know he'd get to Boston before me?  He should be calling here before too long, I'm dying to see how far they got.  He went with another guy so with the both of them driving they should make good time.  Jealous?  Not much!

(9/28/1971)  Hello again!  Sorry I didn't finish that piece.  Sue Smith called me with a few greetings.  She told me to be on the look out for this guy she knew that I had met when I was home the last time.  He's suppose to be on a business trip to Minneapolis and I told him he could look me up (SURE!) so I gave him my wrong phone number and address and no name.  He wanted me to get him some hash.  This guy is "Joe Cool" if I ever saw a "Joe Cool".  He's about 42 and from Warren or something.  He's probably a nark.  What a creep!  She said Barb was going back to Boston tomorrow, so she may see Anderson after all!  The ding never did call last night.  I was really freaking out here last night about 1am.  I got really scared when I'm lying in bed!  My mind goes wild with all this crap from every horror movie I've ever seen!!!  I even moved the shelves in front of the hall door and put the living room chair in front of the living room door!  Why I'm so scared I'll never know!  I've never gotten this spastic before.  Anderson is hardly ever around anyway!  It must be psychological. So I'm a big chicken.

Well I had better close and get my tiny butt? in gear!  I've got to go and pay my telephone bill, a mere $60!!!!  Anderson was happy to say the least.  I swear that's the last of those long distance phone calls for at least 2 months.  I get all screwed up with the bill!  When I pay the bill I figure I'm all paid up and owe nothing, only to remember that there are calls on the next bill that have been made since the last bill was sent.  Duh.  Anderson and I are so budget conscious.

Take care, watch out for those "city women", dress warm, say your prayers, and watch out for bad dope -- SHITTY!

Enclosed are various paraphernalia, not to mention completely useless!  TAA DAA!

One comb for those long golden lock!

A jiffy bookmarker to find your place in any book, or newspaper!

A pack of "fast lite" matches for those hard to light roaches!

Can ther ereally be more? that anyone would want?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

September 26, 1971 (Letter from Mardi)

Hello friend!  I certainly hope you're feeling ok after your little hospital visit.  I'm sure you're ok.

So, Nelson what's the deal.  You never mentioned a word about what you were planning to do!  Am I to play detective?  Since you stated you were going to open a checking account I took it you are apparently settling there!?  No school I take it?  Exactly what the fuck are you doing?

I've really been busy, classes have started and I'm really shitting my pants!  I've got some really "neato keen" classes; economics (not bad), college algebra (terrible, just terrible), management, accounting, and good old human behavior course!  I don't even think I'll be able to make it -- but I'll try and try.

So life goes on.  Anderson is going to Mexico this week sometime!  He and another guy -- I'm really jealous, but he deserves the trip, as long as he doesn't blow that much dope or get caught.  If he gets it in Mexico no one will ever see or hear from him again "my sister...."  He gets his new car tomorrow or the next day, the thing will be neat to take some trips.  It's a sporty station wagon far out.

Haven't really heard too much from anyone.  Mike is back in Warren, he was in Philly and saw his girl.  Maybe they'll be getting married.  Barb should be home now too; she told me she only "plans" to stay for two weeks.  I think she should stay longer and she may just do that anyway.  You knew Sue Smith was out there for one week (neat letter).  I haven't written too many letters so naturally I haven't gotten any.

I just wanted to get this quick letter off before this week started and I wouldn't have time!!!

Write me a few lines soon and tell me what you're doing -- so I'm a nosy bitch -- Take care.

September 25, 1971 (Letter from Kenny)

Sorry I haven't written but with coming back to school and getting everything set up I really haven't have had a shitload of time, as a matter of fact all I've been doing lately has been working.

I hope you're doing ok in old sunny Laguna Beach.  Just remember the old tropical Buffalo where the temperature is expected to drop to below 50 tonite and frost.  How's the restaurant business?  I got your letter a long time ago (sorry, again) and it sounds like you really had an incredible trip out there.  

I got up to school on the nite of the 7th.  My room was a fuckin' mess but I was too tired to clean up at all.  Naturally I was almost ruined trying to sleep on my $30 mattress for 2 nites.  I came across a 3/4 bed for $30 (3/4 of a double).  It's a real good one for the price and gives me a shitload more room.  Anyhow classes started on the 9th and all of the courses I originally registered for I eventually dropped and picked up new ones.  I'm taking 3 business courses and a Soc Sci College course (Law and Repression).  I have 0 classes on Friday which is pretty good but all my courses are double periods.  I originally registered for a course in Health Phys Ed and Recreation dept called Basketball Coach with old Len Sufristini.  It was really great, 2 credits, 1 nite a week for an hour and a half.  Then the second week the fuckheads said an undergrad couldn't get credit for it because it was a grad course.  All of the people in the class (8) were phys ed teachers in Buffalo schools. Shit, you should have seen the way they looked at me when I walked in the first week.

Chris is working a few nights at Sizzle Steak.  You should see him, really funny.  He's trying to be a freak, wearing overalls and letting his hair grow into a semi-Afro.  He's a real schmuck.  Herb is working about 4 nites at the computer center and sending out applications for grad schools.  Tony is working a lot at Sunshine House, taking 4 credits of Indep Study (really killing himself, sleeping till 3PM) he's got a Polak girlfriend, Chris, who's really nice.

I'm taking the Law Boards Oct 17 and I'm shitting in my pants already.  Something tells me I'm not going to go where I want because of that asshole test.

The fuckin Dodgers are sinking slowly but I guess you hear all about that in sunny Calif., but at least Aaron is having a good year.

Tony wrote a letter to Columbia Records telling them that you moved and left no forwarding address.  I told them that you were convicted to rape and are serving 20-life in SingSing and that all future correspondence be sent to you there.

Tony had put all of your records and stuff into the basement.  I decided they'd warp down there (I'm so nice) so I brought them upstairs and have most of them in my room.  (I hope you don't mind.)  I wrote your name on all of them, (some are in Tony's room) so none should get lost.  I haven't even had a chance to play them because my stereo is very temperamental and has decided not to work.

What happened with your stereo and the insurance company?  I hope you got money for it.  Do you need any of your stuff sent to you out there?  What else is going on?  Let me know.

Oh well, enough bullshit for now, write soon and let me know what the hell you're doing.

Friday, April 27, 2012

September 18, 1971 (Letter from Ralph and Al)

Well I guess you just said to yourself I'm having a good time so fuck everything else, fuck school I'm staying where I am and I'm going to dig and I really hope you still are digging whatever you're doing and I wish you the best of luck in hoping everything goes just great for you.  (Amen)

Right now Ralph, Tom and myself are back into the old swing of school and I myself am not digging it at all but c'est la vie because I don't have the balls to do what you did you sly bastard Nelson.  Anyhow after this year no more school for this kid for awhile.  Maybe a return to Europe which was really a fine trip.

Just to make you feel a little bit nostalgic, I'll describe a few bits about good old Buffalo.  Our apartment is cheap but the landlord sucks and he lives downstairs.  The other day the old buzzard came up and tacked a list of rules on the kitchen wall including no girls overnight then he told us no stereo after 9:00pm and no "niggers": over.  Too fucked up.  School's still the same I don't think it changed a bit since last year.  We found a way to call anywhere in the country for free so send me your phone number if you have one.  Anyhow send me a letter because I'd like to find out if you get this letter and I'd like to hear form you.  If you forget the address is 251 Jewett Avenue.

I'm still a vegetarian freak and Ralph I think is heading that way too.  I still haven't indulged in the evil weed although it might become necessary soon.  I might also proudly say that I haven touched a cigarette either.

What else?  Perhaps a word of advice and wisdom from the great seer and prophet mystical fucked up yogi maharishi, me.  As you ramble through life brother whatever maybe your goal keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hold, but don't take that too seriously for the donut maybe stale and the hole nice and sweet.  A little abstract thought I felt like adding.  You know symbolic philosophy and anyhow I thought it sounded good.

And now a word from Ralph.

Greetings!  Blind Faith on the grammophone, right now.  Marmul and I sitting around doing next to nothing cause ain't got no car to split for Poverty Hill - remember that tract of land that Student Assn. bought south of here.  Had a good summer at Chautauqua -- good people, good times, and good payola.  In room $ something in 4230 Ridge Lea, there's some dude named Doctor Ono.   You'll never guess his real name.  No hit.  Dr Ono is alive and well in Buffalo.  Was able to register for photography for non-art majors -- I'm finally excited about a course -- after 4 years.  If this weren't' my last year, I would have packed in school.  The two weeks between the end of my summer job and the first day of classes were really soul-searching.  I actually came close to thumbing out West or flying east to Europe. Buffalo's the same old shithole -- just as easy to get into a rut, altho I'm confident that I'll be able to avoid that predicament.  Photography should help -- I have enough equipment to set up a darkroom her e-- so once I learn enough in the course, I'll have a very enjoyable pursuit to keep me going.  I'm really looking forward to it.  Seeing old friends this year has been good.  Many people have changed over the summer but I guess that's only normal.  My summer had the effect on me of making me blase and nonchalant and non-caring about even more, pretty things -- a lot of my uptightness has diminished and disappeared.  Runnin' lo on paper.  Tom isn't here right now (he's in Batavia), but he'll drop you a line soon.  Keep in touch.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

September 9, 1971 (Letter from Barb Lucia)

Howdy -- you fucker!  What in the hell are you doing????  Don't you know that living at the beach is all a fantasy -- life that's only good for a little while -- believe me I know and don't I know that's why I'm the dud I am now!  So hep me Nelson, if you do what I did I'll kill you!  I feel like it's my kid or something...really, "what are you going to do?" -- GIANT QUOTES around that question.  When I first heard you were in California I was home -- in Warren Pa 16365 -- I went home for a week -- my mother had an operation -- she has cancer and they had to remove her breast -- it was really heavy for them, so I had to go home for the week.  So I casually call up your house to see where you're living in Buffalo -- I'm there -- California??  Then Mardi tells me you're staying there.  Well, what can I say?  Paul -- how can you, of all people, quit school?  You are the original enjoyer of school --I've never known anyone to enjoy it and get more out of it than you do -- when I quit I knew it would be a wasted  year for me to go on, but for you I don't see it that way.  Anyway, maybe I'm worrying all for naught -- why don't you write and tell me -- I'll only be here on the island till Sunday, then back to Boston and home for a few weeks to help my mother out.  So write to me at home -- OK?

The summer here ended as suddenly as if someone shut it down for the season.   Labor Day was everyone's last day at work and boom -- everything closed and everyone went back to where they came from.  Now the roads are deserted and we are just wondering what to do with the days until we go.  It's like country time -- we have gone through changes in our house lately -- Woodstock II has arrived -- everyone wanting just a place to be and music to listen too -- our house is it.  I can't explain the latest hassles but I will when I see you.  Why in hell can't people get along -- even people that you like you can't get along with anymore.  People are such fucking assholes to each other -- our time here-- I mean on the island -- is so short -- why can't we be generous.  Shit.  Time anywhere is fucking short -- it always seems that it will last forever until all at once you're remembering it.  Mardi told me she was coming here and then I got a letter that she's not and guess why -- no $$$.  Now what the hell kind of fucking excuse is that but with Mardi and Bill it's true.  So I didn't answer to call -- so she called me last night and we talked about all this shit.  There were 10 million people here-- 5 million of whom no one in the house knew and I couldn't talk really freely on the phone -- it's so rare you get to talk freely now-a-days -- it used to be you did it very day of your life!  Everyone's grown up!  I'm also running out of paper -- what am I babbling about?  Hey, I got a letter from Joan today.  Her life is like a fucking soap opera -- she moved on on Freddy -- she said she got drunk and tried to kill him (?) -- but they're together now and all is well.  Did you get all that?  She is also going back to Clarion in January and the government is paying for it.  If that marriage makes it, it will be all Joan's doing -- I hope she can do it!  And Mardi and Bill are not making it together either -- God, the whole thing just sucks -- people are just determined to fuck everything up.  But Mardi's staying tho -- working and going to school at night again this year.  Where the hell does she have to go?  If I didn't go back to Boston where the hell would I go?  I was thinking today -- up on the top of the back field behind our house -- why can't we all be back where we were 2 or 3 years ago, only be what we are now -- just have our new selves there-- I had it all figured out anyway.  I went out in the field w/ Harry to get away from PEOPLE -- I swear I'm going to be a hermit in another year or so -- so I hope I see you before then so I can talk to you.

I saw Mike when he was home -- he's applying to the Peace Corps for next year -- duh!  And Tina and Mark are just about goners -- they're both hitched by now.  So what else is new -- no new lights in my horizon -- for once in 3 years -- everything seems planned out and all I have to do is follow it all through.  I'm going home for a while -- then back to Boston to old Calumet St. and the old job at Mass Mental.  And every fall I'm usually freaking out wondering what to do -- it all seems so dull this way -- maybe something will come up and fuck me up -- if I'm lucky.  You know my Boston address -- right?  It'll be me and Doreen and Nancy and -- get this -- Doreen and John are getting married -- that's too much in itself -- and planning to live with us in the same place when they do.  Shades of Apt 203, Lake Street!  Oh we are just so unconventional aren't we?  Now I am going to end all this -- just write soon.  Take care Paul -- I hate to say it, but I will (see you at Christmas) SHIT!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

September 1, 1971 (Letter from Chris)

There is so much to tell you, and I suppose that much of it is not going to be news to you.  Kenny or Tony have probably written you already.

To begin with, Tony called me last night and will be moving into the apartment.  This is the good news.  Now for the bad.

It seems that our apartment was broken into for the second time.  It was on a Thursday night.  Judi and I had been listening to your stereo.  We put the records away at 11:30pm and went to sleep.  Mike and Dennis were up at Goodyear.  At about 12:30 I heard someone pull into the driveway.  Then someone was walking around the house.  We both thought it was our roommates.  Well, it wasn't because M and D came in at 3:30am.  Dennis who has been living in both your room and Herb's noticed that the stereo was gone.  Also about 5-10 of your records and maybe 10-15 of his.  The front window of your room had been opened.  He thought maybe I had moved it, so didn't tell me until the next morning.  Well, we didn't know what the hell to do.

That Friday night (the next night), three young punks came to the front door.  One of them -- he wouldn't tell us his name,k but said something later like Joe P----, was really fucked up on drugs.  He said he left a radio here once, and wanted it back.  He said that one of us had it, that it wasn't in your room where he had left it -- and he hadn't even looked in your room yet.  He was with Doug Schrieber, and another kid with a car.  Mike told me later that Doug was the kid who he saw walk off with Sal's leather boots the day you left.  Anyway, they mentioned something about some raunchy grass.  I explained to them that we were robbed Thursday night, and that the radio and grass were probably taken also.  They seemed to believe otherwise.  Finally after showing them that it was not in any other rooms, they left.  Dennis then told me where the radio was -- outside in the garage.  We also searched the house for hits, and found about 6 oz. of crap in your room.  We figured we had to call the cops to report the heft, so we got rid of it.  Mike drove up to campus and left it on the parking lot.

Well, to make a long story short, we are pretty sure that Doug and his friends had something to do with the robbery.  But we can't be sure.  What kind of friends do you have anyway?

What else is there?  Oh yes.  1.  Do you still have the key to the apartment.  If so please send it back to us.

2.  Bill for Aug came to $7.00 plus change -- please send me a check as soon as possible.  (I am in desperate need for money.)

3.  Send us an estimate of your stereo, amp, speakers, head phones, etc. for insurance purposes.

The cops came Sat Morning and took down all info and left.  No big deal.

Tony moved all your stuff downstairs.

Listen, I've got to go.  In a hurry.  Best of luck with your job, etc.  Be good -- write --

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

August 28, 1971 (Letter from Kenny)

Well to begin with I can't actually believe that you're not coming back to Buffalo but all power to you.  It must be really great in Cal.  Are you a chef or a short-order cook?  How much are you making?  You must be really tan by now I guess.  I really can't believe you're out there for good.  What did you tell your parents?  They must be pretty upset that you're not finishing school.  You should you schmuck.  Whether you finish at Buffalo but at least take courses at UCLA or something.  You are going to eventually come back to Buff I only to visit aren't you.  How was it hitching that far?  You made pretty good time though.  Enough bullshit for now write me and let me know what th ehell you're doing.  Now the business shit.

This will come as an unpleasant shock but Chris called Herb yesterday to tell him that our apartment was broken into at nite and yes you guess it, they stole your stereo plus some of Dennis' records.  I talked to Chris last nite and told him to call the police and tell them is was discovered SAT morning so you can collect insurance.  You have to either phone or telegram your parents to have them report it RIGHT AWAY.  If you want me to call them, let me know.  I'm really sorry.  It seems it happened between midnite and 3:30.  Chris went to sleep at 12 and Mike came in at 3:30.  They think it was some kid from Snyder, N.Y. you knew so let me know who it is.  Chris heard someone walking around but thought it was Mike.  Take care of this right away shithead.

What's the story with Tony, have you heard anything from him?  I hope he moves in because if not Mausner might and I hate his guts.  I'm going to have to call him to find out but please write back and let me know what you told him and what he told you.  If everything dies (because I refuse to live with Mausner) you might have to cover part of Sept's rent that whoever moves in will not.  It's a remote chance but I'm just preparing you if it comes to that.  Another thing Brenner or Christ or somebody said, you owe $7 for the month's bills so I guess you'll have to write a check but it the money's tight let me know and I"ll cover it for you.

This is important stuff so please let me know what's going on.  You really screwed me up when you left because now I have to face Christ alone but it's really great that you're having good clean American fun(?).  Take care of yourself and let me know what's up.  Sorry this couldn't carry better news but I guess the next letter will.

August 27, 1971 (Letter from Mike)

I knew you weren't in Boston because Boobie was home and said you hadn't called.  But I didn't say anything to her.  To be truthful, it didn't surprise me in the least.  If that's what you need, then who am I to comment?  I hope your parents are taking it okay.  Just make sure you don't wind up a cook the rest of your life.  Do me a favor and try to get a hold of Bagwell as long as you're there.  Her father's address is:  Box 3266, Grover City, Cal.  Please do me that favor.  My application for the Peace Corps is in and the references should all be in within the next week so I should either get canned or interviewed within the next month or so.  I'll let you know.  After Sept. 22:  101 A Heritage, B-W College, 44017.  I'm hoping to hear more form you soon.  Good luck buddy.

I could use a box of California sand.

Monday, April 23, 2012

August 26, 1971 (Letter from Mardi)

I was really racking my brains out wondering where the fuck you'd end up!

Write and give me all the highlights of your trip out and "California dreamin'" adventures.  By what route did you do?  Shit, I'd never go back to Buffalo!  Will he stay or will he return?  My mother and Mike thought for sure you'd be in Boston, at least that's what Foster said?!  You should send him a "knock" postcard or something!  My mother had to fill out a Peace Corps questionaire for Mike.  She's there "duh".  I'm sure she wrote a decent letter to them though.  I heard on the news that the first Peace Corps volunteer was murdered!! That might scare him off.

Sue Smith has been out here this week and we've really had a good time just seeing old friends we both hadn't seen in awhile.

Well, Tina's getting married Sat.  Mark is getting married Sept 11!  Jodee Scalise I hear is engaged to Bill Andrews that dud!

Barb was home for about four hours -- sure I mean four days.  Her mother went in the hospital when she found a lump in her breast and they removed it and found that cancer had already spread so she's having cobalt treatments. They said it was the "slow spreading" kind.  It's really a shitty thing to have happen.  I'm planing on going out to Boston for a week and then Barb is moving home for a month or two.  I really don't know what's to happen.

Anyway I better get going.  Take care and write soon.

(8/30/71)  Hello again, Sept is almost here!  Have you made any major decisions lately?  I must get to work now, so write soon!

August 5, 1971 (Letter from Patty)

I received both of y our letters and have only gotten around to answering them now; because as usual, I've been occupied with other things.

I was in Buffalo in June and tried to connect with you then, but your number had been disconnected.  Wayne and I were working for some people from Boston selling pipes and posters to head shops all around the state.  Unfortunately they never came through with any money.  We'd spent all of ours on expenses such as gas and car repairs.  As a result, I'm now in Oswego staying with my father (my mother went home to her mother's two months ago and hasn't returned.)

Staying with my father has its advantages as well as its drawbacks.  It's really  peaceful here and also very unparanoid.  That's pretty good fro my head.  I was really getting paranoid in Syracuse; that's why I had the phone taken out.

The problem is that now I'm the only one at home, my father doesn't want to me leave.  If I go back to school in the fall he wants me to live at home which would definitely be a bummer.

So right now the major thing I'm doing is trying to decide whether or not to go back to school.  In addition to that I've been cleaning ever since I got here.

The dope situation here has been sparse but good too.  I haven't tripped since last April which tripping brought on a very painful kidney infection and sort of bummed me out.

Write soon.  Bye for now.

July 20, 1971 (Letter from Mardi)

Thought I had better drop you a few lines before time goes by and you're in Boston and I have no address!

Well, I'm back with no major maladjustments.  It takes about five minutes to get back in the groove.  I wouldn't mind loafing around for about a month.  The rest of my week was rather nice, what can one expect in Warren?  Besides I didn't come home to have a party party time.  It's so funny, like when I'm here I always have a million things to do -- not all fun, just things to get done.  The minute you're home there is nothing to do!  I got home Sat, unpacked and I was clonking around wondering what to do?!!  I doubt if I'll make it to Boston soon!  The money situation is very bad presently.  So, write to me when you get there.  Barb is in Oak Bluffs, Mass.  She works in a restaurant or something from night to 3am I think.  It feels like summer is already over.  Sorry this is so damn short.  Take care and drop a line when you get your address!

July 19, 1971 (Letter from Kenny)

 Well it's finally happened, all those hot nights at Gleason's and the Galaxie have finally shown their effects on your poor down-trodden brain.  It took me about ten minute to realize the old pogo Nelson meant A.M. (meaning morning) when he wrote ayem and a quick check showed that Buffalo must be the same place as Buphalo.  Oh well it's all right just drink lots of warm milk and have the Polish kid tell you lots of stories.

The bit with Pattie and Merry and their apartment is about over with Mr. Mann decided they could stay as long as he is invited to their nursing school orgies.  I talked to Chris last week for the second time this summer and he is as wonderful and loving as ever.  HE said he'll be going to Buffalo around Aug 20th which means he'll change his mind at least four more times before he finally goes.  Seems he wants to work for a week there, maybe even in your little haven, the lovely, enchanting Blue Galaxie.  Somehow I think big chef Lauer is going to end up being the head waiter at McDonald's.

I heard from Herbie for the second time finally after more than a month and I"m happy to report that he's isn't lying dead in Baghdad with his Sammy jacket on.  He says he likes his job and he's having a really good time. He said he was going to ask some German girl to go to a German movie with him, imagine that, our little 17 yr old Herbie.  I also got a card from Jane and was quite shocked, I don't even remember when the last time was that I saw her lovely face (sigh!).  As you most probably know the Mets are playing some fine baseball and me and some of my friends challenged them, but they only wanted to play underhand pitching.  Some shmucks from Pennsylvania are leading the league.

Speaking of leagues (were we, I didn't know that) I'm in a baseball league in Wantagh on Friday nights.  It's really well organized; under the lights, referees, uniforms, even a few slutty cheerleaders.  Last Friday was the first tame and with 2 1/2 minutes left we were up by 9 but in true Tuchman fashion we lot by 2.  I'm really beginning to think I'm a jinx.

The past weekend I went bicycle riding on a bicycle built for two, it was great, I thought I was going to kill  myself.

How is Tony tell him to write me sometime, I haven't read anything Polish since Dostoyevski (holy shit I can't believe I said that, I think you're rubbing off on me.)

Bruno is in the process of buying a car, what kind he's not sure of.  Lauren't family just got a new Duster for $2575, not bad, she's supposed to get the car a year from September.

They've had a bunch of concerts in New York recently but I haven't gone to any.  Oh well enough said tomorrow work when I hopefully will mail this.  Write soon and don't forget to brush your teeth after every meal.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

July 3, 1971 (Letter from Chris)

You must be really horny!  What did you do with my Playboy -- rip out the pictures and hang them on the wall?  As of today I still haven't received my July issue-- which you said you would forward.  This mean one of two t hings -- either you are a liar, and you haven't mailed it, or you did send it and it has been lost in the mail. Anyway -- that isn't what I wrote to tell you.

I really wrote to tell you that I am now, at this very moment, suffering from a disease that affects the gums, throat and mucous membranes of my mouth.  It is also known as TRENCH MOUTH!  I woke up this morning and found that my gums were swollen and red.  I brushed my teeth and they bled like crazy.  So I went to the dentist that afternoon and he said that I was developing trench mouth.  He cleaned my mouth out, put me on high potency vitamins and penicillin, and now I have to go back again in a week.

This is not all that's wrong.  It seems that at the same time, I developed infections on two of my fingers.  And this  morning I woke up with a fever.  So if things don't clear up in two more days -- off I go to the hospital for tests.

Of course this couldn't have happened at a better time.  It is a holiday weekend and I'm going to miss two days of work.  What's worse -- Judi's parents are leaving Monday for an entire week -- and I'll probably be sick the whole damn time.

So how are you?  Still giving blood?  Someone told me that you can get very sick from that because your resistance is low.  Now I'm having second thoughts about it.

It's really boring in the city.  I can't wait to get back to Buffalo.  At least there's something to do at the school.  I haven't been able to see one concert this summer, because of the hours I work..  Have there been any decent things happening in Buffalo?

What happened to the Allentown folk festival?

Write to me someday.  I like to get mail.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

June 29, 1971 (Letter from Renee)

I must sincerely apologize for not responding to your letter much sooner, but with the onset of graduation and about a million other things I had to put off writing until I had time to really give it my full concentration and take all the time I needed.  So much has happened over the last few months that I really don't know where to begin to tell you about "The Days of our Lives' (ha, ha!)

First of all,  let me say that I have never been happier in my whole life than I am right now.  Our marriage is really a beautiful thing and each passing day it becomes more meaningful and more enjoyable.  I finally got that old diploma into my hot little hands on June 11 and we really celebrated for about a week.  My parents came down for graduation, Morrey's family came, all of our friends partied with us and we just had one hell of a hopping good time.  I still can't believe that I don't have to go to school any more and every day now I expect to see fee cards in the mail for another quarter.  It is absolutely wonderful not to have anything on my mind and not to have to worry about grades, papers, and tests any longer.  By the same token it is still quite an eerie feeling to know that the good old college days are gone and that I am supposed to be a responsible adult out in that great big ugly word right now.  I graduated with a solid 3.0 accum but it hasn't done me a hell of a lot of good in finding a job.  I keep fluctuating between a desire to give teaching at least a try and a repulsion against all the hogwash and stupidity of the way the schools are run in the first place.  I too, Paul, am searching for the answer to "what's it all about and what am I all about" -- but thank God I have a very devoted and loving husband who gives me the security and confidence I need to cope with the situation.   It seems unreal that 4 y ears ago everyone was saying "Go to college and they'll be knocking at your door to offer you a job."  BULLSHIT!  In Columbus the situation is pretty bad job-wise and one can pound his fists on lots of doors and still not come up with a decent job.  For the mean time, I am enjoying just being plan Mrs. Prayzer, housewife and fun-lover and I'm having the time of my life -- but this kind of heaven can't possibly last forever and for financial reasons as well as the fact that I'll soon be bored here by myself all day -- I must find a job.  One of the reasons I don't want to teach is that I am very selfish about my evenings and I don't think I could stand having to do schoolwork at night any longer -- 4 years of it was enough and I want to enjoy my evenings with my husband without a guilty conscience.  I guess I'm looking for a straight 9 to 5 job in an office doing some sort of personnel work.  I am not in any big rush yet so I can take my time in finding a job that I like.

Morrey and I just got back from a week's vacation.  Spent 4 days in Chicago at my brother's and 2 days in Wisconsin.  Had a lot of fun in Chicago -- big brother took us to a lot of neat pubs and drinking places -- as well as other fun sights.  Then Morrey and I drove to Madison, Wisc. and stayed overnight there.  The campus of the U. of Wisconsin is unbelievably and absolutely gorgeous.  The campus is right on a lake and all the frats and sororities houses are like resorts on a lake.  Then we went to Wisconsin Dells which is a very scenic and pleasant place to visit.  Bought lots of cheese in Wisc and lots of booze in Chicago since it is very inexpensive there-- and since we've been doing a lot of socializing and drinking here at home.

We have really been lucky and made a lot of really great friends here in our apartment complex.  They are mostly young couples our age or older and our social life has really picked up in the last 3 months.  Last winter I was crying my eyes out because we had very few friends and not much to do socially or otherwise -- but now the situation has changed entirely and Morrey and I are hardly ever without company or friends around to do things with.  I never could stand being anti-social in my "Warren" days so I guess this is a carry-over from that.  We love our apartment because of the facilities her -- the pool, clubhouse, basketball courts and tennis -- never a dull moment.  The partyhouse is really beautiful with a wood burning fireplace and we intend to use it often this summer for parties.  Had one big party this spring -- a fondue party -- took out all of the furniture from our living room and everyone sat on cushions on the floor around a big platform we made with all kinds of various fondues and junk to eat and drink.  Went through a case of wine and I've never been so inebriated in my life.  Everybody finally conked out on our floor and Morrey put me to bed, but we had a lively time of it!!

I was surprised to hear the news about Joan -- but it all adds up to knowing her. I hope she is happy being married yet I have my serious doubts as to whether she was ready for it and if she can or could cope with it.  Haven't kept in touch with the rest of the gang besides you at all.  My mother told me that Mark had a nervous breakdown -- but I don't think her courses were reliable. I do know that he is spending the summer in Warren as a lifeguard at the pool.

As for Mardi and Barb I have to honestly say I could care less -- and I don't mean to sound stuck up or conceited about it at all.  I never was "with it" in their circle and I don't much give a damn anyhow.  I hope Barb is making something out of herself besides a bum -- cause she sure was headed in that direction when I last saw her.  I wish Mardi the best yet I have my doubts about her too.  I guess they just aren't my kind of people anymore cause I just can't see much substance to them.  They were fun to hang around with but those days are long gone and almost forgotten.  My opinion of Mike isn't much and I grow rather sick of "being impressed" each time I talk to him.  To me, Mike lacks any knowledge of reality and what this world is all about anyway -- besides fraternities and his "good school chums".  I don't' mean to sound anything but honest and if I have offended you I sincerely apologize.  Let's suffice it to say that our friendship Paul, I hope, will always exist and perhaps grow stronger as we grow older and mature.  If it sounds freaky to say "I like your mind and the way you think" let it sound freaky but I sincerely mean it.  I thoroughly enjoy your letters and your style of writing is really something else.  You are one of the most sincere and truly honest poeple I know of have known -- and there is a certain charm about you -- whether it be just plain intelligence plus personality or what -- I really do admire and respect you -- what's more I really like you!!  END sermon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do hope you can find time to come out and visit us sometime this summer.  As I've said before we have an extra bedroom -- lots of food and booze and I (we) really would enjoy having you as our guest.  Now that Morrey and I are settled down we've really found a lot of fun things to do here in Columbus -- and for the most part they are relatively inexpensive.  We're certainly not ready for our rocking chairs yet -- and just because we're settled down doesn't mean we're party poopers who retire on the dot at 11!!!  So --- please come out and stay with us for awhile if you can.  Just let me know when you are coming and I'll dust off the red carpet.  Bring a friend (either sex) if you'd like -- we've got lots of room!

Well, I started to write a letter and I've written a chapter and I have many more yet to write so I"ll close for now.  Please excuse the miserable typing and unforgivable spelling and punctuation errors -- I'm just not in the mood to be very formal in my writings just yet.

Well Paul, be good and take care -- WRITE AGAIN SOON.

June 25, 1971 (Letter from Al Marmulstein)

I hope you're having a good summer.  I met a friend of mine from school in Amsterdam and we met two guys from Israel in the Hague.  We chipped in and bought a 64 red Volkswagon.  Right now we have a dead battery here in Paris, but for $200 we couldn't go wrong.  It probably just needs water.  Yes, they really do have dope clubs in Amsterdam. Hash is only at the most $1.00 a gram but I'm still a good boy.

Leaving for either Munich German to find work or possibly Spain to sit on my ass on the beach in a day or so.

After I become rich from gambling at the Riviera I'm going to buy a castle in Denmark.  I'll let you know when so you can come over the work for me.  After all I can't clean the whole fucking castle by myself.  Anyhow if you're still working in the Blu Galaxie keep washing those dishes.

Have fun I'll see you in a few months.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

June 22, 1971 (Letter from Mardi)

Hi kid! I can't believe July is almost here!  I've never seen time go so fast.  Are you going home for the 4th!  Big excitement.

Nothing too new around her -- just got a call from Wendy in Denver.  We talked on the WATTS lines.  I refuse to make any long distance phone calls this summer, SURE!  After that two month bill of 54.00 I don't want to go through that again.  We have a new number so take it down -- 823-3769.  I had to register the phone in my name because they wanted $54.00 plus a $50.00 deposit!!!  The phone company will do anything to fuck you over.  Anyway Wendy is doing fine.  She's just as broke as I am.  Which is great to hear about now!  Got a letter from Barb yesterday, she got July and Aug off of work, so she's going to the Cape.  She didn't tell me any details because she was in a hurry and only wrote a postcard.  Anderson and I don't think we'll be going anywhere special, so I think maybe I'll go to Boston and see Barb.  Who knows?  I guess Foster is home and trying to find a job.  Tina's mother is busy with wedding plans my mother says!  FAR OUT!!!!!  I must write Mark a letter.  You said he was still at school for the summer, or was that my mother?  He really must be having a rough time of it with his nerves and all!

So how are the dishes doing?  You can't believe the weather here!  It's been so hot for the past three weeks and its' not even July yet!  90 every day and HUMID!

This Saturday there is a rock concert at Midway Park, all day.  The Band, John Sebastian, and Bonnie Delaney and Friends and a bunch of people are going to be there, it should be a good time, watch it rain!  Since my bike was stolen I haven't been doing much but going to the Art Institute and the new Walker Art Museum they just finished.  Went to see "Taming of the Shrew" at the Guthrie, it was really great!  Remember when we saw it at the Wintergarden in Jamestown w/ Liz Taylor and Richard Burton -- it really is a funny play. Thursday I'm going to the theater to see "Plaza Suite".. I've gotten two free tickets from work!!

Well I had better close up and get to work!  Take care.  Write soon.  Got the negatives from the pictures, sent them to Barb -- do you want any?  The next picture session won't be until Christmas, so get your order in TODAY!  Duh!

June 17, 1971 (Letter from Chris)

I got your letter yesterday, so let's take care of business before I tell you about all my summer pleasures.

First, I will (or by this time) will have taken care of the phone bill.  You said that you would reimburse me for the calls not belonging to me, Herb, Ken, or Eric.  There are only two.

5/26  Reynoldsburg, Ohio.   614-864-0610
6/02  Rochester, NY           716-458-7268

This means you (or our sublets) owe me $1.80.  However I owe you $5.00 for the electric bill.  Therefore -- to make things easy I have enclosed $5.00 - $1.80 = $3.20.  Simple -- huh?  With the $3.20 everything should be clear now except for the May gas bill which you should get one of these days.  Let me know how much w will ow you when you get it.

There is really nothing much to tell you.  I got a job in a restaurant as second cook.  I work out on the hearth cooking N.Y. strip steaks, filets, lobster tails, and cutting prime ribs.  It is an interesting job -- but pay is lousy $2.00/hr and I  haven't gotten my promised raise yet.  Tonight was exciting because we had a fire on the hearth.  The grease set on fire and the automatic alarm system and extinguisher went off.  What a racket.  We watched as 300 people ran and walked out of the restaurant.  Many of them left without paying their bills.

When I get back to school -- the last week in August -- I'm going to try to get a job at Scotch and Sirloin or Sizzle Steak.  Right now I'm working T, W, F, Sat, Sun from 3-10 or 4-11 or 12.  That leaves me no time to do anything.  Except go to the beach in the day.

I hope that everything is fine in Buffalo.  Also, since Dennis and Mike are living there, it wouldn't hurt if they cut the lawn (BACK LAWN ALSO) instead of you.  All I can say is I sure as hell don't want to have to come home and clean up the entire kitchen, bathroom, and living room.  I'll let Kenny and Herb do it.

I will be sending my $50 rent and Herb's $10 soon.

Will write again soon.

June 15, 1971 (Letter from Kenny)

Hi shithead!  Sorry I haven't written sooner but I've been pretty busy.  I've just finished mailing out 41 letters to law schools asking for applications and 21 to business schools.  Besides that I've had so much to do at my job it's beginning to remind me of school.  The job is in the same investment survey firm that I worked for last year except that I'm adjusting clients accounts this year.  The place is so disorganized and has so many mistakes that there's always plenty to do.  It almost reminds me of the cartoon with he army guy getting this huge pile of work to do in the morning and gradually lowering the pile by the end of the day.

Outside of work things are OK.  Lauren's fine.  We've seen two Met games so far.  I saw the Braves in May (Hank Aaron hit a home run) and last Wednesday Lauren's father got us tickets to see San Diego.  They aren't too exciting but we had seats 2 rows behind the Mets dugout.  Last Friday I saw Elton John at Carnegie Hall. It was strange.  I had never been in the place and had $5.50 seats which were pretty cheap for that concert.  The place is so high that you really can't see the stage from where we were.  Anyhow, he came out and sat at the piano at the beginning and didn't say a word outside of announcing the names of the songs.  He fist played "Your Song" and followed with everything else.  It was really good, he sounded exactly like the record but you felt like you were sitting in on a recording session.  He played for a little over an hour then intermission.  Second half he came back with a drummer (Nigel Olsson) and bass and tore the place apart.  He sang "Friends", "Country Comfort", etc. along with Honky Tony Woman and Mercedes-Benz (Janis Joplin's).  He was dancing on top of the piano and jumping in the air while playing.  Despite the showing off it was really amazing how well he can play.  He really overcame the lack of closeness of the hall.

The Mets right now are losing 2-0 to the Dodgers.  Guess what?  Herbie's in Germany.  I really can't believe it.  I saw him the day he left and he was really scared.  Oh well I'm sure he'll do OK.  How's the job and everything?  Do you see Tony at all?  Sorry I can't write longer but I've got to get some sleep.  Take care and write back.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

May 7, 1971 (Letter from Barb Lucia)

Hi there you freak -- how are you doing?  The whole scene here has changed completely since you were her e-- all of a sudden out of 3 weeks of rain, today popped up -- hot and sunny, as if its' been summer for at least 6 months.  Of course everybody had to rush outside and hang out in the sun -- it's so rare to have sun in Boss-town!  All other shit is about the same -- Pam has settled down somewhat -- the crisis are only about once a month.  We had a giant quarrel and eve since have been getting along pretty well -- if we didn't live together we'd get along super -- too bad about that.  Doreen is roving around the country side every weekend singing with the band.  I never see her on weekends but she usually leaves me her car for the weekend so I'm not grounded.  Things are really dead.  I know some day soon I'm just going to bolt, pack up my belongings, take Harry and stick out my thumb toward the Cape.  Wait and see -- the job things is the hassle -- I haven't spoken to "the man" about it yet -- I haven't any plans - -so what can I tell him?  Fuck.  How are your plans -- will it be Buffalo for the summer?  I imagine you're right in the middle of papers, finals, etc.  I had to do one paper for my class and it was such an effort -- I can't imagine being in school full-time now!  You know when you were sick in February?  Well, I had the same shit all this week -- my throat was hanging out -- I got a Dr's appointment and got some penicillin -- he thought it might be mono and I could see myself in bed all summer! -- but I don't think it is.  Such shit.  All I did this week was rest after work, and work on my paper.  I went out last nite to a party at Teddy's -- forgot what it's like to go out.  Got stoned and generally hung out.

Did I tell you I went home -- I guess I did, huh?  The week after you were here.  I really enjoyed being home for the weekend -- now how's that for culture shock?  I visited Mrs. P, went up to Rimrock and clonked around -- - it was nice, didn't mind it at all.  I tried to call Joan from home but couldn't locate her so I called her after I got back.  She had just gotten home from work (at a store) and sounded pretty good.  1st thing she asked me was if I saw her mother.  Now how could I see her mother -- they wouldn't let me in the house I'm sure.  Joan's heard from her father and from Carol but of course her mother is being a martyr -- I know that it really bothers Joan -- I wish her mother would give in a little -- what a jerk she is.

Well, I am the last one left in the office -- this 9-5 is for shit when it's nice out -- what's up for the weekend -- ever since I've been sick all I've wanted to do is rest -- get out of my rocker and go.

Me and Nancy went to the Vineyard one weekend just looking around and froze our asses off at nigh t-- things do not look encouraging for a job there -- but when do things ever look encouraging -- the thing is to go it and if it doesn't work out -- move on.  Right?  Duh.  I don't know.

I wonder how things are with the Minneapolis people -- haven't heard from Mardi in awhile -- if they go to the Bahamas or Florida with Mr. Sayles I'll kill Mardi!  Not that I want to go to Florida, but I just want to go somewhere.  If Anderson ever saves the money he should get a gold medal; and a slap on the back -- what a superhuman feat!  Everyone seems so far away -- all the people I want to see are halfway across the fucking country and here I am going to work every day -- doo-doo-doo.   As you may be able to tell, I am discouraged about the whole deal -- and any words of wisdom are appreciated.  I just feel that nothing will ever go right -- and if they do -- it will only be for a little while -- blah.  Forget all this schlopp and have a happy spring -- write soon and take care.

April 16, 1971 (Letter from Gail)

It was really great to hear from you.  I started to write to you once, but when I went to address the envelope I couldn't find your address, so that blew that.

It's been a long time, I was really glad to hear that things are going good for you.  I guess I could say that things are going ok for me, too.  It's been a rough semester though, course wise, that is.  I've got two math courses, Coll Alg., and Psych Statistics and they are really getting me down.  It makes me mad, because last semester was so good for me.  I'm a psychology major, and it's just a bit rougher than I thought.  But I guess if I make it through this semester, I'll be ok.

I went to see "The Grateful Dead" at Allegheny College last nite.  They played from 8:00pm to 1:00am.  It was unbelievable, all the kids that were there.  You'll never guess who sat in front of me -- Gary Porter -- remember him -- he graduated with us?  He's gotten really freaky, he's letting his hair grow, has wire rims, and was even with a girl!  He was up dancing and clapping his hands!  Right on Gary!  A couple months ago I saw "James Gang" and "Steel River" at Gannon in Erie.  They were really good too!  I liked Steel River best.  "Chicago" was at ESC in February.  They gave such a horrible concert.  I think they played for a total of an hour!  It was really poor.  But that's Edinboro, always bringing in the best groups.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't think I'm going to be in any exciting places this summer.  I applied at the State Hospital for a job, which I hope desperately that I get.  If I don't, well, I'll probably end up back at Tiny Town (God forbid) or commuting back and forth to Edinboro (with Barb Check) taking a course or two.  As it is I'm not going to graduate till August 1972 anyways so it doesn't matter what I do this summer.  I would really like the job, for the money, but things are tight and I'm afraid I"ll be squeezed out.

I'm going down to Penn State tomorrow morning to spend the weekend with Leslie.  It's going to feel good to get away from this place.  I wanted to go to Florida over Easter but we only had 5 days off and I couldn't afford to cut classes, so I didn't go.  I went home and helped by uncle out in the store and sat on my ass the rest of the time.  It was Passover too that weekend and my sister and her husband and baby were home, so I guess the vacation wasn't a total loss.

What's with Mike and the rest of the gang.  I guess Renee and Morrey were home for Passover but I didn't get to see them.  I guess Renee lost lbs.  Good for her.  I hope she keeps it up.  Right!

Well Paul, I guess that's all my news for now.  Write back when you can. I'll be here till May 21st. Take care.

Monday, April 16, 2012

March 22, 1971 (Letter from Mardi)

Hi kid!  Your really on a writing spree aren't you?  Two letters in a row!  March really improved your spirits.  I admit January and February are shitty but I wouldn't go as far to say March has cured your ills!  But I'm glad to hear you're over your ills.  How did March actually prove to be?  I guess it was ok.  January, Feb. and Mar this year certainly have gone fast.

Anderson and I have found an apartment.  As a matter of fact, this was the apartment we had seen for rent exactly a year ago but were too late to get.  The place is a great deal.  It's furnished (completely) (except for TV and stereo, etc), it's right on the bus line, Lake Calhoun is six short blocks away, a "shopping" center is around the corner -- small stores.  The area is residential and the apartment is in a 4-plex so it's not huge.  It's so much more convenient.  The place is pretty big, a log bigger than Lake Street.  It's long like Renee's parents place.  (Oh, my mother was talking to Mrs. Shulman and I guess Renee is losing weight.  She's lost 20 lbs so far.  Of course she'll have to lose about 120 more for it to do any good.)  Did you get all that?  I write such spontaneous letters!  Anderson and I are trying to get ahead here.  So we figure the apt. will be a lot better all around.  Home sweet home.  NO ONE is staying with us this summer -- the understatement of the year probably.  I don't think I'll give my address to anyone like Barney or Mohney!!  But you know if you ever are passing by you can stop in.  You'll have to take out the garbage and cook dinner and clean and iron and wash etc.  OK?  Just kidding!  SURE!

Nothing fantastic happening here.  Enough though.  Last night was our usual Sunday night w/ Comedy for Big Kids w/ a W. C. Fields movie followed by the Marx Brothers.  Unfortunately, no 3 Stooges!  YICK.  I will never forget your awful laughing at those 3 Stooges!!!

I'm sitting here completely bored.  I always get all my work done by 4:30 on Monday nights and I still have 2 1/2 hours to go!  I should be studying for my class tomorrow, but I'm not in the mood!  I can't wait till I'm done w/ classes -- I'm getting spring fever and it's impossible for me to concentrate on "Financial Lending".  YICK  It was a great course in Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, and Feb but I'm getting ants in my drawers now!  Plus I'm just dying to get out in the sun.  I definitely have to go up and see Barb in May or June for a couple of days then I want to go South w/ my mother, Mr. S. and Bill some time.  I'm really contemplating moving to Florida in about 1 yr for good.  If I can line up a job at a bank I'll be fine.  Only Anderson would have to find a job too because I would feel guilty about leaving him here to freeze to death.

I must close before someone sets me to work!

Take care and write soon?  When are you through with school for the year?  "Have you any idea where you'll go?"  Just don't listen to anyone else's plans!  You know how that goes?!!!!

I guess my mother was talking to Mike and Dody -- they are both home for vacation!  I haven't heard from either one since Xmas.

Hope I can see ya soon?

February 18, 1971 (Letter from Barb Lucia)

Hi there boobie -- have you forgotten your long lost roomie -- due to my great letter writing lately, I am losing every friend I ever had!

How's your semester going?  My life is at its usual February peak -- whoopee.  Both my roommates are away all this week -- one is a teacher and gets the week off and Pam has the week off too -- so they're tripping the light fantastic around the countryside -- so it's me and the dog holding things down here.  I am still spaced from last weekend -- duh!  I went up to Maine with a chick friend and stayed at a farmhouse 2/ a million freaks -- loaded from the word go.  I've never seen so much dope in one place -- bricks and bricks or hash on the kitchen table, canisters of grass, a canister of cocaine (powder) -- another one of orange acid -- what a freaky weekend.  I was waking up at night getting hits in my sleep -- they were doing cocaine but I passed on that one -- stuck with the smoke and the hash brownies.  They had a little kid about 2 years old who was up all night tripping-- she got into the acid.  Hey, safe!  I drove home through the mounds of snow not knowing shit -- duh!  And I was driving a standard which took my utmost concentration just to stay on the road.  This week itself was quiet -- I finally went to a doctor and got some BCP pills -- now in case I ever screw again -- oh such immoral lives we lead.  Speaking of the famed subject -- I got a letter form Mrs. Joan Stevens of Fayetteville, N. Carolina -- know her?  Yes, Joanie Pic did it -- she had a miscarriage while still at Clarion.  She sounds good in the letter.  I'm still freaked by the whole thing.  I heard through the Warren grapevine that Margie and Ward have completely disinherited her of the family fortunate.  Did you ever meet Freddie?  I can't remember if you did or not.  God, I can just see Joan's parents when she told them -- I guess Joan will never be in Warren again!  True to our predictions, Renee was 1st, then Joan -- now it's a toss-up between Tina and Mardi.  I don't know if Bill and Mardi will even bother to get married.  Can you see Anderson at a wedding -- not bombed!

So much for Joan and Renee and Mark.  When's he getting hitched?  I wish Mrs. P and Mr. Sayles would have a wedding so we could go to it but if they do get married, I don't think they'll have a big deal.

More news from the home front -- Timmy flunked out of Edinboro.  I don't know how that can be done but he did it.  So now he's home and happy about it.  He has to get a job and pay back a $400 bank loan cause he didn't get his state money naturally since he didn't pass.  My father is there, "Well, that's three out of three!"  He's so witty!  Of course, we're all so stable anyway.  Timmy is making me look sensible lately.  Of course, I haven't done anything drastic lately either.  What's up for the summer?  Or should I ask?  I've got the urge for going but I also have got a good job (I don't believe I just said that -- oh I've got a good job!)  Of course I won't decide anything until the summer is upon us -- can't feature a pleasant summer in Roxbury, with the garbage, heat, etc.  Yech, I'd have to have a damn good reason to stay here and I don't have a good reason!  So there.

Mardi and Bill are looking for a new place (that's new) -- they still have no money.  Hey, dink, did you get my valentine -- I'm so cute, sending valentines -- I even sent none to Mrs. P cause I knew she'd send me one.

Well, kiddo, have to close now -- just hang in there till spring.  Mardi says she's coming out here in the spring -- hell will freeze over too.  If you get a vacation you come too -- you're always welcome and we could all be together again -- wouldn't that be neato, Paul?  (Take out the garbage!)  Take care and write.  Peace and love and all that.

February 15, 1971 (Letter from Anne)

I've written about 5 letters to you but never got around to mailing any of them.  By the time I got around to mailing them the news was old.

Not really too much has been going on.  Mason Profit played at my school last Saturday nite.  They were really fantastic.  Mountain and Fleetwood Mac are coming along with Rod Stewart and Savoy Brown next weekend in Chicago.  I"m planning to go to both concerts.

This goddamn town and the people in it are driving me crazy.  I can't wait till I can get the hell out of here.  I'm gonna finish up this semester and leave.  I hate it.  The cops area always hangin on your ass for something.

There's really not any new gossip I can think of.  This town is so dead.  It figures there wouldn't be much.  So write soon.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

February 8, 1971 (Letter from Mardi)

Here I sit on a Monday night at work without a damn thing to do.  I have just completed a letter to my mother and one to Barb.

I'm glad to hear you are experiencing good times in Buffalo.  I give you credit for surviving there this long!  How you can stand it is beyond me -- it's just that Buffalo has always been a bad scene for me every time! Except, of course, the time we visited you!  Let me make myself perfectly clear -- I HATE BUFFALO!

All is well in Minneapolis at least for the time being.  Anderson has been at his job now for over 1 year and I'll be going on my 11th month March 2nd!  What is the world coming to?  It's starting to scare me!  But I could never let go of this job now!  With school and work it really doesn't seem so awfully bad.  Not like I had visions of anyway!  No matter how hard I try though I cannot picture you student teaching.  Anderson and I were trying to visualize i t-- IMPOSSIBLE.

I can't remember what I've written to you -- I don't think too much since it's been quite awhile.  Anderson and I missed a chance of a lifetime when we missed Neil young in concert at the Guthrie.  Everyone was protesting because the Guthrie only holds about 1700 and you can't get a bad seat.  But they never advertised and they were sold out the same day tickets went on sale.  So we went down and protested with everyone else and like everyone else we didn't get in.  Richard Havens is at the Depot in about 2 weeks and Sly is here.  I'd like to see Havens and so would Anderson.

I have to close up BIG letter huh!?

Still haven't heard from Joan.  She and Freddie probably skipped town or the country.

Word has it that Barney might be coming out again and I just couldn't live through that again!

I must go and have a ciggie.  How's the non smoker coming along?

Take care, I promise to write a longer letter soon!

January 25, 1971 (Letter from Mardi)

How is the sun baked god of the golden Florida sands holding up in drab, dull, snowy, wet Buffalo, New York?  What a bringdown!  At lest you probably have a great tan that can actually remind you that you were really there!  I spoke to my mother and she liked it; only she was just beat when she got back.  They went to the Bahamas and spent a few days there.  (taa-taa)  Her plane trip home though was kind of a mess for her.  I guess there was a terrific ice storm hitting PA and they couldn't land Agony at Jamestown so they went on to Bradford and they had a taxi there to take her home.  Not too comfortable.

My trip back was unreal!  I got to Cleveland and not, not even one NW flight was flying into or out of Cleveland yet, because of the strike.  So I had to go to Allegheny and get my bags because they were checked on NW to Msp!  So this guy got the bags and carried them to United for m3!  HAPPY!  In Chicago I got on stand-by and I actually got in Msp an hour earlier than expected, hungry, tired, and grubby.  Never again.  Amen.  I was started to get "jet crazy".  I was going into this daze -- on a plane, off a plane, on a plane, off a plane, on a plane, etc.  After Chicago I would have gotten on any plane to anywhere!

So that is about the extent of my excitement since I've gotten back.  No, it hasn't been bad for January.  News years was fun and we all got bombed and collapsed into bed.  We've been tobogganing and skiing and Bill has been playing hockey.  So far we've gone through a carton of Ben-Gay and Bufferin!  The first week Bill's knee went out and he got into a fight.  My Bill! -- Certainly not my boy ----. The next week it was his other knee and this week he smashed his elbow!  I caught a really bad cold from skiing all Sunday and I was home Tues and Wed.  As y ou can tell, we are in good shape.

Everyone, everywhere seems to be in that slump.  I talked to Barb last night and she's just hanging in there!  Barely!  I wrote Joan and note and sent it to her home address.  I have no idea what she is doing.  I gold her if things got unbelievably bad she could come out here or go to Boston.  Naturally everything will work out well for Joan, I hope.  I haven't been able to get in the hang of anything lately.  School, work, the whole bit, except fun.  Which there is never enough of at one time like January-February and March.

I must close now and get to work.  Take care.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

December 23, 1970 (Letter from Anne)

It was really a surprise to hear from you.  I wanted to write so often but I wasn't sure you lived at the same address.

I really don't know where to start it's been so long.  I guess you could say I'm doing alright.

I'm in my fifth year of school because I flunked.  I really goofed off a little too much.  And when I did attend school I never went to more than 2 classes a day.  I'm doing pretty good this year.  I've settled down reasonably well.  I figure I've caused enough trauma to my mother and a lot of other people.

I split to California last spring and got busted.  I'm on probation now for it and I feel I have been reasonably good.  I get off probation in January.  From what my lawyer told me, they were gonna throw me in jail for about 8 months.  I'm really glad I got out of that one.

The cops out here are really nailing down on dope.  There has really been an awful lot of busts lately.  I haven't been in any of them.  Thank God!  I haven't been doing much dope.  Smoke a little reefer occasionally but that's about it.

I went to Iron Mountain last summer.  Had a blast!  Best summer ever.  Nancy and I met some really nice people.  The guys have bikes and we did a lot of exploring.  I didn't know Iron Mt. had such beautiful places.  We would go back into the woods about 3 or 4 miles and find beautiful caverns.  I wish summer could of lasted longer but winter is here and I hate it.  I hate snow.  But what can I say.

Everybody in the family is doing alright.

I gotta go now. Hope to see you soon.  Write!

December 12, 1970 (Letter from Mardi)

Happy holiday to you...  Saw "Holiday Inn" last night w/ Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire -- great movie!  "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas bababa boo."  Old Freddie really had the class.  I wonder when they'll show "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and "Young at Heart" -- every Christmas, it never fails.  Sorry I haven't gotten a line out to you sooner but I'm getting my head out of water.  Tomorrow is my final in economics and Sat is American History!  I'm taking absolutely nothing next semester.  I'm going to sign up for a language and I think I'll take Italian.  I'm anxious to see if I can pick it up again.  Sue is dissatisfied with her job and is trying to get back to school.  She wants courses in physical therapy.  She'd have to go to Pa and get into school out there if she goes full time.  She doesn't know what she wants.  She's so dramatic about everything.  It's like living with Sara Burnhart or something!

Got to talk to Michael on the phone Sat and he's to be t school the 8th or 9th of Jan and he's having trouble with his father etc etc.  If he doesn't get established somewhere, he'll have a nervous breakdown of some kind, he's just too nervous to accomplish anything right now.  I really have sympathy for him.  So what are your plans?  Have you managed to take East or West!  You're keeping me in suspense, you know!!  Take care, see ya soon!!

November 18, 1970 (Letter from Barb Lucia)

It's a bleak, windy and rainy November day and again I sit and wonder "What in the hell am I doing here???"  Have have you been?  I talked to Mardi Monday night -- get this -- she and Anderson are now in Las Vegas for a week, starting today.  Bill won the trip from the Star-Tribune, since he's such a lousy district manager.  But they'll get the last screw in the end because he has to work Christmas Day, so can't come home to Warren, Pa 16365!  Maybe he ca get out of it somehow, knowing Anderson.

I'm pretty sure I'm going home for Thanksgiving -- I'll be flying the nite of Wed, the 25th -- one week from today.  Will you be anywhere around Buffalo then?  I could really dig a ride home with you, since no telling where Timmy is and if he can come and my Dad doesn't know how to get there.  Will you call me and let me know?  You can call collect say, Sunday nite -- late.  I should be able to stay home Thurs-Fri-Sat and leave Sun. So I'll be sure to see you then -- we can go to Shorty's stoned for a real bummer.  I might bring a guy home -- he will freak at the sights and sounds of downtown Warren, Pa, "Hooterville" -- what can I say?  It's going to be ugly there now -- blah!  Sometimes I even wish we were back on Lake Street in 95 degrees bitching about who should take out the garbage -- where shall we live next summer?  California?!  There's nothing new to report from her e-- nothing is uglier than Boston in the winter except Buffalo in the winter.  Yech.

Take care, se you next week sometime -- will we be graced with Mike and Mark's presence this Thanksgiving, not to mention Joan -- old friends -- ???

November 5, 1970 (Letter from Patty)

I was really glad to get your letter, I'd given you up for lost a long time ago.

I can't remember when I last wrote, so I don't' know where to begin.

I registered for school, went to two days of classes, and quit.  A week later I split to Boston and Vermont.  I planned on being gone til the end of October, but seeing as I had no money, the lack of food and the friendly rats in the cabin we found to stay in, caused me to only be gone for two weeks.  The person I went with (Wayne) and I hitched back to Syracuse and got jobs so here I sit.  In my insurance company operating the switch board and filing papers.  I guess I"ll go back to school in January since this company and working are really getting em down,an d also cuz I want to get back to my art work.

Wayne is living with me now at my apartment, but neither of us can take my roommate, so we told her we'd be moving out by the end of this month.  Problem is, we're having a hard time finding another apartment.

Anyhow, I'd really like to have you come up, but it might be better if you can come after we moved, cuz my roommate's really a bummer.

Anyhow, keep in touch and I"ll let you know as soon as I move.

Friday, April 13, 2012

October 23, 1970 (Letter from Renee)

I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to write back to you but I have been most busy since school began.  I am doing my student teaching at a junior high school (9th grade) this quarter and between correcting papers, doing lesson plans, attending my own classes on campus, and keeping our home in some semblance of order I find little time for much of anything else.  I don't think I have ever been so busy before -- and so tired at the same time.

Everything is fine with Morrey and I.  We LIVE for the weekends when we both can relax and forget bout everything.  Morrey and I hope to stay in Columbus one more year and then we are planning on moving to Atlanta, Georgia.  We have to wait until we can get on our feet financially though.  Out of necessity we bought a new car.  A Volkswagon automatic stick shift is what we got and I simply adore it.  I never knew such pleasure in parking before in my life as I have with our little red bug.  I'm hell on wheels!

Student teaching is really a chore.  It's exciting, and educational, yet it is a very insecure feeling -- cause now I'm beginning to realize all the things I've forgotten.  I feel like I could go home and read every nite for a year and still not have enough knowledge to use and bring to the classroom.  The Columbus public schools are really bad.  The system, stinks and is rotten to the core.  The schools are more like jails than institutions of higher learning.  The quality of the education the kids get in Columbus is many times below the kinds of experience that we were fortunate to receive in Warren.  Although Warren might be a hold in the wall as far as things to do for kids, it sure has some of the best teachers, administrators, and buildings that anyone would want.  I'm beginning to realize why college wasn't so tough on me like I thought it would be.  Half of the kids who go to school in Columbus and then go to Ohio State don't know their asses from a hole in the ground, and couldn't write a decent sentence, paragraph, or letter if their lives depended on it.  If anything Paul, we were really fortunate to have had the good educational background from the Warren schools.  Just come to the school I'm teaching in and you'll know what I'm talking about.  I thought I'd really like to be a teacher, and that teaching would be a real challenge but from what I've seen so far, I want no part of it in the future and I'm going to look for a job elsewhere.  It's all a big face.  Ha!  "The great American dream!"  Well, enough about school.

My parents were out last week to visit and Morrey was lucky enough to get tickets for the Ohio State vs. Minnesota game.  My dad really grooved on going to the game and I was pleased that we were able to get tickets.

In June, after I graduate, I think my mother and I will be going to Europe and on to Israel for a 3 or 4 week tour.  My grandfather wanted to do this as a graduation present for me -- and I'm really excited about it.  Morrey has two uncles in Israel so I'm sure it will be fun.  Unfortunately, Morrey wont' be able to go with us because of his job and also cause we can't afford it right now.  He wants me to go though, and I just might take him up on it.  It's really hard to believe that I will finally graduate in June.  It seems like I've been in college for ever and a day, and pretty soon I'll be facing that big cruel world out there.

I doubt very much if we'll be home for Xmas cause Morrey has to work, and I'm going to try to find a part time job since I have a month off.  I do hope though that you will be able to come out and visit us whenever you have a chance.  We have an extra bedroom and you're always welcome to come.  For Thanksgiving we're going to Chicago for a 5 day weekend, which should really be fun.  Morrey and I have never been there before and we're kind of looking forward to the trip.

Well Paul, I've yaked and yaked bout myself and I hope I've filled you in on what we're doing.  I must go back to grading papers for now.  Be good and take care-- and let me hear from you again very soon.