Tuesday, February 21, 2012

December 10, 1968 (Letter from Kathy)

I must sit down in this freezing cold room and write to  you.  So you're not looking forward to winter?  Tell me who is!!  It is so damn cold in this city.  The wind is unbelievable!!!  Honestly, my room can't possibly be more than 50 -- more like 40 I think.

I've found out 4 of my 7 marks:  B- Dental Theory, A- Dental Anatomy, B- Speech, C Chemistry.  I think I'll get an A in Biology, B or C in English, and B in Clinic.  I hadn't expected the C in Chemistry really.  I was hoping I did better on the final.

I'm not doing as well as I had wanted to -- but, yet, it's what I deserve cuz I certainly haven't studied very much!!!

I didn't believe how long your hair was -- longer than mine!!!  I must say that I didn't like it very much, but why should you care what the hell I think.  Right?  Right!!  College sure makes one an individualist!

Did you believe how much Mark has changed?  He's happy though.  He really has found someone that fits his personality better than our crowd.  I saw some of his works -- really great.  He's so talented.

After I got back from Thanks., I had two days of finals, and then flew home for a few days, and will be leaving this hold in the ground on Thursday Jan 2nd.  Unless I get a ride, I'm traveling by bus.  It's too expensive to travel by plane during vacations.  The cheapest by plane is $29 one way!!! I can go bus $31 round trip -- so that if it takes q2 hours to get to Buffalo.  Isn't that terrible.  It's only 7 hours by car.

My roommate just bought the Beatles double album yesterday.  It's really cool.

I just don't believe this room -- this whole dormitory is freezing.  I can't understand nit.  There's no excuse why we should have to wear our coats in our rooms in order to stay warm.

By the way, I like your envelope.  Did you like my idea?

Here's a sexy one for you.  Fits me to a tee?!????  I'd doubt that if I were you.

Well, must rush off to Anatomy.  I wasn't sure when you were in school until, so thought I'd better get this off today -- you probably thought I forgot about you.

P.S.  Still no snow here -- I just can't wait to find out how cold it will be when the snow is blowing around!!!

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