Sunday, December 2, 2012

February 19, 1975 (Letter from Gordon)

I'm mailing today another package of newspapers.  I no longer get the Guardian or the Militant  so all there is are Berkeley Barb and Panther.  Also one more poster.

Did you get the last package?  Would appreciate a card of acknowledgement each time so I know you got them and can still use them.

If for some reason you don't take them to the MSP guys, I know university places would like them, once you're through with them, like Freddy's Feed and Read in Missoula.

My Northwest history job here is fairly dominating.  If I were out of debt I'd prefer to haul my trip out to the mountains on the coast and bum around for the summer.  Who knows, I may be enabled to do that, since federal funds for my present position end May 30th and I am not sure if they'll be able to refund me beyond that.  (The probability is high, but not guaranteed.)

Are you still funded by money transferred from the Dept of Institutions?  Let me know if you get involved with the Deer Lodge Library.  Visit it sometime and ask to see their basement.  I made an inventory of their gov docs.

P.S.  We will be subscribing to the Great Fall Tribune, finally, starting in mid-April.

It is depressing working in an institution (city library) that you know is completely ignored by native people...however, we strive constantly to staff and supply it as if they were to descend on us any minute.  I'm really quite alienated from the whole Euroamerican thing (mentally and mind-set).

Greetings to all at MSP.  With the weather shortly to improve, you will find a love affair starting between yourself and Montana!

My memories of MSP men are sharp, as if graven in metal.  To tell the truth, I was really an "inmate" in disguise!

Wrote a letter to the Missoulian, which probably wasn't printed.

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