Mardi, Barb, Joan
How the hell are ya? Thanks for the few lines, you sound like you're movin and a groovin there already -- you rat. You'll be a true Scorpio snake yet.
Everything is clunking along here as usual. I have a test tomorrow and an experiment in Psych to write up, neither of which I've started on yet. Went to W&J this weekend - had a riot but didn't get too much to drink cause I got kicked out of all the bars -- no proof for 21. Well, geez, I have trouble getting into places for 18, let alone 21! I guess Mike left last week -- I really wish him well but I don't think he'll like it. Even after the shit he handed out this summer, I really like the dumb kid. I went home last weekend (14th) cause Mardi was leaving the 16th -- us three went out that night -- like, we all hit the high spots -- 1st, Shorty's; 2nd, Surf Club, 3rd, Shorty's, 4th, Josie's barn (open keg party up the road from Shorty's). What a mess -- our song -- "Get your motor running, get out on the highway" -- clunk, clunk, crash. When I go home now, I feel like the biggest barfly. We're really in a groove by now. Surf Club wasn't good at all -- that cop was there, natch. So, I haven't heard from Mardi yet. And she's been gone 6 days already. I have no address to write to so I can't write first. Well, Nelly, you be good and study -- you'll see why soon. I'm enclosing something soothing for your bulletin board and an empty Lark pack from Seton Hill (keep it, it's very rare).
Write sometime, and tell me what you're doing.