Tuesday, January 31, 2012

September 22, 1968 (Letter from Barb)

Mardi, Barb, Joan

How the hell are ya?  Thanks for the few lines, you sound like you're movin and a groovin there already -- you rat.  You'll be a true Scorpio snake yet.

Everything is clunking along here as usual.  I have a test tomorrow and an experiment in Psych to write up, neither of which I've started on yet.  Went to W&J this weekend - had a riot but didn't get too much to drink cause I got kicked out of all the bars -- no proof for 21.  Well, geez, I have trouble getting into places for 18, let alone 21!  I guess Mike left last week -- I really wish him well but I don't think he'll like it.  Even after the shit he handed out this summer, I really like the dumb kid.  I went home last weekend (14th) cause Mardi was leaving the 16th -- us three went out that night -- like, we all hit the high spots -- 1st, Shorty's; 2nd, Surf Club, 3rd, Shorty's, 4th, Josie's barn (open keg party up the road from Shorty's).  What a mess -- our song -- "Get your motor running, get out on the highway" -- clunk, clunk, crash.  When I go home now, I feel like the biggest barfly.  We're really in a groove by now.  Surf Club wasn't good at all -- that cop was there, natch.  So, I haven't heard from Mardi yet.  And she's been gone 6 days already.  I have no address to write to so I can't write first.  Well, Nelly, you be good and study -- you'll see why soon.  I'm enclosing something soothing for your bulletin board and an empty Lark pack from Seton Hill (keep it, it's very rare).

Write sometime, and tell me what you're doing.

September 21, 1968 (Letter from Patty)

Well here I'm finally at college and I just love it.  Everything is better than I expected it to be.  The kids are all so friendly.  It's like living in another world compared to high school.  My courses are really interesting, and instead of mimicing back facts, I'm finally learning to really think for myself.  I think I'm finally becoming a person in my own right too.  I just can't say enough how great it is.

We definitely will have to make an effort to get together.  Can you leave for a weekend any time you want?  We (the freshman girls) have to have written permission from our parents.  I really don't think my father would appreciate it if I asked to go down to Buffalo right now.

I suppose I should tell you my courses.  They're philosophy, public affairs, math, advanced English, physical chemistry, and physics.  The only problem is that my philosophy professor is a complete bore at lectures.

There's much more I could tell you about school, but I really don't have time right now.  Write soon and let me know your address and how school is going.

Monday, January 30, 2012

September 20, 1968 (Letter from Mark)

Just got here yesterday and I only wished I could be having the fun that you are.  There isn't anything - that is right.

My room isn't finished and I was put in the NTID dorm - deaf mutes.  They didn't give me a roommate, so that makes it all the worse.  The art majors are all hippies.  Slobs.  That's the group I've got to mingle with.  Who knows, maybe I'll be a hippie.

My classes start next Thursday.  Classes from 7:45 to 5:00 everyday.  It's really going to be ruff.  There only thing nice is I'll be downtown with all the art majors.  There's only 125 of them.

The campus is really beautiful.  What's done and I don't think there is a campus that compares to is as far as architectural design.  It's really beautiful. 

I just wish I could get out of this dorm and met some freshmen.

My room is really nice -- carpeted, two closets, two dressers, desk and chair, air-conditioner, and phone.

Write soon.  Maybe next letter I'll like it better.

September 20, 1968 (Letter from Mike)

This is my 8th letter tonite so if it looks like shit - tough.  I'm so tired and I have so much to do.  (Oh god is this letter going to be short.)

Got a letter from Mardi today and she really seems to like it.  I must go down and see Mrs. P tomorrow.  I sure am going to miss that house.

I spent the evening with Tina and we had a nice time.  We listened to records and she sewed nametags on all of her things.  A really brutal evening.

Hey, I know this is short, but I'm dead.  I'll write Sun. night or Monday and fill you in!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

September 20, 1968 (Letter from Mardi)

I'm going to start this letter but I don't have time how -- Duh!  But I had to start it.  Things are so different here!  I'll be back later.  I have to read my psychology -- already.  Bye____

Hi, I'm back!  Barney and I just had to make reservations for Christmas!  We fly Northwest straight to Cleveland, then we take Allegheny to Jamestown.  I'll be leaving at 8:30 Fri the 20th of Dec.  I'll get home and be able to go out again -- duh!

Where, where should I start!

The trip out was fantastic!  We got to Cleveland in no time.  Cleveland Hopkins is a really nice airport.  The jet to Minn. was beautiful.  We stopped in Chicago and then flew above the clouds the entire way to Msp.  It was so beautiful with the sun on top of you.  Then we came down to land and it was raining!!  The airport is beautiful!  We spent the rest of the day registering and handing out money to everyone!  The apt is something else.  It's not the greatest but it's not bad.  I'll have to explain the situation!  Mary Jo and I got along really fine (I met her on the plane) so we decided to room together.  Well we got here and three of the girls had already been here since June.  Sharon I don't like.  She's a real cute one!  A girl "twenty-seven"!  Arlene isn't cute at all but she's nice but not quite with it or something.  She's getting married in April, I guess.  Patti Smith is a Negro from Pittsburgh and is pure soul but she's got all these daddy friends and doesn't seem to care about anything.  Linda is like a girl from Russell -- need I say more?  So out of five girls, Mary Jo and I get along fine.  Right now Mary Jo and I are hoping to move out and up to the third floor w/ Barney and Johnson becuase they don't get along with their roommates and the one girl might be leaving.  We almost convinced them Mon. to switch but they backed out.  So we told the house mother, if anybody leaves or if we can switch to the third floor we'd really like it.  She said she thought we could if the situation arises!  So we're hoping.  Mary Jo and I are going to paint the woodwork tomorrow night so when our posters come, the place will look so much beetter.  We figure if we get it all fixed up nice we'll get the chance to move.  Does that make sense!?  The apt has grown on me already and I'm getting used to it.  When I got up Tuesday I was the only one w/ an 8:30 class and it was raining and I stood in our little kitchen w/ a bowl of Rice Krispies and put up the shade and it was so depressing!  Nancy did exactly the same thing and she was ready to go home!  Oh that's all over now, but some days the apt looked so depressing, today was the first day it hasn't really rained.  I haven't seen the sun!  But everything is getting there now.  It took a couple of days.  Classes have started.  I've got Psych, Eng, Charm!? (duh), typing, shorthand, and about five other credits.  The school is really nice and the day goes so fast.  Nancy and I have the same schedule of classes.  We start at 8:30 and we're done by three.  Some kids go until six!  It really is long when you have an afternoon schedule.  I know I'm forgetting a ton of things.  We don't have any special plans this weekend but there's a big party at the university - frat party!!!  We're going to a football game.  The tickets say Minn Vikings vs. Detroit Lions.  Should be a good game!  It's really fantastic here.  We're almost right in the city. It's all beautiful -- tons of little shops, Dayton's is fantastic. The people are great, they're so cool.  I met the nicest guy, a hippy -- my god was he dirty!  He was really good looking.  He had long hair and a beard that hadn't been washed in months.  His shirt was kinda just hanging on him and pants were ripped and faded, his feet were black w/ dirt.  He went to Minn U.  Nancy and I could have just stayed in the city.  I must go now.  Think I'll wash my hair.

Tell your roommates I said Hi!  How are classes going?  Write some good long letters when you get the time.  I know I hardly have anytime.

See you at Christmas.  Mark left for school today.  Mike and Renee leave Sun.  Miek sent me a telegram saying "Raining and lonely in Bemus Point.  Love, Twenty-seven."  I said who the hell's sending me a telegram?!  Take care.

September 18, 1968 (Letter from Mary)

I was glad to hear that you have it so good...as for me, it is quite different.  Classes started the day we came and have been getting worse.  I'm taking Human Biology, Microbiology, (labs in each), Foundations of Nursing, Psychology, and Clinical Experience - (on the floors of the hospital).  Our curfew hours are a riot, too.  Monday through Thursday - 8:30 p.m.!  Friday and Saturday - 1:00 a.m. and Sunday 10:30.  Of course I never get any work done on the week nights so my weekends are shot even if I do get a chance to get out.  (Do you get it?)  Confusion.  Sorry about that.

Do you have Patty's address?  I don't think I've written to her since 9th grade!  Maybe I can renew our good old friendship.  I hope so.

Bob is over at Pitt - 2 blocks away -- it seems convenient but I don't get to see him as much as I'd like to.  Freshman engineer are supposed to have it extra rough which means he studies quite a bit.  Oh, well...

We did have fun last weekend tho.  Bob thinks he might join Phi Gamma Delta so we went to their rush parties.  Everyone seemed extra nice and no one acted fake or anything.  What a change from WAHS.  It was great.  Are you going to pledge?

Pastor Mull came to Pitts yesterday and stopped to see me and Robert.  He wanted to take us to dinner -- but weird (Bob) couldn't go.  I went with him all by myself.  Can you imagine?  I was rather scared, especially when he asked me what church I had been going to.  For the past three weeks, I've gone to St. Paul's Catholic!  Help again.  I turned red.

Well I really should start studying or reading or something.

I love mail!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

September 16, 1968 (Letter from Kathy)

It sounds like your doing pretty well.

There's quite a bit of difference between Warren and here -- like there are 3,200 freshman.  It's so huge.  I have a real nice roommate and a really nice big room.  There's plenty of room for everything.

I've been here 8 days and it's been all one big party - classes start tomorrow.  I have Dental Anatomy, Chemistry (with a three hour lab - kinda think Chem is going to be hard), Biology, English, .Dental Theory, Dental Clinic, and Speech.  It's a full schedule.

I'm on a grant-in-aid.  I work 11 hours a week and get half tuition:  $600.  I also heard just Tuesday from Warren Foundation - a $500 grant.  I fell a lot better now!  The work I do in the cafeteria isn't bad except I have to get up at 6 about two morning a week to work breakfast. 

There has been a mixer (dance) every night this week -- the ratio of boys to girls is 8:1.  Not bad!!  I met this really great guy (a prep guy) from Harrisburg.  He is just about the only other freshman from Pa.  There are more people here from New York itself.  Half of this school commutes - it's the largest private university in the country, 37,000 (only half are here at a time though because it's a co-op program - five years.)  My college has 105 girls in it so there is some place around here where I do not exist as a number!!

I wrote to Mark, but have not heard from him yet.  Heard from Gary - I guess he had a lot of fun down there for initiation.

It's really beautiful today -- I can't wait to get down to the Fenway.  It's really beautiful -- grass, trees, streams and everything in the smelly city.

My roommate only lives 15 miles away - she went home Friday and came back t his morning.  T hat kinda makes me homesick but I guess I'll live.  After classes start I won't have much time to feel homesick in.

I did my laundry today -- everything looks an ugly color already and I'm supposed to know how to wash clothes -- really though I think it's the washers.

The meals are really good - there are those whose opinions differ, but they just have to have something to complain about.

You wouldn't believe how funny the mixers are.  At home all the girls come early and stand around waiting for the guys to come.  Not here!!!  They have to hold guys out until girls come because otherwise there are all boys and no room for the small ratio of girls.  I almost died laughing the other night.  I didn't believe my eyes.

Well, I guess that's all I've got to say right now.

Oh, almost forgot.  They had a freshman assembly the other night (in about four sections!!)  Paul -- never, ever, ever, ever have I been so embarrassed.  They were so gross.  Not even you would have believed what the upperclassmen said.  Girls don't even discuss what they talked about.  I could have seaped through the walls I'm sure.  Oh well maybe that's college and I'm just the small-town square.

September 16, 1968 (Letter from Mike)

I just got back from the airport.  Mardi was really happy and I think half of the class of 1968 was there.  It was a thoroughly brutal experience to say the least.  I hated to see her go.  For some odd reason I've grown attached to that girl.  The old group has really been fucked up now.

I'm finally done with work an am I ever glad.  I'm in the process of thinking about packing.  But at the moment that's all.  I'm not too anxious to start tearing my room apart so I'll let it go till some other day, like about Saturday.  Then I'll leave my parents in a uproar so things won't be dull around here.  I still have lots of goodies to get and things to do.  (By the way, why don't you drop Mrs. Peroski a note?  I'm sure she'd like to hear from you and it might cheer her up.)

I've got one hell of a cold and I'm trying to get rid of it before I go to school.  But you know what I think of staying home, so I doubt it if I'll be able to shake it.  Why do these assy things always happen to me!  I've probably got lung cancer of something like that.

Well Nellie, I'm going back to bed.  Only 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night and I need my beauty sleep you know.  Write before I leave and then I'll write from school.  (I got a letter from Sigma Phi Epsilon...sounds like a dirty rush to me.  I'll find out when I get there and tell all about it.  It might be interesting.)

Friday, January 27, 2012

September 14, 1968 (Letter from Mark)

Not to much to do down here.  Last week Joan, Marti, Mike and I went to the Surf Club.  Joan had ten dollars taken from her purse and Mike had two packs of cigarettes stolen.  Gayle and I went to the show last night and to the 4 O'Clock Club.  It was "Boom" with Liz Taylor and Burton and it had to be the worst movie I've seen all year.  There was no plot and was it ever boring.  Tonite Barb,m Marti, and Mike went to Surf.  I'd gone but I'm pretty broke right now.

Starting to get ready for school.  Starting to get things in boxes and suitcases.  I've cleaned my room out and it really looks like a morg.

Your apartment sounds great.  Mary Jane Miller said to say something about the "Inferno".  She says it is a really wild nightclub where some really great groups play.

I'm sort of looking forward to having 3 roommates.  I have a feeling it will really be crowded and messy, but I know I'll have a great time.

Have you been dating any girls?  Did Rene get your collages to you?  Marti and Mike spent a whole night making them.  Mike's and Marti's looked pretty good, but I don't know about Rene's!

Mike got his roommate last week.  He got in a new dorm I guess and his roomate's Polish.  We went up and saw Dody the other night.  Boy I sure feel sorry for him stuck at EOC.  It sounds like a dinky high school.  He's been there a week and knows everyone.  They have a code of dress and one kid came in with beads and they kicked him out.  Dody has a ruff schedule and he has a job working every morning. 

I guess Gary likes Titusville - he's been home twice already though.

Mart's leaving Monday morning .  She still doesn't believe she's leaving.  Mike's taking her to the airport.

Well, got ta go.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

September 11, 1968 (Letter from Anne)

Hi!  How are ya?

I'm just fine (I think).  I had a great summer.  But right about now I feel like shit cuz my grandmother (moms mother) is dying and I've been cooking dinner.  I hope nobody gets food poisoning.  T hey (doctors) don't think she'll make it.

I've got boy problems up to my ears.  This guy who's name just happens to be Paul (how does that grab ya) who is a senior likes this one girl who is a freshman who is a freshman and she doesn't like him but is leading him on like hell.  Well, I like this guy and he is supposed to like me also.  Well, I guess I'm supposed to make up my mind and wait for him to make up his mind.  Well, if he thinks I'm gonna wait for him he's crazy.  Me and a couple of girls are gonna go up and mug her.  HA!  Not really, just chop off her hair and cut up her face a little.  That's all.  Oh! well, what can I say.

Back to the summer.  Nancy and I smoke grass twice and it's great stuff but booze is better.  I can't drink beer anymore cuz I got sick on night.  I didn't feel too good and I drink three warm beers, ate a liver, mustard, mayonanse (sp.) sandwich then had 4 more cold beers and then I heaved for 30 min. constantly.  My God! everytime I taste the stuff I feel sick to my stomach but I can drunk the hard stuff.  Wow!

Oh well, what can I say!

I had to cook dinner for 7 bloody people.  Oh God!

Well, got to go cuz homework must be done.  God! just one more year after this year.  Great.  Be good and write soon.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

September 11, 1968 (Letter from Mike)

Well, I didn't go to Boston, and if you could have seen the station wagon, you'd know why.  That car was riding so low in the back that I really don't think it will ever make it without scraping bottom all the way along the thruway.

By the way, I'm taking Mardi to the Jamestown airport.  She's flying to Cleveland.  Sorry, we're not coming to Buffalo.   I'd really like to see you, but...I

Got my roommate and address...

Make sure you use that exact address or else it will never get to me.  My roommate's name is David Rinkoski.  A Pollak no less!  No, I haven't even met him yet.  Some of my best friends are Polish!  He's from around Pittsburgh so he can't be all bad.  I'm in Ernsthausen Hall.  It's really beautiful.  I can't wait.

I gotta go.  Write me again soon.  Sorry I can't write longer but I gotta go to work blah, blah, blah..!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

September 11, 1968 (Letter from Joan)

Hi, old boozin' buddy!  How are you coming along?  It sounds as if you fit right into U of B.

A lot of stuff has happened in the last few days, but I'll try to tell you some of the more interesting things.  We had a dance last night w/ a local band.  About half the kids from last year who are going to main campus came up.  That place swung like the Surf Club never did.

There are only about 30 of us who came to the Venango Campus so you can imagine all the hugging (and crying) when the kids came up.  J. O. was here, but I didn't speak to him.  It seemed funny to be dancing w/ all his best friends while he was dancing w/ mine -- and yet not talk to him.

I'm campaigning for Student Senate of the freshman class.  The group this year is even better than last so I'm glad I came back.  I'm in triple section on 3rd floor right next to the boy's door.  My roommates are really nice, but my best friends are on the second floor.

A new ruling came out that the 2nd semester freshmen have to take past in Frosh week.  Two guys want me to be their slaves.  I'm not sure yet if I have to take part - I hope not!!

Well, Paul this was going to be a long letter, but I have zillions more to write.  You're welcome (for the collage).  Well, here's seeing you at Thanksgiving.  Write soon!

Monday, January 23, 2012

September 9, 1968 (Letter from Mardi)

How did you first day of classes go?  Study, study study!

How did you like the collage Joan and I made for you?  We made all of them at my house, what a mess!  How's Renee?  Tell her I say hi, if you see her.  Do you like your roommates?  What are they like?  They probably think we're crazy.

I'm starting to get things together for school.  I got my apartment!  We're all living in Gage Hall.  The set-up there is nice too.  Two bedrooms, dining area, kitchen, and bath.  TV and everything is on the first floor.  Boy was I glad to get that letter.

I went down to school with Joan yesterday afternoon.  I hope she gets along OK this semester.

There's not much happening.  Everybody hit Surf Club Saturday night.  Someone stole $10 from Joan's purse!  What a night.

I'm going to close up now.  Don't write back.  I'll write when I get out to school, OK?  I have to go start my dress.  I bought too much material.  Need any flowered underwear?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

September 7, 1968 (Letter from Mike)

Judging from your letter, I think I can safely say that your major is sloppy writing, right?  Was your room on fire or something like that?  My God Nelson!

Well, it sounds like you're having fun anyway.  I still haven't found out who my roommate is.  I probably don't even have a room. I'm really getting mad about it too.

Well, you failed to mention anything about your roommate(s).  I hope he likes collages.  Because we sent three up with Reen.  I just hope she remembers them.  After all the time we spent working on them, they better be up on your wall.  I've got another one for you if I ever get around to mailing it.

As usual, nothing new to report from Warren.  I can't understand why everything got so dull around here...all of a sudden!  Oh shit, is that a joke or what?  Well, I've only got two more weeks of it left so I think I just might survive, but don't count on it.

I'm taking Mardi and her mother to the airport on the 16th I think.  That ride home is going to be murder with her mother crying the whole way back to Warren and then some.  I don't think I'll be able to stand it myself!  (I think I need more practice typing, don't you?)