Tuesday, March 26, 2013

May 8, 1976 (Letter from Harriet)

The New Alchemists Institute does not open until May 1, so I decided not to go to Massachusetts that weekend anyway.  Things in Binghamton are pretty good, considering my present situation. I've been in the hospital this week for tests on my bladder and kidneys.  The doctor has found the cause for my ailments and I expect to be going home in a few days.  I've read so many stupid ladies magazines this week while laying here-- I can tell you about one million ways to bake a shortcake or to redecorate a bathroom!!  At least I have a reason to get some rest and relaxation at home.  So many things have been going on at once.

My job has taken a slightly different, but wonderful turn.  From now til the end of June, I will be in charge of a beautiful nature preserve that my school district owns.  The preserve has a small path, hayfields, pine & broadleafed forests  pastures, and a nature museum.  Inside the museum is a fascinating collection of stuffed birds and mammals, pressed plant collections and conservation booklets.  The best part is that it's mine -- all mine -- to do what I want with (I'm so possessive!)!!! It's really exciting -- I'm going to take kids out there and teach them lessons on wildflowers, animals, insects, pond life, etc.  The children will also do math and language arts lessons which are geared to the environment.  A "total experience".  I'm really happy that I won't have to be inside the school all day during the warm months.

I'm still unsure of where I'll be and what I'll be doing this summer.  I've narrowed my schools to Rhode Island, Cornell & North Carolina (not bad, eh?) and will have to take summer courses to get ready for them.  I don't know where I'll take these courses, I have to find a school that gives what I need.  It will be nice to be a student again.  I feel as if I am socially in limbo.  It's hard to relate to the people I work with, I feel as if we are on totally different planets.  It is also hard, though, to relate to students who are experiencing things that I went through years ago (I sound like an old bag!)  I hope I find my niche among the ecologists I will be working with.  That is one reason why I want to see the New Alchemists.  They are a group of "freaks" who have their doctorates but want to do something constructive with them. They left the strict scientific mold of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute to form an organization with more practical purposes.

Very sadly, our home is breaking up.  Sheryl is graduating and moving to Woodstock, N.Y. with her boyfriend.  Tony is going to Buffalo to take a bar review course & take the bar exam.  I am going to finish my teaching year here and will be living with some friends on a farm nearby until June 30.  Tony has spoken with his (and your) friends in Boston and says that he is going to go there before the end of June.  He doesn't really want to see the new Al. though, they are in Falmouth & out of the way.  I have met someone who lives in Falmouth and has invited me to come & stay at her house, so there is a possibility (once again) that I will stop by next weekend either alone or with Tony.  In any case, if I come I'll give you a call.

I'm really glad to hear that you are happy in your new home -- hope you've made amends with Ma Bell.

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