Wednesday, March 20, 2013
May 5, 1976 (Letter from Grayce)
April & May always seem to be very hectic for me -- and doubly so this year. I'm awfully sorry I haven't written before this, but I truly did not have time & I don't like writing little notes & saying I will write more next time -- I feel like such a cheat!
I am curious to know if you received the letter I wrote you at your aunt's & uncle's? It's not really important, but I just wanted to know because the day after I got the address I washed my jeans and part of the paper was gone. I just want to know how accurate my memory was.
Anyway -- I am really happy that you are happy in your new place & your new job, etc. What color is your car? Do you have any nice neighbors to keep you from getting lonely? I mean, aside form your family. It must be nice to work with people you like. Sister has arranged our schedules so that Mary & I hardly ever see each other anymore & even when we do work on the same day, we are not "allowed" to go to lunch together (although there is no logical reason for this -- except that Sister doesn't want us to). I'm sure she thinks we talk about her all the time when we're together (actually, we do, but not all the time) (heh, heh). Anyway, I won't bore you any longer about my job -- it makes me sick just to think about it. I do think I'll be quitting at the end of June, so maybe I can put up with it 'til then.
What has been keeping me busy lately, is that Brook's sister is getting married on May 26. Her boyfriend,m Terry, plays in a jazz band & didn't find very well-paying jobs in Pa. up 'til now, but he went to Florida a few weeks ago & got a good offer. Since he will have 2 weeks free before he starts, they decided to get married soon & go right down. Otherwise, he'd probably have to work for about a year without any large amount of free time, and they really didn't want to wait quite that long. I went out with Pat today to pick out her gown. I'm sure you're extremely interested in all of this, huh? Just on the edge of your seat with anticipation of what will come next?
We haven't heard bout Idaho yet. I wish they'd hurry up & let us know, because I hate not to know what I'll be doing in August. I'm getting antsy. I'm hoping we go; and if not I'm going to have some serious thinking to do about my situation in general. I've become disenchanted with library work, I'm sorry to say. I know why, but intellectualizing the reasons doesn't help very much. I just feel like getting into something else entirely right now. I'm not exactly sure what. Any suggestions? I wish I werent' so apprehensive about trying new things -- I usually like new things but I eventually do try, but it takes me forever to relax into doing them.
I'm sorry -- all this babble. You must be asleep by now -- what does all this matter anyway!
My brother graduates high school in June (the 6th). My parents are holding their breath, I think. He's not being convinced that he should go to college (& why should he, really?) It seems to be upsetting my father very much. This surprizes me because he's not usually so achievement oriented. (Sometimes, but not usually.) He cannot understand why Tommy, who gets 95's in physics & does exceptionally well in mostly all sciences & math, doesn't want to go on in it. (He also never studies.) The school he goes to is pretty academically inclined, so I suppose he is pretty talented to do so well. My father was really pushing him to go to Drexel (where he went) but Tommy refuses.
I don't think they'd be so worried if he had a "viable alternative". But his main ambition right now seems to be to maybe get a part-time job in a clothes store -- not their idea of a viable alternative. I told them to leave him alone & see what he comes up with after a few months, but I don't know if they will or not.
Tommy must be feeling all this, because he called me the other day -- something he's never done before. I though tit funny that he didn't mention anything though, but maybe he wanted me to initiate that kind of talk.
I suppose if you have a sister with 1 degree in Philosophy & 1 in library science & she has a job she doesn't care for after all that time, it is not exactly an enticement to do what she did, huh?
He also seemed pretty upset about Idaho. He said kiddingly that he was going to disown me, but I can't help but feel that maybe he meant me to know that I'm deserting him. I do wish I could see him more often. He's changed so much in the 3 years that I haven't seen him regularly. He's really a person now; sometimes I feel like such a stranger. If we do go to Idaho, it won't get any better. I'd like to have Tommy come here for about a week this summer just so we could get acquainted again.
Brook & I have become real "back-to-nature" people lately. Two weekends ago, we went to visit Willy at Penn State & well all went camping at Poe Valley -- it was really a reunion. Last weekend we went fishing (& didn't catch a thing). Actually, I took along lots of paper to write you a long, long letter while I was there, but I was so bored I almost went crazy & I simply fidgeted like a madwoman -- so this was not conducive to good letter writing. (Looking back over this letter, I'm beginning to wonder just what is!)
Have your read anything really exciting lately? (Fiction) I have enough philosophy non-fiction to keep me busy. Doris Lessing is still on the top of the charts as far as I'm concerned. I just finished her Golden Notebook. I'm running out of her & I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't go on these binges, but I just can't wait.
Oh well, I guess I"ll say goodbye now (if you're still here, even!)
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