Monday, February 17, 2014

September 25, 1977 (Letter from Grayce)

The past few weeks have been quite phenomenal, in terms of travel, seeing new things & old friends, and rushing around trying to get things done.  Maybe I can explain better.  I'd rather tell you about our trip to California in person -- and that not a far-fetched idea.  We've moving to Rochester (we're not sure exactly when, but probably by the end of October).  You can look at it either as a nice birthday gift or as a terrible Halloween prank!  (Probably the latter, huh?)

Anyhow, Brook went out for an interview just before our trip & they offered him a job as a quality control engr. (which is what he did before).  We thought it would be a good area to explore (& hopefully we'll stay for awhile.)  Last week, after coming back from Calif, we had a few days to get ready for our house-hunting trip to Rochester. We got back yesterday.  We saw a few home we liked but nothing that we really liked -- enough to pay what they cost, anyway!!!  And none seemed quite so charming as the place we have now!  So, because of our limited time (& resources) we began looking for roomy townhouses & apts (which were expensive, too, but didn't demand a large down payment such as houses do).  We found one we liked in Fairport, N.Y., 15 minutes outside of Rochester.  We tried to find one right in the city, but the cheapest one we liked was $425/mo. & wasn't nearly as roomy as ours (although ours isn't a hell of a lot cheaper.)   The main reason for our worry about money is we will have to pay the mortgage on this house ($350/mo.) until we sell it -- and the real estate market here is flooded with places on sale!  (Just our luck.)  Oh well -- so I'll be using lots of bean recipes for awhile.

Brook & I haven't eaten red meat for quite some time, anyway, so at least we're used to it.  We mostly eat chicken, fish, and some meatless casseroles.  I still haven't gotten Brook to eat eggplant!! But I haven't given up yet!

I am really dis-oriented lately -- just the thought of the things that need to be done & (thrown out) before we move makes me think of other things to do which aren't' so boring -- which means I haven't gotten much of consequence DONE.  I really have to start pushing myself to send change of address cards & a bunch of other lovely stuff!!

I'm not much of a letter-writer, either, lately, so please forgive -- especially this one.  I'm not looking forward to writing to every single person & saying the same thing about moving, changing jobs, etc. Oh well....

One new address will be (probably by Oct 31st)

Harts Woods Manor
1 High Gate Trali
Fairport, N.Y. 14450

That's about all for now.

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