Sunday, March 18, 2012

August 21, 1969 (Letter from Kenny)

How the fuck are you?  Guess what?  School's going to start soon.  I figured you'd be excited.  So how's work?  I quit last Friday and I'm just screwing around, buying stuff for school.  Did you get a car?  I hope so because I failed my road test and a driver's licence is nowhere in sight.

I'm going up to Sept 2 on a 2:40 flight arriving about 3:45 so why don't you meet me.  If you can't find anyone to drive you, call Bucelli, he's at Englewood now.  I have a better idea if you have a car.  Take the last week in August off, drive down here, my mother is going away for labor day weekend so there's plenty of room.  Then we can drive up the 2nd, that is also the only way my stereo will get there so think about it, and drop me a line soon either way.

Jack Fishner called a couple days ago and asked if he could live with us.  I couldn't say no to him over the phone and Rosen is willing if we all agree, but he doesn't want Jack in his room and I don't want him in ours.  So when Jack calls you (he will) tell him that unless he rooms with  Rosen he can't live with us, because I couldn't take him for a while year.

I'm going to be a student sponsor helping freshman so that's why I have to be there early.

That's about it for now.  Write and let me know what's happening and what you are going to do.

P.S.  We are #4 in the new Playboy campus edition!!!

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