Thursday, March 1, 2012

February 28, 1969 (Letter from Kathy)

So how did you "what time is it?" turn out?  It certainly did sound like a good topic for discussion.  Yes, we're still having snow.  We had five days of classes cancelled because of snow, but fortunately it has not extended our final schedule and I should still be coming home this Friday.  Please pray that Boston has no more snow.  We already have three feet.

Finals start this Monday thru Friday.  I had my biology practical today.  It wasn't as hard as I expected it to be, but then biology has always been one of my easier subjects.  Chemistry, Anatomy, Dental theory, and English are always something to study for.  I was exempt from the English final though because I was successful in writing a short story (was an option).

Unfortunately I did not get to see the Rascals because we had planned on getting either $3.50 or $4.50 tickets.  Well, it turned out they only had $5.50 seats left and I only had $21.00 on me (to get 4 tickets.)  That's $1.00 short.  I told the other girls to go. I think it meant more to them.

Got a really nice letter from Mark the other day -- 9 feet long!!  It's really beautiful.  He's a really strange guy -- misunderstood by most of our gang, but I really like him in spite of his peculiarities.  I often think he has twice the mind that we "earthly high" people have.  He said that in spite of the fact that I was part of the Warren gang, meaning I had to be on the top of the world, that I was basically a good kid.

I'm going shopping this Thursday and I'm gonna buy a pair of bell bottoms -- the h___ with what Warren people think.  I'm not really the right shape for them, but I kinda want a pair.

Well, gonna put a few hours of studying in for my finals.  Take care and don't study too hard.

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