Friday, March 16, 2012

July 16, 1969 (Letter from Patty)

I'm working right now, but everyone has gone to lunch before some big meeting and I won't have anything to do for the rest of the afternoon, so I decided to write you a letter since I owe you one from quite awhile ago.  I'm typing it so that everyone will think I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

I wasn't shocked by your last letter.  In fact I had a feeling that you were up to something like that.  A lot of my friends at school take drugs, and if they and you want to that's your business. I don't' care.  It's just that I don't personally want to get involved with them. Still, that doesn't mean that we're any less friends.  I hope you feel that way too.

If I didn't tell you before, I'm working in my father's office this summer.  I'm really not that crazy about doing nothing but pecking a typewriter all summer, but money is money and $75 a week is pretty good pay.

Over July 4th weekend I went to Boston with some of my friends from school.  I'd never been there before and it was just great.  We went to Harvard, a great restaurant called Boston 1800, Nantasket Beach, Haymarket Square, and quite a few other places.  I really think Boston is a great city.

Is it HOT here today.  It seems as if every office in this building has air conditioning but mine.  I suppose I can't complain though, it'll be even hotter at home tonight.  We kinda live in the country (suburb country) but it always seems h otter there than in the city.  Can't figure it out.

How's the job going?  Are you having a good time this summer.  I hope so.  It always seems that my summers are dull, either because we've just moved or because I don't know anyone my own age cause I don't go to school here.

Have you heard from anyone in Warren lately.  The only person who's really still around there and writes to me is Monica.  I suppose Jinny's at school at this time -- what a hell of a time to be going to school.  I never hear from Mike anymore.  I have a feeling he doesn't consider me good enough to write to.  He always could really piss me off.  (The reason I'm using such good language is that I haven't had much of a chance to use it all summer and it's been building up so that now that I have the chance it just comes pouring out -- sorry about that.)

I'll really be glad when school starts again, this being super good and super staying is really getting to me.  Last night I had so much to do that my father and me (i) fixed the stereo!

If the typing in this letter was an example of my work (or is) it looks as if I should be getting fired any time now.  Oh well!

What do you think?  Should i make my i's, when i'm speaking about me, capital or lower case?  The more i think about it the more it seems to me that by making them capitals i'm being snotty.  Don't you agree that I should be humble, and make them lower case from now on?

As you can see, I'm really cracking up.  Anyhow, I guess I've rambled on long enough so i think i'll go do something construction now -- like the crossword puzzle in the paper.  Write soon.  PLEASE!!! yor nuti friend,

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