Monday, November 12, 2012
December 23, 1974 (Letter from Grayce)
When I bestowed you with the name "Tweety" -- not through any great thought about the subject, either -- I never dreamed that such an avalanche would descend. I really intended this to be quite subtle, but maybe the fact that so many seem to agree is only giving testimony to my original insight. I suppose the most incisive insights are those that are somewhat intuitive rather than diagnostic.
I'm sorry that it's taken me longer than usual to reply. I intended to write as soon as I received your letter, but I got sick. Not real sick, but just sick enough that I couldn't go to work. As a matter of fact, I wasn't in shape to do much of anything. I don't think I'll live it down! Brook had off on Thursday and that was the day it was really the worst. And my new nickname for this week is "Zombie". Only yesterday -- my first day "out" -- (I was going shopping and Brook was overly concerned in a very caustic way about whether I could "handle" it! the noive!) Anyway, my recollections of Thursday are nil, except that I remember getting up for a dinner which Brook made (I have no idea what I ate except that there was a baked potato which was already buttered, etc.) Then, apparently, I went right back to bed and slept til 10:30. Then, at 10:30 I woke up again and waited around and watched the news while Brook told me that I was never going to sleep the night and -- I did. I don't believe it myself. Well, at least I'm rested. Most of the kids at school have been sick -- so... I'm just glad it wasn't mono. That would certainly not be nice right now.
My Thanksgiving story about driving is only mildly amusing compared to your harrowing experience, took us 14 1/2 hours to get from Philly to Pgh. Yes -- really! It took about 4 hrs. to get from Philly to Breezewood (with no stopping) and at Breezewood there was a foot of snow -- all of a sudden -- and it was 15-20 mph the rest of the way with lots of stopping and people getting stuck. One kid at school did not get back for 2 days! He slept in his car for 2 nights in Bedford. I was thankful for teh VW cause we couldn't have made it otherwise. I don't think. I am prone to claustrophobia and our car was all packed with stuff which I was bringing back from my parent's home -- so there was no place to go. I was quite upset. I felt, by the time we got home, as if I were born in a bucket seat.
Did you finally get something for your parents? My parents gave us these 2 big packages when we were home and told us we were not to even rattle them before Xmas. I can't wait. I can see them from here. My father is all excited about whatever they are because he wanted us to open them then and there but my mother forbade such iconoclastic behavior. I know it's something delicate because she kept stressing that we were to be very careful with them. Suspense kills!
I am so upset. Remember the day I went up to Seton Hill and used the pottery wheel? Well, I made several fairly nice pots along with the Tweety mold, and I also handbuilt a little goblet. I was so happy. I wish I were good enough to do that for a living. But, anyway, all the pots were put into the bisque kiln and came out nicely and so was the tweet cause he's low fire material. But the next week when they were glazed -- a catastrophe! Some ass used rice to pattern something they made and left some of it in the clay and the damn piece exploded! and everything in the kiln was practically ruined! (sigh) I wanted to give most of those things away as Xmas gifts, too. Oh well.
I have been having the strangest dreams lately. These happened before I was sick mostly, too, except for one or two, so they are not products of a fevered mind. I had 2 epic dreams about a week and a half ago. I hardly ever remember what I dream, but thees were so vivid that I think they were supposed to mean something. They are rather like a Cecil B. DeMille production with a "cast of thousands"! The first one contained I think, almost every person I ever as even somewhat close to before I came to Pittsburgh. It was almost as if I were reliving my life in the dream to some extent. I wonder if that is at all like what drowning people are supposed to see before they go under. And the very next night I had a very similar dream except that almost everyone I knew at Pitt was there. It was the sequel to Part I, I guess. You were there, and you had a red shirt with flowers (do you have a shirt like this?) -- vaguely remember a lt. blue one like it and seeing a red one like it in a store window when we went for a walk one day -- across it in a line and jeans on. I can remember what almost everyone was wearing. Diane was wearing this culotte thing that she wore the very first time I met her and Bev was really dressed up and going to work at Western Psych. They were both very nostalgic dreams and I do think they had a message for me. Remember when you told me that I just had my head on backwards when I was so sad that everyone was leaving in August? Well, you certainly were right about it. I'm still that way, somewhat, but I think those dreams were to tell me to stop it. I really must. I'm just slow, I guess.
Speaking of movies -- when we were at home, we went to Theater of Living Arts to see -- The King of Hearts. I really wanted to see it -- but when we got there there were only 3 seats left and there were 4 of us -- so...myeer! Well, maybe another time and we purposely didn't go to the first 2 shows because we knew they'd be crowded. I just thought that by the 1 AM show there would be more seats. Foiled again!! Ange and John had already seen it so they didn't really care.
I am now on my 3rd driving permit. Please do not laugh or make fun of me in any way as this is a very sensitive area for me. My first permit arrived while I was in the hospital 2 years ago after my head broke a windshield -- so I was not a candidate for driving lessons at that time. My second permit came in August and I hardly was even out driving at all and then all those wedding things etc. and now I have my third. Now nice. I felt really bad about it until my cousin Beri and her husband came over on Thanksgiving and Bill told me that Geri had the most expensive driving license on record, he thinks. 7 permits! Well, I, being very thick with Geri, did not of course, laugh, or even smile. (Geri has always been very good to me and we've always stuck together from the days we were in kindergarten and I hated milk and she used to drink mine for me so I wouldn't get yelled at for waste!) So now at least I know I have 4 more to go before I break the family record for permits.
Brook wants us to get a van so we can go camping, but I can't even drive the VW -- so I find it difficult to picture myself driving such a big thin. He insists that they are not hard to drive, but....
Well, I guess this is all. (All?) Bill Louden is working at Heidelburg College in Ohio and really likes it. You may already know this, but I thought I'd tell you in case you didn't.
P.S. Margaret (remember Mgt?) McMillion is on her way! She's been accepted into Foreign Office for Jan. 16th and they haven't told her where she's going yet. (WWIII?)
P.P.S. I was just wondering if you looked anything like Tweety when you were 3.
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