Saturday, February 9, 2013

July 9, 1975 (Letter from Barb N)

Hello how are you?  I hope your job is going better for you.  Is it still tense in the prison?

I am taking leave starting the 20th of July and ending the 11th of August.  Now that I decided to go home I am anxious to get home.  Mom said we will go to Mass on Monday the 21st.  I haven't seen the relatives in such a long time that it will e good to visit them again.  I think we are going to visit Cape Cod also.

I have decided to go overseas.  My career counselor went to D. C. and he talked to my OS detailer.  I had a choice of going to Damnek, which is a small base 20 miles from Norfolk.  If I stayed in this area I would move off base and since I don't have a car it would be harder to rely on another person for a rid.e  I also would not be able to go overseas if I transferred to Damnek.  So I called my detailer and he told me they had 1 billet for Italy, and a few for Iceland, Puerto Rico, and Cuba.

McZiemba changed my mind about Iceland.  He told me to pick Italy.  I would be able to tour Europe more easily.  I don't know if I will get Italy.  I will probably find out after I get back off of leave.

Have you read the book "A World Beyond" by Ruth Montgomery?  It talks of life after death.  I now believe in reincarnation.  I have also gotten any books I can find concerning Edgar Cayce.  I don't know how Mom and Dad will react.  I want them to read this book and think about what it does say.

Paul I wish I would see you again.  I am almost positive that I will be going overseas.  It will mean that I won't see you for another year and a half.  But I am thinking what I will do once I get back. Wherever you are at I will take leave and fly out to see you.  I don't like to lose contact with friends I care for.  Even though you are my brother I also consider you a friend.  I believe that you love from not seeing a person.  Of course, you can always get reacquainted with each other.

I feel at this point in my life I need to get out and receive experience from daily living.  I am happy about the position I am in.  I look at others I know and I'm so glad I didn't get into a rut of being married.  (I guess the Nelson's are hard to get a hold of at the altar.)  But there is so much that I have to learn through patience and experience.  That is another reason I choose to go overseas. To travel was one of my reasons in joining the Navy.

I feel an inner calm that I am acquiring.  I know how I stand with God now.  It was hard to find him with the background we had.  We could follow him as a religious philosophy and never come to peace with him or truly open our hearts and minds to what he is.  To me denying there is a God is denying the existence of yourself.  I believe the church wants you to be afraid of him like a shadow. He lurks and knows all you do.  The only person who knows all you do and will judge justly is your soul.  I never understood but now I do.  It's part of my inner peace.

I couldn't accept Christians who lived to save their necks by trying to "save their souls".  For me I couldn't accept my feelings of a God, but I could not deny them. I want to be a better person to mankind and not to fool people throughout my life.  This is what I have to do next.  I have to accept people as they are.

I was told by some English sailors never to trust anybody and they meant it.  I don't believe that because trust means a lot to me.  Sure you can't have someone to totally rely on if you can live by your own means, but you need trust between each other.

People can fool me by lying to me, but I will never fool a person by lying especially if I would harm a person.  There are too many people being lied to and one more lie does make a difference.

From reading the prophecies to Edgar Cayce, there is going to be a lot of changes from now until 1998. I think daily living matters more.  You have to find peace within yourself.

I am almost done with another working day so I'll close now.  I want to write more to you.

10 July -- Good morning.  It's another day.  What else can I say about it?  So far it doesn't look too promising, but I'll have to change that.  (I don't seem to be functioning this morning.)

Did I tell you I am considering going to school after I get out of the Navy?  That is after Larry and I go to Sweden.  I can't really say what I will do.  I would like to travel a bit when I get out.

I have a lot of friends who want to live in Australia.  I don't see what the big kick is about living there.

We went camping last weekend in Nags Head, North Carolina.  I slept in the car with the windows down and the mosquitoes got me for a feast.  Nothing I put on the bites have discouraged the itching.  I want to sick call and they gave me Benadril.  Just what I need.  If you were a pill freak you could keep a good supply from sick call.

We did have a good time in Nags Head.  We had a raft and rode it on the waves.  (You could fit four bodies side by side.)  When the waves would break we'd get thrown over.  The waves were pretty decent on Friday.  The only thing that would bother me was at night I would close my eyes and see the waves breaking.  I like water and I'm not afraid of it, but I have to respect the ocean.

Have you been hiking?  Do you like Montana, now that it is summertime?

I better go to work now.

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