Monday, October 7, 2013

February 15, 1977 (Letter from Grayce)

Odd you should mention winning $10,000/yr for life in a lottery.  Brook & I were discussing that very subject a week or so ago.  Wouldn't it be great?!  I would very much like to experience a different job or may be just something like a job every 2 weeks.  I've come to the conclusion that I'll never find a "job" that will utilize my "talents" (if they can be called that).  Maybe I should just call them interests -- probably because they are so widely-space; varied.  I "blame" it on my father.  He told me I could do anything & taught me to believe it at a very early age.  He also encouraged me never to do things the way they were usually done.  He would never let me have coloring books, because he believed that they restricted the imagination.  It was a wonderful beginning to have and whatever differences we have ever had, I always did admire his independent thinking (& hope some of it rubbed off on me!)  I guess I'm still in love with him!

Brook is happier at this place then he was at Bettis in Pgh, but I know that he feels the way I do (& you do) -- severely limited in the creative capacities.  It's a symptom of our times.  He became an engineer because he had a vague idea of innovating.  But you're not really allowed to anymore.  If the red tape doesn't wear you out, the other obstacles certainly will.  There was a time when inventive people could be freer to invent.  Now that time is over.  Our technology is strangling us & the very people who created it are also being strangled.  Maybe I'm too pessimistic?  I always have been!  We came to the conclusion (about the lottery) that we'd take the lump sum if we ever got the offer!  Brook brought up the point that if you took it year by year, there's be a reason for the people with the money to want you dead & with all the stuff that is surely going on -- I mean, assassinations, kidnappings, etc. -- why should a small fry like he, or you or me matter?  Of course, they might not do it right away, but they might fix your car in a few years, or something. Does it sound so unrealistic in light of the other truths that have come to light?  (Let alone the ones we'll never hear about?)

Remember the story I told you about the guy on the bus I met in Pgh before I left & he said he could leave his physical body & travel anywhere he wanted to?  You never commented.  I do want you to -- was he crazy -- or maybe certain people really can?  He said he's see me again & he seemed so positive.  It just scared the hell out of me, but not enough for me not to wonder if he possessed some secret & maybe if I had been more open, I would have found something out about ti?  He probably was just strange, but he seemed so straight.  (Also he said when his physical body got old, he'd just inhabit another.  But what happens to the spirit already in the other body?)

My big news this time is that we're getting a new car.  The VW is still ok, but it needs a lot fo work & neither of us feel it would be good for all the travelling we'd like to do this summer.  Also, Brook started working shifts in April & if I get a job, there won't be any way for me to get there, because the hours he'll be working certainly will not coincide with any I'll be working.

We looked around a little & finally decided on a Fiat 131.  We got a very good price on it because it was a 76 demo model.   Nothing fancy, just a nice sturdy little car that gets good mileage & hopefully won't eat holes in our pockets for repairs.   (One nice things about the VW - Brook did any work that needed to be done on it.)  The Fiat will probably need parts later that aren't available in a K-mart!  The VW right now (I'm very sentimental about that car, I suppose because we've been so many places in it!) is losing brake fluid, so I guess there's a leak which means Brook will have to take a lot apart to get to it.  It can't be done in 1 or 2 days either, so I guess we're getting this new one just in time.  But it's been a good little car -- been allover New England, 2x, to Delaware, to Jersey I(about 50 times), to Virginia several times & also update N.Y.  Not to mention all the way out here without any trouble & countless trips back & forth from Pgh to Phila!   We really can't complain!  And hopefully there are a few more good years in it.  (Snif, snif -- I'd never have believed I'd get all mush over a car!)

My consistency (right word? heh heh, it sounds like it belongs in a recipe) in performing the yoga is a source of constant amazement to me.  Ordinarily, I hate any kind of routine.  Just the thought of doing something every day for the rest of my life makes me ill!  That's how I felt when I started, too, of course.  I just thought, "well, I'll try it & it won't last!"  (I'm not a very athletic person.  I wish I were, but I never had an opportunity to do anything like that.  I never even had a gym class in school!)  But now I feel like I can't really function unless I do the yoga!  My posture has certainly improved, too.  I used to slouch almost constantly!  (I still slouch, but not so often & when I do it feels uncomfortable.)

The man we bought our water softener from just called me & asked me if I had gotten a job yet.  I told him no & I hadn't really looked as much as I could have but I'd go to an  employment agency soon.  Then he said he needed someone to answer the phone from 1-5 every day & would I be interested?  ( kind of squirmed my way out of this by saying I'd like something full-time.  I hope I didn't hurt his feelings.  He did say there's not much to do there & it sounds really boring.  Oh, anyway, I guess I might go to an agency next week, but I don't feel like being a clerk, you know?  I think I'd rather do something where I don't have to sit all day!  Oh well....

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