Wednesday, February 29, 2012
February 20, 1969 (Letter from Mardi)
I just got your collage in Psych class. It was really funny. It wouldn't fit in my mail box to say the least! You should get my letter tomorrow, great letter wasn't it?! So right now I have absolutely nothing to say. I want to put your collage on my wall but I don't have room. I'll have to fit it on the ceiling.
How is my collage doing? My valentine card was sharp, wasn't it? You're one of the lucky ones to receive the first in a series. It may be valuable in about 565 years.
(2/21) Now I'd say I'm a little behind in my letter writing! So you think my idea is pretty good. As of right now just Wendy and I are coming definitely but I'm sure Barney may come with us. Things are really blah around here.
Those pictures are cute! What a bunch of dopes! A little potted?
It got a letter from Mike. He's been in the hospital twice with some infection. The cutie didn't tell me. Honestly someone could die and I wouldn't know about it.
Sue Smith is at the airport right now. She decided to go home! She'll get into Buffalo about 8:00 AM. She'll be in Detroit about 3:00 AM or so. Blah. I couldn't take flying alone all night and morning! She'll see Shorty's. Chuck is supposed to be coming home so she won't have too much to worry about, she'll sure surprise him.
We're really looking forward to seeing you all. Surf Club, Surf Club, Surf Club! I'll probably have my father pick me up Thursday night. All I know is we'll be there. H ow far are you away from the airport? If I call you how long will it take you go get out to the airport? I'll be calling about March 9, Sunday, about 11 your time. Believe me, it won't be long -- 5 minutes. Find out if your father will definitely pick you up -- but that doesn't really matter. I have to call Barb sometime soon! I doubt if she'll be coming home.
Well, I'll close for now; I will be back tomorrow. I've got to get some sleep. Good night!
(2/22) Hi again! I will get this letter out! Right now it's a lousy Saturday. We don't get any mail today because of Washington's birthday. Big deal. I didn't get a letter yesterday either. Blah! I should have stayed in bed today. I know I would have gotten a letter. My mother said she saw Renee home. She came home to get her teeth fixed. I haven't heard from her. I can't believe she's dating Morrey again. She probably doesn't have anything else to do and Renee loves to get out so Morrey would be perfect. I heard from Mark. I guess he finally got his single and he love it! He had some dandy roommates!
Well there's not much to say and Wendy is going to mail some letters on her way to work, so I'll close up.
Wendy and I will see you in about 29 days. Linda is going home the 28th so it'll just be Wendy and I. Are you sure it's all right if we stay there with you and your roommates? Nothing like inviting ourselves. We're looking forward to coming out there -- way out East. Duh. Take care.
Linda Barney,
Mardi Peroski,
Sue Smith,
Wendy Johnson
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
February 19, 1969 (Letter from Mardi)
Thanks for the darling collage. You should be getting a letter from me tomorrow which will be yesterday or the day before. I want to put it upon the wall, but I have no more room so I'll have to put some of it on the ceiling. Have you still got that collage that Joan and I made? I have absolutely nothing new to say, mainly because I never have anything to say lately, just wasting my time. The Turtles concert must have been really great. I haven't looked to see who is coming lately. They have a fantastic light show every Sunday over at this place put on by the Community News from the university. They had the Grateful Dead last Sunday. I wish somebody would come to the Auditorium -- like Smokey Robinson. I hate to spend the money, though, for Hugh Masekela. Everybody bought cheap tickets and when the concerts started everybody moved up to the good seats. Tricky.
I see you get out the 28th, we will have to wait but we'll definitely be flying into Buffalo, but the rest is just an idea.
Hi honey -- I'm back again. Here I am at that midnight hour - wide awake! Linda and Carol just called from Baldwin-Wallace!!! They got stuck in Cleveland and called Mike. They were supposed to meet John Seastead but their flights were cancelled. They're staying with the housemother of the guys dorm. I wish Michael would write soon.
Tonight had to be a super-smacked up night. I slept almost 2 hours and got up, watched Herb Alpert for an hour, came back, starved to death, ate, clonked around in a daze. Such fantastic happenings.
I may get lucky and have a visitor some time in March. Bob Collier wants to come out with J.O. But I don't know if he'll make it. He's back at Clarion now. God, I'd love to have someone come out. I'd give anything to come out in May and see you. When we come out to Buffalo, we have to celebrate. I'm actually going crazy.
I put up your collage over my bed. I have to start in my bedroom now! It's really cute. Hey, will the "pills" work?
I should close up now and write a few more letters before I go to bed. So take care and behave yourself just a little bit.
I should be seeing you in about 39 days if we're lucky. Surf Club is alive and well in Bemus Point. I wonder if my police "dud" is still standing on the corner looking duddy. I'll have to say hello to him. He must hibernate all winter. What could possibly happen in Bemus Point in the dead of winter. I must go, see ya soon.
I see you get out the 28th, we will have to wait but we'll definitely be flying into Buffalo, but the rest is just an idea.
Hi honey -- I'm back again. Here I am at that midnight hour - wide awake! Linda and Carol just called from Baldwin-Wallace!!! They got stuck in Cleveland and called Mike. They were supposed to meet John Seastead but their flights were cancelled. They're staying with the housemother of the guys dorm. I wish Michael would write soon.
Tonight had to be a super-smacked up night. I slept almost 2 hours and got up, watched Herb Alpert for an hour, came back, starved to death, ate, clonked around in a daze. Such fantastic happenings.
I may get lucky and have a visitor some time in March. Bob Collier wants to come out with J.O. But I don't know if he'll make it. He's back at Clarion now. God, I'd love to have someone come out. I'd give anything to come out in May and see you. When we come out to Buffalo, we have to celebrate. I'm actually going crazy.
I put up your collage over my bed. I have to start in my bedroom now! It's really cute. Hey, will the "pills" work?
I should close up now and write a few more letters before I go to bed. So take care and behave yourself just a little bit.
I should be seeing you in about 39 days if we're lucky. Surf Club is alive and well in Bemus Point. I wonder if my police "dud" is still standing on the corner looking duddy. I'll have to say hello to him. He must hibernate all winter. What could possibly happen in Bemus Point in the dead of winter. I must go, see ya soon.
Bemus Point,
Bob Collier,
Carol Mohney,
Hugh Masekela,
John Seastead,
Linda Barney,
Mardi Peroski,
Surf Club
February 19, 1969 (Letter from Gail)
Sorry it took me so long to write back. I guess I just never got around to it. You know how it goes. And then, there hasn't been anything going on that's worthwhile to talk about.
School is the same old drag. I've got so much extra work to do, but I don't seem to have the urge to do it. I just sit around and do nothing. Sounds like fun, right?
Last night we had tryouts for the play at school. I tried out but we have to tryout again Thurs night and then we'll find out who made it. I would really like to make it. I think it would be a lot of fun. But if I don't make it this time, I'll have two more chances at it next year.
We're having a talent show next month. A bunch of us girls were gonna do something, but it fell through and I guess we're not gonna do it.
Sheryl and I are still hitting Shorty's every Friday night. This weekend Leslie is coming home, and I guess Sherry and I will include her in on our little Friday night drinking club. Too bad you couldn't join us.
Thanks for inviting me to Buffalo to see you. Maybe the next time you come home, we can make some plans.
I told Dody to write to you. I hope he did. I heard from Mark yesterday. He's fine except for his ulcer. He really likes school now. I'm sure he told you.
Well, take it easy (or anyway you can get it) and write soon.
Gail Benson,
Leslie Stein,
Sheryl Larson,
Monday, February 27, 2012
February 17, 1969 (Letter from Mary)
Happy Valentine's day (belated)! Hope your day was happy -- how did you celebrate? Bob took me to see Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66. It was terrific -- I had never been to the Civic Arena, so it was a real surprise. The Temps are going to be here in three weeks. I'm excited already.
(Feb. 22) This week has gone too fast! Now I can say Happy George Washington's birthday.
Right now I'm stuffing lemon bread in my mouth -- it's so good. Mom sent it down with Pastor and Mrs. Mull -- but I missed them. I think I was at class.
Midterms this week! I've read one of about 13 chapters required in Soc. and I'm just about as far behind in Anat, Med Surg, Nutrition, and Pharm. I think I will stab myself.
Speaking of stabbing people -- I gave three injections to one guy yesterday, in the same leg! He was out in about 30 seconds.
Who are you dating now?
Oh! Guess what, I dreamt about you last night! You were on a bus someplace and then all of a sudden, you broke your foot. That's all I remember. Hope you're OK.
There was a wrestling match last night -- Pitt frosh vs. Clarion State frosh. You'll never believe who wrestled 190 class for Clarion -- Darrell! It was really sad tho cuz he got pinned. Otherwise he's done pretty well -- I think he's 5-2. Did you hear about Mr. Weber? Warren's losing a great coach. Boohoo.
We're going to the Varsity match (Pitt vs. Army this afternoon, which reminds me, I'd better get ready.
Congratulations on your new schedule. Hope you like it better than last term.
P.S. Can you tell I lost your last letter? This one says nothing -- sorry!
February 17, 1969 (Letter from Mark)
Only have 3 more weeks go to. Can hardly wait just for the rest. I've had it. I've been up very night of this week until 3:00 and it really get sort of tiring, exhausting. Plus I have to get up at 7:00 every morning.
You wouldn't believe all the assignments the teachers are piling on us. Some of them are really exciting and I can really get involved with the problems and let myself show, but there 's isn't enough time. Last week we had to make a wall tapestry or weaving (it took me 42 hours to finish the whole thing), and then I only got a B+ on it. My mechanical drawing course is the ruffest class I've got, you're probably laughing, but it's a basic for physics and geometry, plus architectural drafting. Each plate takes about ten house to do.
You know Paul I really liked your last letter. There was something about it that exposed something that I never knew was there. You probably know what I mean. Seemed strange to hear someone else cut up Mike besides myself. I always felt that I was the only one that couldn't stand the kid. It always seemed that everyone was always afraid to tell the kid off. Seemed like everyone just sort of followed him around and did what he wanted to do. If he wanted to shit on em, everyone else did to. If Mike never wanted me along, no one else e3vfer stuck up for me, so half the time I never went. Then it really bothered me, but I've done a lot of growing up and I've had to face a lot of things that I've never had to and now all these things seem odd to me. College has really helped me a lot, more so the kids at school. It's strange, but I need to know offbeat people. They always say that artists have something strange about them and all the artists sort of stick together and most of them are pretty strange. Mike was never the right type of person for me. It seemed in high school everything was all for status -- you had to be in a clique, go to Jamestown, go to all the parties, dances, basketball games, and all that kind of garbage. Most of the people were really afraid to let their true selves out and that was my problem. They never did what they really wanted. Oh well, just talking.
Got a letter from Mardi the other day and she was telling me of her plans to come and see you. She's homesick, I think. She's already counting the day.
I went down to my sister's last weekend. I was going to give you a call, but where they live it's long distance to make a call to Buffalo. I took the bus on Friday. I went right by U of B. It's a nice-looking school. It really looks sort of Ivy League.
Just had my room inspection. I got an excellent. You wouldn't believe my room. It's really cool. There is stuff hanging all over. It's like a museum in a 15 x 12 room.
I agree with you. Sometimes I really wonder what I'm doing and isn't my life going to be worthless. But I know that art is really what I want. It's something that I have become so involved in that I've forgotten all my worries about everything else. Whatever you do, don't give up. You've got a lot of brains and a lot of talent. You are probably twice as smart as I ever was that's for sure.
I've sort of given up drinking for good. Mainly because my ulcer and because it never made any sense. I sure remember the summer when you and Mike kept shoving that damn beer down my throat, or trying to get it down. Just because it was the thing to do when you get to college. Maybe at a Pa school, but not in the schools in New York or at least the schools in the city. I didn't smoke this weekend at all (I was at Karen's). I got some hash for this weekend though. You probably think I'm turning into some sort of drug addict, but I'm not and never will. Drugs are much better for a person than alcohol and some day it's going to be legal. Drugs are really common here -- especially among art students. I think they could really help you. When I say drugs I just mean marijuana and hash. After that forget it -- then it's dangerous. You get high, but not like alcohol. It's a great high. You have a better understanding of the things around you and the best part of them is that you really find yourself. My one professor said a creative person should smoke marijuana to let the true self show. It's really helped me a lot. I'm not using it for an escape like alcohol. It's something I only do maybe twice a month and it's usually when I'm in a mental conflict with myself and it really helps me to get out. There are so many fake stories written about drugs, and anyone who finds out someone is on drugs, well that's it for them. It's not true at all. I've smoked maybe six times since I got to school. The first time it never hit me. But now I can smoke and really turn out some great stuff. I'll probably smoke once or twice more and quit. You'll have to try it though Paul. You're the type of person that would really go for it. Maybe it will be a down for you though. Some people it effects different than others. But you'd really like it.
I trust you enough that you wont' say anything about this to anyone. You're the only person from Warren that I've told and you're the only person from Warren I want to know. Rumors have a way of getting started. You might tell someone then someone else and pretty soon my parents know and I've had it. They don't understand any of this and it would just make trouble. So please don't tell anyone at all. I haven't told Mardi, or anyone else cause I don't think they'd understand. But friends are for secrets and to be trusted. I guess I told you cause may be you could understand me a lot better if you knew. So please it's just between you and I.
I've got another paper due Thursday so I better get busy. Well write when you get the chance.
Mark Van Volkinburg,
Rochester Institute of Technology,
Sunday, February 26, 2012
February 17, 1969 (Letter from Renee)
I had every intention of coming to see you today before I flew back to Columbus, but I got screwed up with plane reservation and had to leave as soon as I got to Buffalo. I had called our parents and asked them if they wanted to send you anything. Your mother said you'd never wanted anything before, but I told her it was Valentine's Day and that you'd probably appreciate a package from home. Went over to pick up the pkg and ended up talking to your folks for an hour. Your Mom and Dad are very nice Paul, and I think you should be pleased to have such good parents! Anyway, my father promised to deliver the package, so I hope you've received it by now.
I'm absolutely exhausted tonight and it seems as though I've been traveling for a week. Didn't do much when I was home for the weekend except to go to the dentist. I spent 2 1/2 hours in the dentist's chair before I was finally through. Boy it sure feels good to be able to chew on both sides of my mouth now. I also went shopping and bought a few things which I needed. My trip home certainly wasn't a cheap one as far as my parents were concerned. The transportation both ways came mto $37, I spent $29 shopping plus $10 my grandfather gave me, plus $41 at the ole dentist. Geese! Now I know why I don't go home very often.
Nothing much new here, and I haven't been here for three days. Morrey picked me up at the aitport and we went back to his apartment for a little lovin before I came to the dorm. Mmmm! I swear -- I'm oversexed lately!
Don't know what's up with Mike, the bastard. I wrote him a letter and sent him some pictures and he never wrote back. It's his own damn fault if he never gets any mail. Maybe he doesn't want to hear from me anyway.
Saw Mrs. Peroski, and she's just fine. She said Mardi might come home around the 26th of March.
I think I told you I'll be going to summer school here this summer, mostly cause there's not much to do in Warren -- yich! Your parents said you were thinking of staying in Buffalo. What's up?
Sorry this letter is such a drag. I'll try to write w/ a little more style and a lot more to say next time. Until then, lots of lovin.
P.S. Thanks for the Valentine. I really laughed.
care package from home,
Mrs. Peroski,
Renee Shulman
February 16, 1969 (Letter from Gary)
My classes are pretty bad this tri. My cal teacher is unbelievable, he's twice as bad as Norm. I've got to at least make a 2.5.
I'm going to go home in a couple of weeks to care care of a few things but after that I probably won't be home until Easter. We have Good Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off. Mon and Tues are to study for finals which are the week after Easter. School is out the 18th of April.
I really don't have much to say. But there really isn't much doing in Titusville.
I got my room changed to 208. I got rid of Stanley.
February 15, 1969 (Letter from Kathy)
Well, it's me again. I'm kinda depressed tonight. This school is really getting to me about now. I've worked so hard this damn term, and there is still so much to do. Finals start in two weeks. Spring break is March 7th-17th. Thank God!!! I'm gonna need that break. They might take it away form us if we have anymore days off for snow.
Gary and I had a really great time last weekend, and it would have been perfect except for the terrible blizzard we had. The airport was closed, and he took a bus back. It took him 37 hours to get to Titusville! Can you imagine?? He must have been going out of his mind. He left Sunday at 5:45 (night), got into Titusville at 6:30 Tuesday morning!! He had a physics midterm at 10:00. You can't imagine how worried I was when I found out the thruway had been closed. I called my parents and everything.
Gary didn't stay for the Orpheus concert, but it was cancelled anyway because part of the group was stranded in Worcester. I'm gonna see the Rascals at Boston College the 21st. The Chambers Brothers were really great.
In the past four weeks, I have done 3 of my 4 term papers. I'm gonna try and get the other one finished this weekend. It's a long weekend because of Washington's birthday!!. (It's a week from this Sat.???) If I weren't going home in 3 weeks, I would have taken off. I'm so sick of this place right now. There are only 10 of 36 girls left on our floor, and no one will be back until Monday night.
I've cut down on the fraternity parties since before Christmas. It's too fattening. I'm trying to lose some of the weight I've put on. As long as I keep busy, I lose weight or at least I don't gain. That's been this term anyway.
I haven't heard Caesar and the Romans recording of "Baby Love" but I've been listening for it. The school has a small radio station which just might play it.
Well, guess I'm run down! Do you believe -- finally??
P.S. I heard you took Carol out! I wish I were home right now. My sister is getting married in August and I'm gonna be in int.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
February 13, 1969 (Letter from Renee)
I really apologize for not writing sooner but I had lost my address book and didn't have anyone's address -- no joke. By accident I found it yesterday amidst all my junk and I sure was relieved.
I had 2 midterms this week that I killed myself studying for but it didn't do me much good cause the tests were absolute "bitches". Sometimes you just can't win - and lately I haven't been doing too much winning. Blak!
Paul, my life is so damn mixed-up that I don't know what the hell I'm doing half the time. I finally decided upon major which is English in secondary education. At the moment i guess I'm pretty pleased about that -- if I'm not pleased -- at least I'm relieved.
I started dating Morrey again last week. At the moment I'm not too sure how I feel about it. I thought it might work out -- but already I'm beginning to have my doubts. Se what I mean about being mixed up?
By the way -- I'd like to get something straight between us, all 6 inches of it. I've been so horny lately that it's driving me crazy. Just can't get enough I guess!
I've got a shitty paper due Monday in English which I haven't started yet -- and have little ambition to complete. I really like my courses but school is getting to be a real drag.
I'm thinking about applying to Penn State for summer school and have my credits transferred back here -- cause it would be cheaper to go there and take a light course load than it would be to go here. Got to get busy and start writing a few letters this week.
Have you thought about summer plans yet?
Peter, Paul and Mary gave a concert here last night which I heard was great -- but I didn't go. Now I'm sorry I didn't.
At the moment I'm thinking about how I'd like to be all alone on a beautiful island. I'll never, ever, ever be able to live with just one man. The sex life gets too dull and monotonous after awhile. I guess I'm not making much sense, but then I never do.
Please, Paul, find a few minutes and write old "Reno" a few words of encouragement? I really enjoy your letters, and they cheer me up considerably. Can't think of much more to say, or much that is new so I will close for now. Sorry this has been a crummy letter, but I'm sort of in a crummy mood.
P.S. You can keep the colored photo of the two of us -- you can even throw darts at it if you like!
February 12, 1969 (Letter from Barb Salapek)
Sorry I took so long to answer but I've been pretty busy with school and basketball games. (I'm a cheerleader for EOC.) Our team has done pretty well this year. We've won ten games and lost three, (so far). Saturday night we're going to Jamestown to play Jamestown Business College. We're going to have a play at EOC. The name of it is "Halfway up the Tree". It's about a man who comes home after being away for 4 years and finds his son is a hippie and his daughter is nine months pregnant. She doesn't know how the father is and she doesn't care. In the end, the father becomes a hippie and the kids go straight.
I don't know whether to try out, or just work on a committee for it. Did you know that the student government at EOC is changing the apartment over the B&B Smoke Shop into a coffee shop for college students only? It's really going to be neat.
For the first time I got smashed Thurs night at Melody Inn. I didn't act silly or anything, I just talked a lot. When I got home and laid down on the bed I thought I was going to be sick. The room just flew around in circles.
February 12, 1969 (Letter from Patty)
Hi! It's your busy little friend at S.U. I'm sort of blowing my mind cuz I wanted to invite you up but I don't know when to ask you to come. So -- I guess I{"ll just leave it up to you. Any weekend but the last weekend of this month.
You won't believe it, but I transferred out of liberal arts into the school of art. (Close your mouth.) Anyhow, it's great even though I never get any sleep and manage to fit in about three meals a week.
Monica is living in Atlanta and going to business school. I think she and Chris want to get married next summer. I'm not positive though.
I still don't know my marks for last semester yet. I think at the lowest a 2.4. It's not that good, but as along as I don't go on pro (1.9) I don't really care.
That's about all for this time. Let me know if you're coming up and when.
You won't believe it, but I transferred out of liberal arts into the school of art. (Close your mouth.) Anyhow, it's great even though I never get any sleep and manage to fit in about three meals a week.
Monica is living in Atlanta and going to business school. I think she and Chris want to get married next summer. I'm not positive though.
I still don't know my marks for last semester yet. I think at the lowest a 2.4. It's not that good, but as along as I don't go on pro (1.9) I don't really care.
That's about all for this time. Let me know if you're coming up and when.
Friday, February 24, 2012
February 11, 1969 (Letter from Mark)
Seems like it's been months since I heard from someone from Warren. You're the first person I've got a letter from since I got back I think.
Yea, I went home for a weekend. Had an all right time. Just mainly rested up though. I didn't even get a chance to see Gayle. Probably won't get home again till Spring recess. Right now I like school so much I don't care about Warren.
I finally got a single room. It was really something how I got it. There was a waiting list of about 500 kids, all I did was get a ruptured ulcer and that was a good enough medical excuse to get one. It's just great though!! The room finally looks like the ones in the catalogue. Has brown carpet and all dark green furniture, has sliding glass doors and a balcony right off lounge. Like it better than my room at home.
Last weekend had sort of a party in my room. Just like having my own apartment. Wilmer Alexander and the Dukes had a concert then we all came back to my room. Was really great.
You've got to come up sometime. There is still that girl who wants to go out with you. I don't' think you'd like many of the art majors though.
They had a narcotics raid at school; they caught 4 pushers and about 100 other kids -- was really cool. In my art class only three didn't get caught including myself. All the narcs were running all over trying to get them all. Most of the kids were real heads and a few were main liners.
My old roommate as it turned out was a drug pusher -- marijuana mostly and some hash. He didn't get busted though.
You wouldn't believe my floor -- almost all the kids are art majors and total head (acid). The whole hall smells like grass and incense. It's really cool. None of the kids are straight, or normal. You know it's funny, but people that are total straights really bother me now, especially people like Foster. I hope to hell he writes cause I got a great letter I'd like to write back.
That's one thing great about being in art. You don't meet all the status conscious people like Mike. Mike may want to be an artist, but he lacks one thing - the soul and emotion of an artist, which he'll never get. Mike could never make it as an artist. The first place he's got no talent and he couldn't adjust to being around other artists cause Mike sucks and I think he's be told by too many people that he did.
I don't know -- it's my mod to cut up Mike. Just the way I feel now. I guess now if someone bother me I say so. I'm not afraid to stick up for myself anymore. I've settled my mind now and I know what I want from people and what I expect in return and he isn't what I want.
Coming to Niagara Falls on Friday to see Karen. I was going to stop over last weekend, but I didn't go. I decided to stay here at school Had a better time.
I quit drinking. It's a waste of time and the hangovers aren't worth it. I'm finding a better substitute. Doesn't even taste good, beer shits. I learnt to like it, but hell who wants to gag and get all blotted like a fish, when you can get high in about 10 minutes with no hangovers.
I've got a job this summer. I think I'll be art instructor for children at a private boys camp in Connecticut. I think it would be really great and I'd get lot of money for it and it would be lots better than coming back to
Well not much more has happened since last heard from you, at least to write about.
Paul, some of the stuff I write. Please just keep it between you and me. Rumors start easy and I sure don't want any going around. Even the things about Mike. My paranoia traits are showing. But please just keep it between us and don't write anything and say anything to anyone else. I trust that you won't. Write soon.
Yea, I went home for a weekend. Had an all right time. Just mainly rested up though. I didn't even get a chance to see Gayle. Probably won't get home again till Spring recess. Right now I like school so much I don't care about Warren.
I finally got a single room. It was really something how I got it. There was a waiting list of about 500 kids, all I did was get a ruptured ulcer and that was a good enough medical excuse to get one. It's just great though!! The room finally looks like the ones in the catalogue. Has brown carpet and all dark green furniture, has sliding glass doors and a balcony right off lounge. Like it better than my room at home.
Last weekend had sort of a party in my room. Just like having my own apartment. Wilmer Alexander and the Dukes had a concert then we all came back to my room. Was really great.
You've got to come up sometime. There is still that girl who wants to go out with you. I don't' think you'd like many of the art majors though.
They had a narcotics raid at school; they caught 4 pushers and about 100 other kids -- was really cool. In my art class only three didn't get caught including myself. All the narcs were running all over trying to get them all. Most of the kids were real heads and a few were main liners.
My old roommate as it turned out was a drug pusher -- marijuana mostly and some hash. He didn't get busted though.
You wouldn't believe my floor -- almost all the kids are art majors and total head (acid). The whole hall smells like grass and incense. It's really cool. None of the kids are straight, or normal. You know it's funny, but people that are total straights really bother me now, especially people like Foster. I hope to hell he writes cause I got a great letter I'd like to write back.
That's one thing great about being in art. You don't meet all the status conscious people like Mike. Mike may want to be an artist, but he lacks one thing - the soul and emotion of an artist, which he'll never get. Mike could never make it as an artist. The first place he's got no talent and he couldn't adjust to being around other artists cause Mike sucks and I think he's be told by too many people that he did.
I don't know -- it's my mod to cut up Mike. Just the way I feel now. I guess now if someone bother me I say so. I'm not afraid to stick up for myself anymore. I've settled my mind now and I know what I want from people and what I expect in return and he isn't what I want.
Coming to Niagara Falls on Friday to see Karen. I was going to stop over last weekend, but I didn't go. I decided to stay here at school Had a better time.
I quit drinking. It's a waste of time and the hangovers aren't worth it. I'm finding a better substitute. Doesn't even taste good, beer shits. I learnt to like it, but hell who wants to gag and get all blotted like a fish, when you can get high in about 10 minutes with no hangovers.
I've got a job this summer. I think I'll be art instructor for children at a private boys camp in Connecticut. I think it would be really great and I'd get lot of money for it and it would be lots better than coming back to
Well not much more has happened since last heard from you, at least to write about.
Paul, some of the stuff I write. Please just keep it between you and me. Rumors start easy and I sure don't want any going around. Even the things about Mike. My paranoia traits are showing. But please just keep it between us and don't write anything and say anything to anyone else. I trust that you won't. Write soon.
drug raid,
Gail B.,
Mark Van Volkinburg,
February 11, 1969 (Letter from Mardi)
Hi honey. I'm afraid this shall be short and sweet. First of all, happy Valentine's Day! How do you like my home-made card? It's definitely got soul. Now second -- this is a real cute on. Now listen to this -- it's my own idea, which probably won't work. Wendy, Linda, and I were going to leave here Wednesday, March 26 (my birthday!) and fly to Buffalo. Then you will meet us at the airport. Then we'll stay overnight either with you or anywhere, then when your father comes he could take us back. Wen won't have that much stuff but if he can't take us we could have someone get us or take the bus. What do you think. It's just an idea, but I thought it was pretty good. Write back soon and tell me what you think. Give me your telephone number and tell me when the best time to call you is and Wendy and I we'll call you. First we'll write and tell you exactly when, so you can e there. Make it sometime on a Sunday night. OK!
Nothing new and exciting has happened. Tonight I went to see Buster Keaton at the Art Institute. It was a silent one, it was so funny, everybody was sitting there and cheering an d yelling for him, it was great. We really had a good time until we froze on the way home. It's getting cold out again. How's the weather in Buffalo? Did you get that snow storm?
I'm sorry cutie but I've got to close up and hit the sack, I'm dead!
Art Institute,
Buster Keaton,
Mardi Peroksi,
Wendy Johnson
February 10, 1969 (Letter from Joan)
Don't faint, but here is a letter. I can't find the letter you wrote anywhere, so you'll have to wait if you asked any questions.
My week at Carolyn's is something to remember. I got there about 8:15 AND she and Jackie picked me up. We went over to State College and, guess what. We ran into Gail Rock (I grew up with him). So he took us around campus. The boy he was with wrote me a real nice letter.
Wed night I had a bowling date and then went out to a place called Red's for something to eat. The guy I went out with sort of attacked me and my tooth cut the inside of my lip! (More about that later.)
Thurs. night I went to a small drinking party in a cold trailer down by the river. I was with a real nice guy that night. My lip got worse, though.
Fri night our other girlfriend came. Carolyn went out w/ her boyfriend. Three of us girls went out to Red's and I met some more boys.
Sat night there was supposed to be a big cabin party, but it fell through. So Carolyn went out and Barb, Naomi, and I went drinking with 8 guys. Well, we started to go drinking, anyway. The cops are really bad around here so you have to go way out in the woods. We took 3 cars -- 2 guys in each -- and the three of us in one. Our car was the first to go up to a firetower. The road was sheer ice and the car started skidding backwards. The driver and the other guy got out to look over the situation. Meanwhile the car starts moving again. Don't think we weren't scared. There was about a 500 ft. dropoff. The driver jumped into the car and stopped it just before it went over. The car was on a slant and we had to crawl out. I almost died that night!!! Needless to say we never got to the tower. The other 2 cars never made it up and we had to walk down to get them. Then we went to Red's and stopped some guys and picked up some more. It ended up with 4 guys and 3 girls. My lip got worse.
In that week I met 13 guys and 6 girls. Sun we came back to school -- and the story had just begun!! (I have to go work in the cafeteria now.)
(2/11) Sun night 2 guys came down to the dorm to see Carolyn and I. They took us to the Eagles Club. I got served and everything.
Mon night our gang up here went drinking in the woods and got chased by the cops. We didn't get caught but they got 2 4-packs of Schmidts.
Remember when I told you about my lip. Well, to make a long story short, I ended up with strep throat, an infection in my throat, trench mouth. I had to get a shot and take all these pills. Needless to say I was sick all last week. I missed out on a really great weekend the 31st and 1st.
Last weekend I had a date to a basketball game and drinking. Then on Sat I went home. And on Sun I became a godmother.
The reason I didn't finish the letter last night is because I went babysitting with this boy at his sister's house. We had rum and coke and watched TV. Chuck and I are going to a party Sat night in honor of a couple who transferred over to main campus.
We've only been back 2 weeks and so much has happened. I left out a lot! Like my roommate and I bought a hamster and had to get rid of it. We gave it to a commuter. We have it back now. Our room is all decorated with 3 Musketeer stuff. We have matching bedspreads and curtains, posters, and a barrel that say "The 3 Musketeers".
Well, I have to get some other letters out. Keep me informed.
February 7, 1969 (Letter from Jodee)
Have a half hour before lunch, so I thought I'd write. It's about the food around here. We haven't had a decent meal in 2 weeks! Well, what are ya gonna do?
Second semester classes aren't too bad. Civ II is another TV course. Hope I can get a B out of it. My calc course is giving me problems already but it's too late to drop it now. I blew a quiz today -- what's five points anyway? Fr III doesn't look too bad, but I got a C on my first speech in speech class. (Where else would you give a speech, huh?) I have a lot of reading this semester, too, and I'm already behind in it. I better shape up, huh?
Got a letter from Gus yesterday. I guess she's really diggin Harry Spackman. They went to Melody last Thurs. She's finally over John, too. They had a date and he turned out to be "a real child". I'm happy for her. Tommy and I are getting pretty uptight again. Hmm. He came to Edinboro a couple weeks ago to see me. My roommates thought he was really tough.
I called home Wed night, talked about 20 min. Did you know that Tim Nuhfer's older brother Danny got killed in Vietnam? I guess my brother felt pretty bad cuz he used to be a frat brother. I think it kind of scared him to think that going into the service could mean getting killed. I'm sure glad I'm not a guy!! Anyway, I wanna go home at the end of the month an bring one of my roommates. Me and Donna are gonna hit Shorty's. Can you imagine, she's never been to a bar!! My goodness!!
Last weekend was a real dud. Fri nite Don and I went to an Alpha Phi Omega party. We got our signals crossed. I thought she wanted to go and she thought I wanted to go and neither of us would go without the other. We spent most of the time in the bathroom talking about what asses we were. It was bad. Sat night Connie and I went to a Delta Sig party. Everyone was drunk (but us, that is) and threw furniture and bottles all over the place. Can't wait to see what's in store for this weekend.
The sororities around here have started throwing their rush parties. I'd sure like to get into Alpha Sigma Alpha. Spent three hours there last night getting better acquainted with the sisters. They're all so nice.
What have you heard from the Humboldt girls? I got a letter from Sue last week. Sure wish Nancy'd get around to writing.
How's the weather in Buffalo? It's so cold here, I can't stand it. I wish it were summertime and that we were hitting Surf and Snug every weekend. Oh well, only a couple more months.
Well, Paul, it's time now for another delicious Edinboro lunch. See ya at Easter OK. Be good and study hard.
Danny Nuhfer,
Edinboro State College,
Harry Spackman,
Jodee Scalise,
Snug Harbor,
Surf Club,
Tom Lindsay
February 6, 1969 (Letter from Kathy)
This is one of the few times that I'll have to make my apologies for not writing right back. You wouldn't believe all I've been up to.
I've been typing term papers for people (35-50 cents a page). I've made over $60 the past three weeks, but it sure has taken a lot of my time. I seem to have only time left in which school work must be done, and some sleep gotten.
Glad to hear you have made it through your finals.
My roommate saw Bullitt also. She said it almost made her car sick.
I got really drunk on New Year's Eve -- my first time for being drunk. Carol, Tom, Sue, Chuck, Jodee, Dody, Gary, and I had a party at my house. The girls stayed overnight. Can you imagine -- I got drunk in my own home and my mother wasn't even made? I think she kind of understood that I was 18 (the day before) and that if I wanted to drink, it would be better to have me home. She knows I'm not an alcoholic, so I guess she kinda trusts me.
Gary is coming to see me for this weekend. He's coming in on the 11:41 flight from Buffalo tonight. I'm so excited!!!
Marie (roommate) and I just got tickets to the Chambers Brothers today. They're playing at Boston University Friday and Saturday night. We're going to a semi-formal dance Saturday night, so we're going to the concert Friday night. We're on the aisle, seven rows back. We were going to see Orpheus Sunday afternoon at 3:30, but Gary has to go back before then -- that's too late to expect him to stay. He'll probably take the 1:30 flight out.
I had to get special permission to get out to meet him at the airport. My curfew is 12:00 and his plane comes in at 11:41. He's staying in the boys dorm. We're having problems with his parents so they don't know anything about it, but my parents know that he's coming up. I'm going out of my mind. I can't believe he's actually coming here.
Have you ever known a girl that has such terrible handwriting? I was just reading this over and it's not ever readable.
Well, take it easy. Let me know what you've been up to.
I think of Mrs. Coe often. She was really an excellent teacher. I learned so much from her. I've even run across the preamble to the Canterbury Tales a couple of times.
We were supposed to go to Melody for New Year's Eve, but when we got there we found it was a closed party -- ho hum!
My sister is getting married in August. I'm gonna be bridesmaid. My brother said he's going to Europe this summer with his new girlfriend. I don't know whether he's kidding or not. He's such a great guy. I wouldn't mind having a couple more brothers like him.
Well, it might be nice if I listened to this guy lecture for awhile.
Chambers Brothers,
Kathy Schneider,
Mrs. Coe,
New Year's Eve
February 5, 1969 (Letter from Mardi)
I'm movin' and a groovin here in Dud City! "Get me out of here." -- and I'm not perverted -- you are, boy. Changing to Pall Mall straights!!! I just don't know what to say; it's a crime punishable only by death. Pall Mall straights? Actually, I think you changed so Barb and I won't bum all those cigarettes off you.
I hope you did better this quarter than I did, I really don't know how I did for sure because I haven't got the grades yet but I know I went down in Psych. I knew I would; I got an A and I couldn't keep that up for more than one quarter. I promised myself to hit the books hard 3r4d quarter. God, after Christmas -- Blaaa! I'm going crazy w/ all these fruity girls. I hope you make Dean's list. That would be great.
When do you plan on coming home for Easter? When I leave it will be March 28 after school either Northwest flight or United. They both get into Buffalo about 9:15 p.m. You would probably leave earlier in the day, right? Nancy's father is picking her up so I can go with them or Mr. Sayles and my mother might come out if my father will.
It sounds like a lot of fantastic groups are coming to Buffalo. I don't even look anymore. I'm broke. Unless Hendrix gets here again.
I've been doing tons of reading, some for school and some on my own. I read "The Confessions of Nat Turner", the Temple of Blood and In Cold Blood and we're supposed to read Manchild in the Promised Land some time. I've also read a book of short stories -- English, blaaa. I've also read the poetry of Frost, E. E. Cummings, Ransom, and Emerson. So now you can actually see the time I have -- mostly on weekends, I've become a regular bookworm.
The weather has been another pain in the ass! -42 one day, my forehead went numb again. Now, yesterday and today it's been in the 30's which is a heat wave out here.
I don't have a chance of getting into trouble so don't worry. I must go, I'm starving -- I've been starving since I got back! Please, please take care. Have you heard from Mike? I think he died! He's going to get it!!
P.S. You'll be surprised that I'm the sophisticated type!!! That's what she told me in Charm! If she only knew!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
February 5, 1969 (Letter from Roland)
Well, 1/8 of my college years are behind me, it doesn't sound like much, but I'm glad the first semester is over. My grades ended up a lot better than I thought they would (2.8 average). The profs must have felt sorry for the lowly freshman.
Things are really lively around here right now. First, I might be dragged into court because the cops found out I saw some kids setting a fire. The trouble is I know the guys and they were just messing around and burned a notice on the bulletin board. I don't feel like testifying against them for that, but I might be forced to. Next is I'm pledging a fraternity and we're planning all sorts of "good" things to do to the actives.
I think I'm in the same boat you are. Last semester I had written work and this time it's all reading.
We're having Jesse Jackson, Adam Clayton Powell, Julian Bond, Dick Gregory, and a few other civil rights workers here this weekend for a convention. Sounds like we're in for some good times Friday and Saturday.
Have you heard whether Curt is home yet, I think he was leaving Nam for home sometime this week.
Augie's going on a quarter system next year so everything will be all screwed up. (We have to be back Sept. 2.) What a bite.
Oh well, take it easy on those wild weekends, write soon again.
February 4, 1969 (Letter from Gail)
I hope you're not going thru hell in Buff like we are here. It is so cold here, it hasn't stopped snowing all day and the wind is blowing really hard. I'm upstairs in my room writing and I'm getting frostbitten instead of writer' cramp.
Mark was home this past weekend. I talked to him on the phone about 4 times but I didn't get one chance to see him. He came late Fri night and he never called till Sat. He wasn't going out at all on Sat night. so I didn't see him. But he said he'll probably be home in another month.
Sheryl and I went to Shorty's last Fri nite, an every Friday nite happening with us. I won't be able to go this Fri cuz I have to go to a Bar Mitzvah. Shit! We met this boy there that used to go to school with us, but he moved away after ninth grade. His name is Jay Bowes, he grad in 1967. Do you remember him? I didn't at all, but Sheryl did. We sat and talked for awhile about "the good old days". (?) We were getting ready to leave about 11:45 and just then a whole bunch of EOC kids came in so we stayed for an extra 1/2 hour. It was great! Mary Speidel was home this weekend, too. I got to see her. Wouldn't you know it, I always see the girls and not the guys. Strange! I hope you're keeping your apt nice and clean and oh god, how can you stand Pall Mall? Yeech! Well, it's your lungs! With that, I'll close for now. Take care.
Mark was home this past weekend. I talked to him on the phone about 4 times but I didn't get one chance to see him. He came late Fri night and he never called till Sat. He wasn't going out at all on Sat night. so I didn't see him. But he said he'll probably be home in another month.
Sheryl and I went to Shorty's last Fri nite, an every Friday nite happening with us. I won't be able to go this Fri cuz I have to go to a Bar Mitzvah. Shit! We met this boy there that used to go to school with us, but he moved away after ninth grade. His name is Jay Bowes, he grad in 1967. Do you remember him? I didn't at all, but Sheryl did. We sat and talked for awhile about "the good old days". (?) We were getting ready to leave about 11:45 and just then a whole bunch of EOC kids came in so we stayed for an extra 1/2 hour. It was great! Mary Speidel was home this weekend, too. I got to see her. Wouldn't you know it, I always see the girls and not the guys. Strange! I hope you're keeping your apt nice and clean and oh god, how can you stand Pall Mall? Yeech! Well, it's your lungs! With that, I'll close for now. Take care.
Gail Benson,
Jay Bowes,
Mary Speidel,
Sheryl Larson,
February 2, 1969 (Letter from Barb)
I've been trying to write to you all weekend -- this go, go, go -- party, party, party life is getting me down. Yes, right, don't I wish...The collage doesn't make any sense at all -- it's one of those "pick out a page and cut everything out" ones.
Thanks for writing, letters always make ya feel good. I wasn't surprised to hear that Mike is the same. He probably has a couple of friends and considers everybody else really "hoody" or dumb -- does he date anybody? Poor Michael, but what are you going to do -- Mardi's in a bad way -- between freezing weather, crummy social life, school (blah!), dirty kitchens, and pot raids, she's about ready to shove it all. It takes time to learn how to handle all the shit they dish out to ya at school. We have a break (ten days) starting Feb 21-March 2. I really want to go out and see her. I could pull if off for $30 or $40. I really can't afford it since I'm a couple hundred short for school anyway, but I think I'll do it anyway. If I'm gonna go every day and work at that lousy job I might as well do something I want to do with my money. Right?!
Things are their usual duddy self here but I really don't mind anymore. My shoot-down from last semester is haunting me. I just had Dorm Council for one time I came in an hour late last October and got campused for last night -- neat, huh? I saw Mr. Wonderful at a party Friday night but he didn't speak -- why are guys always so nice, it must be a real effort.
I have a feeling my grades will be at a new all-time low at the end of this semester. I haven't done one thing yet this semester! During the week I don't even have time to breathe right. I have four hours of classes a day -- that's not much at all, but I work 4 hours a day too, so I have time to squeeze in lunch and a cigarette and that's about it. Then at night I clunk out for a couple hours in a dead sleep, get up, and shit around -- school, what school? Missed a test on Friday that I'll have to take a zero for, oh yes, life is a shit sandwich and every day is another bite! This Friday Smokey Robinson is here. I'm supposed to have a date with some guy who might not go and I've never even met the kid anyway and you know I'd go alone in my jeans and bare feet and stand in the snow to see Smokey Robinson! Not get this, that's Friday night and Saturday I'm supposed to go down to Penn State to go to the Chambers Bros with some kid I met there last week (went down last weekend, had a great time) but his roommate called me today and said he's been missing all weekend. They called the cops, the whole bit. He took all their hash and said he was coming up here to see me and nobody's heard form him. This poor guy takes LSD and is kind of screwed in the head, if ya know what I mean -- Is this making any sense?
Like I said before -- Help!! Can't wait to get out of here and take off this summer. We're going up to Cape Cod if it kills us; I can't take another summer at home working at New Process and sitting up in Shorty's everynight. Oh, I forgot, Surf Club every weekend. I feel like I should have my Friday night barstool reserved. We'll do all that stuff at Easter and that'll hold me for awhile. I go home April 2-7.
So, Paul, you see, Mardi and I need a few words of wisdom -- got any handy? I imagine Joan needs more than a few -- I haven't heard from her except she sent me a birthday present. I wonder if she's married to Rick, hehe, unless of course he hasn't gotten over his "fuckin crab yet". W hat a case that kid is. Swinging New Years at Renee's.
So you're going out with Gussie at home -- where is your taste? I'm just kidding you, she's probably a "very fine person", cough.
P.S. Was your spirit right about Cheryl!??? You mover, you!
Barb Lucia,
missing roommate,
New Year's Eve,
Penn State,
Smokey Robinson,
Surf Club
January 30, 1968 (Letter from Mary)
I was glad to hear about the outcome of your finals -- congratulations! I bet you're relieved that the first term is over -- oh brother -- I was!
We're in the 3rd week now (of 2nd term) and most of our tests were scheduled for this week. Only one more day. I love Fridays.
I work a full 8-hour day now (1 a week) so I'm giving lot of injections, emptying lots of bedpans, and giving lots of pills to lots and lots of sick people. I get yelled at a lot too -- since all doctors, interns, med students, etc. dislike freshman muchly. One of these days I'll make it I hope.
Poor Michael. I thought he loved BW -- hope he gets somewhere he likes -- fast.
Have you had any trouble at UB with Black Action Society of any of those organizations? You've probably read about Pitt's mess. A lot of blacks took over this computer center -- nothing big -- but the future looks full of explosions (it's predicted) yike!
Rachel's in the news again. I get all the Warren papers -- I think she averages one picture/week. Luck.
I've been doing nothing but nothing lately -- except ironing shirts and ironing shirts. Thompson only washes them when he has to -- 24 at a time. Ugh.
Vacations aren't too plentiful for me -- no Easter vacation -- just one week at the end of April and then another one in August. The rest of the time, I'm stuck here.
Just got back from another lecture -- so boring and a lab -- we practiced bandaging and changing dressings! What a riot!
Well, guess I'd better move again. It's 3:30 and I've got a class at 4:00 -- last one of the day.
Thanks God tomorrow's Friday. Good luck in everything.
Black Action Society,
Bob Thompson,
Mary Sandblade,
Rachel Check
January 28, 1969 (Letter from Mardi)
Hi cutie! How did you like that letter, yes, being weirdo's is fun, we got carried away one day in psych class. You should read the one we did for Chuck Church.
I was glad to get your letter. I got seven letters yesterday -- now I won't get any for about two weeks. I must say you've been a doll about writing -- keep it up. Actually, right now I should be doing my Psych, but I'd rather write letters. I went to the Art Institute tonight. They're giving a series of films on old-time movies and it's really great. A lot of kids go from the Institute and they're really cool. It's a good way for me to spend my time, which I didn't have tonight.
I haven't been doing a damn thing and I don't think I'll be doing anything since there's not a thing for me to do. Saturday night we got stuck at this party which was our own fault and as soon as we got there we wanted to leave but no one would take us home and Wendy and I got really pissed and started in on this poor dud who brought us and finally took us home. I've never seen so many duds. We were sitting in this kid's convertible because we thought he was going to take us home and while we were waiting for him, there was a can of gasoline in the front seat so I said I would take it and put it bay the back window so I left and pow, right through the window; the plastic was so stiff that it broke like glass so we put the can back in the front seat and everyone was laughing hysterically, so the kid didn't find it but he deserved, it I know that. What an ass I am.
Things have quieted down since our marijuana raid and everything worked out fine for the kids -- thank God. I think Jane and Karen are worse off. What a waste.
Hi again, it's now Wednesday night. I'm determined to get all my letters written and studying and write my letter to United, Trans World, and Eastern.
I'm just about to call it quits with everything around here. I'm in the worst mood blaaa. I need a Budwesier to save my soul. Help! Actually, I'm about to crack up. It's my annual January-February-March depression state. How are you surviving? When are you leaving to come home for Easter? Anywhere near the 27th of March?
I'm sorry this is so short but I've got to get my ass movin'. It's about the two tests tomorrow.
I got a letter from Dody. He's pretty much hanging in there. It's so stupid, now I'd give anything to do home and be bored. At lest I get my meals served to me, clean house!, of course, I couldn't stand it after about two weeks -- a week. It's not fair.
The interviews for the kids in the March class are starting to come in. I guess Toni Massa has a great job in New York City, she had her interview today. I can see it all now...I don't plan on taking a job as a reservationist or ticketing, so unless I'm offered a secretarial or receptionist job then I'll worry about my appearance and the impression I create. If I don't get the job offer I want I'm taking off for the shore and working at anything, then I'll settle down for awhile anywhere. But what I want to do and what I'm going to do are two different things!
I've got to go -- please take care and be good. What was it the spirit said about Cheryl? I'm making my preparations for my wedding in December blaaa! We shall see you soon.
job prospects,
Mardi Peroski,
marijuana raid,
Toni Massa,
Wendy Johnson,
winter depression
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
January 26, 1969 (Letter from Gail)
I was really happy to hear from you so soon and I'm sorry we didn't get to see you before you left, and the end of May seems so far away but I'll survive if you will -- OK!
We got our grades yesterday. I got 3 B's, 1 C, and 1 D in World Civ which is better than the F I had at quarters. I was satisfied with them I guess. Sheryl and I went to Shorty's Fri nite. Wow what a great time. It was like old home week and the '68 class reunion combined. I got really drunk and I paid for it on Sat. What a hangover and I had to work all day. Then last night I went to a party which didn't matter any. Today I'm just taking it easy -- writing letters all day.
Sorry this is so messy but this paper is a real bitch to write on, plus my Bic keeps blobbing all over. If y ou can't read it, send it back and I'll translate it for you.
How's school going? I hope you've cleaned your apt by now. If not, I'll be glad to come and do it for you, only on 1 condition, you won't let me go back to Warren cuz once I'm out of this town, I'm never coming back and I mean it too! Have you heard from any of the gang lately? I haven't -- I finally wrote Mark back but he hasn't responded. Oh well, probably a delayed reaction, you know Mark!
Well, Paul, I better go. I've gotta write to my grandparents. They've been gone 2 1/2 months and I haven't written to them yet. So I better get busy. Take care and have a great time but study once in awhile.
January 18, 1969 (Note from Mardi)
You just wouldn't believe this place.
Hi, it's now Sunday. I really got a lot said last night, didn't I? As I was saying we have not changed the name of this place to Gage Home for unwed mothers and narcotic addicts.
1.] Amy Baker is four months pregnant, with some guys baby out here. She called her parents just a minute ago and they weren't home.
2.] This other girl down the hall is pregnant supposedly by the guy Wendy used to date, Mike.
3.] We have pot on the third floor, Jane Musante's roommates have it and she told our housefather, so now I have no idea what will happen. "The Feds are coming." I'm about ready to climb the walls. I did not do one thing this weekend but eat and sleep. I can't concentrate on anything. Get me out of here. Famous last words.
I got a letter from Barb yesterday too, I guess things are bad all over. Once you get back from Christmas things go straight downhill.
The little, little things keep me going. "Surf at Easter" is the motto of the day. I must close Carol's going out so she can mail this. Some day I'll write something exciting. Take care.
January 16, 1969 (Note from Mardi)
Hi! I wrote you at school but I guess you're home. I hear you saw Mike, glad to hear you made it. How was Mike? Did ya have fun. I hope so. What's fun? Duh. It doesn't really take long to get back in the rut. I' haven't been getting much mail because it's been really screwed up. Not much to do anymore. Wilson Pickett will be here Saturday. We found a new roommate in our apt (I wrote you about her) we got rid of her and everything is back to normal. We have another roommate now -- our 6th.
It's like a regular Peyton Place around here. Amy Baker is 4 1/2 month pregnant and we now have dope on the third floor. I must go I've got tons of work. Please take care of yourself. Write soon.
January 10, 1969 (Letter from Mark)
Thought I'd get a letter out before this weekend cause this weekend is really going to be mixed for sure. Saturday is the day everyone is supposed to move into their new rooms. It's really going to be a big mess. I guess I'm moving on Saturday nite, but I don't have any idea who my new roommate is going to be. Just so it is someone really decent that's all I care about. The school is finally pretty much done. The union is finished, the art building is finally almost done, but it's still pretty much mixed-up.
I'm transferring I think to the Philadelphia Art Museum. It's a really great school and it's small. All I care about really is art and I would really like it a lot better when all there are is art students around. Guess I'll have to wait to the end of the year and see how things go around here.
Was really great being home for a month, then to come back here. Was really depressing for the first few days. This place would depress anyone I think.
About 500 kids transferred out of here this quarter. Like about half my friends have left. My classes only have about 15 kids in now and some only have 8. The teachers really get to know the students well. My English teacher is really an acid head. The first day I didn't believe him. He talked about tripping and he asked the kids if any of them had ever tripped. I didn't believe it.
I'm glad Mike and I got to talk New Year's Eve. At least I understand Mike a lot better now. I know that Mike and I will never be doing a lot of stuff together anymore. But when I'm home I'll at least be able to see him and talk to him without worrying about what he's thinking. It was really both of our faults that we never really got along. Maybe now that we understand each other, when we're together in a group we can at least get along without any sly and sarcastic remarks.
Well gotta go. Write soon.
Mark Van Volkinburg,
Philadelphia Art Museum
January 10, 1969 (Letter from Kathy)
First of all I must wish you a Happy New Year. Hope you brought it in right -- with lots of booze -- heaven knows I certainly did -- I was 18 the day before. I've got the champagne bottle sitting right beside me.
I find it really difficult to get back into the swing of things after being home so much the past month. I like school, I guess, but I had kinda got used to being carefree with no studies. I have three term papers in English to do and one for Dental Theory. Mid-terms are the week of Jan 20. T
This weekend and next are to be devoted to studying. I must read my back assignments and get the background needed to even start to study.
I might take a break for a while tonight to go ice-skating with the girls -- in the interest of exercise. I made a New year's resolution to either take a walk or get some type of exercise every day (I'm too inactive here) and to lose 10 more pounds (I lost 10 over Christmas vacation).
When Jodee told me that she weighted less than I did, I decided right then and there I was going to go on a very strict diet and I've stuck to it. I felt really bad when Gary made a remark about watching me walk across the gym floor at the basketball game.
So tell me, what have you been up to?
Start teh year out well, study the first week -- fool around the rest. Really, though I'm gonna quit going to fraternity parties -- they're fun only if you drink and right about now I'm kinda sick of drinking. After New Years I don't think I'll drink for awhile.
Well, take care.
My roommate bought me the Happenings album for my birthday -- has the songs on it that they sang at teh concern in Warren last year. I've wanted it for so long.
fraternity parties,
Kathy Schneider
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
January 9, 1969 (Letter from Mardi)
I should have written early this week now I don't know if you're going to be there or in Cleveland or what. Are you there? I almost didn't get here. Monday I was all set for Jamestown and to take off about 3:22 but no flight! A little mechanical difficulty so there we all were, so my mother and Barb left and Wendy and I went to my father's with him and ate dinner. We got on a 7:00 flight and got into Detroit City about 8:15. I thought I'd never see Detroit again. I thought maybe Smokey would walk by or something. Duh! Smokey Robinson that is -- not Smokey the Bear -- knowing you!
Hi, honey, I'm back again. What a night. I slept and talked to Nancy and read a short story, now we're waiting for Luigi to deliver our order. What a place. We didn't have anything to do tonight so we looked up what it would cost to go United to Buffalo for Easter -- it's not too expensive at all -- standby. We have it figured out so we might be able to take two weeks at Easter. Look out Surf Club.
Right now I've had it. We found a new roommates in our apt when we got here. She's a really, really cute one. Why us?! She was kicked out of her other apt and now we have her, but we're going to see if she can move and we're pretty sure she'll do it. We clash so much. What a mess -- I have living with girls.
Sometime we'll have to clean up this place which won't be till we all get in the mood, which probably will never happen.
I must go. Write soon. How did exams go for you?
December 12, 1968 (Letter from Mardi)
I was glad to get your letter. It sounds exactly like what I've been doing here. No one really cares about school or studies, right now I just want to go home. I'm so tired to studies. I'll actually be home in less than a week. I'm planning on what I'm going to eat when I get there. I don't think I'll make it to the 20th. All we're having are finals next week too. I got a letter from Dody and I guess he's been sick with the flu. I guess he's missed a lot of school. I really hope I don't get sick. There are a lot of kids out here because of the flu.
Not too much happening. Friday night we went to see Andy Williams and the concert was absolutely fantastic. We even like Roger Miller. We sat about 15 ft away. We took quite a few pictures and I have to pick them up tonight. I hope they turned out. The performance lasted almost three and a half hours. It was something to see.
Saturday Wendy and I went to a party at 1 AM. We had a riot the whole 45 minutes we were there. Sunday I slept all day and wen to the Art Institute with Nancy and took some pictures.
The weather has been cold but sunny and clear. Today it's drizzly and dark out and I'm afraid it might decide to snow. I hear Jamestown had a bad storm and Erie had thousands of dollars of damage. The Peninsula was blown away.
I'm really hurtin', I haven't had more than two hours sleep each night. Monday we had to clean our entire apartment for room inspection Tuesday -- blaah! Last night we decided we weren't going to buy a Christmas tree but that we were going to find one and chop it down. We looked all over and nobody had a decent pine tree to take. We looked at apt building too while we were clonking around. One was $208 -- without utilities. Blaah! I may never have an apt.
Dec 13 - Friday. I'm casually relaxing in the apt., feeling blase. It's the flu. I'm just washing out a few shirts and blouses -- finally getting ready to pack.
My mother was in the hospital. I tried to call Wednesday and Thursday and I couldn't get a hold of her and I started to get worried. The operators actually began calling me by my name. This one was really nice. So I called my aunt and she told me everything was fine and my mother came home today. The doctor put her in the hospital to rest and for shots. I talked to her today at noon and she sounded terrible but she said she was feeling better but weak. She said she might be home all week 16-20. I hope she gets much better for Christmas. Watch me get sick all vacation. Dody went over to see her and Mike called her. You kids are so thoughtful. She really love ya all, you know.
We had a snow storm last night but we weren't hit that hard. Up north they were hit with 14 to 15 in of snow. We don't have too much. Planes have been taking off anyway. I got some pictures of our jet coming out here, finally. Please take care handsome. SEE YOU IN TWO AND A HALF DAYS!!!!
Andy Williams concert,
apartment hunting,
Mardi Peroski,
Mrs. Peroski,
Nancy Rush,
Wendy Johnson
December 10, 1968 (Letter from Kathy)
I must sit down in this freezing cold room and write to you. So you're not looking forward to winter? Tell me who is!! It is so damn cold in this city. The wind is unbelievable!!! Honestly, my room can't possibly be more than 50 -- more like 40 I think.
I've found out 4 of my 7 marks: B- Dental Theory, A- Dental Anatomy, B- Speech, C Chemistry. I think I'll get an A in Biology, B or C in English, and B in Clinic. I hadn't expected the C in Chemistry really. I was hoping I did better on the final.
I'm not doing as well as I had wanted to -- but, yet, it's what I deserve cuz I certainly haven't studied very much!!!
I didn't believe how long your hair was -- longer than mine!!! I must say that I didn't like it very much, but why should you care what the hell I think. Right? Right!! College sure makes one an individualist!
Did you believe how much Mark has changed? He's happy though. He really has found someone that fits his personality better than our crowd. I saw some of his works -- really great. He's so talented.
After I got back from Thanks., I had two days of finals, and then flew home for a few days, and will be leaving this hold in the ground on Thursday Jan 2nd. Unless I get a ride, I'm traveling by bus. It's too expensive to travel by plane during vacations. The cheapest by plane is $29 one way!!! I can go bus $31 round trip -- so that if it takes q2 hours to get to Buffalo. Isn't that terrible. It's only 7 hours by car.
My roommate just bought the Beatles double album yesterday. It's really cool.
I just don't believe this room -- this whole dormitory is freezing. I can't understand nit. There's no excuse why we should have to wear our coats in our rooms in order to stay warm.
By the way, I like your envelope. Did you like my idea?
Here's a sexy one for you. Fits me to a tee?!???? I'd doubt that if I were you.
Well, must rush off to Anatomy. I wasn't sure when you were in school until, so thought I'd better get this off today -- you probably thought I forgot about you.
P.S. Still no snow here -- I just can't wait to find out how cold it will be when the snow is blowing around!!!
bus vs. plane,
Kathy Schneider,
long hair,
Monday, February 20, 2012
December 5, 1968 (Letter from Anne)
Hello kid! How are ya? That's good!
What a world! I'm not sure I told you this, but I broke up with Tom. (Bastard) He started liking or should we say using one of my best friends. Her name is Marie. Well, he claims I broke them up cuz I wanted to go back with him. I wouldn't go back with him if you paid me. I'm going with this guy Gary Lee. God. Tom is the biggest asshole I know. Excuse the language but this guy really gets on my nerves.
Nothing really happened around here. We (family) are going up to Spread Eagle this Christmas. It ought to be cool cuz I've never seen a white Christmas. It seems stupid but I've lived in Dallas for such a long time. Well, what can I say!
Exams! Ich! The only thing I'm passing is World History, art, and journalism. Big thrill!
Well, hate to cut off but I'm going out drinking tonite and I gotta change.
P.S. I liked your envelope.
What a world! I'm not sure I told you this, but I broke up with Tom. (Bastard) He started liking or should we say using one of my best friends. Her name is Marie. Well, he claims I broke them up cuz I wanted to go back with him. I wouldn't go back with him if you paid me. I'm going with this guy Gary Lee. God. Tom is the biggest asshole I know. Excuse the language but this guy really gets on my nerves.
Nothing really happened around here. We (family) are going up to Spread Eagle this Christmas. It ought to be cool cuz I've never seen a white Christmas. It seems stupid but I've lived in Dallas for such a long time. Well, what can I say!
Exams! Ich! The only thing I'm passing is World History, art, and journalism. Big thrill!
Well, hate to cut off but I'm going out drinking tonite and I gotta change.
P.S. I liked your envelope.
December 5, 1968 (Letter from Gail)
I figured since I had the old typewriter out I'd write you a letter on it. I hope you don't mind and that you can read it cuz my typing is not too good.
Boy that was quite some envelope you sent your letter in. When I got it, I could not figure out what it was. Then when I turned it over and saw it was from you, then I knew.
I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. I did, too. I saw Mark quite a few times. The 1st night he was home we went to Jamestown to see "Gone with the Wind". Then on Saturday night, Mark, Sheryl Larson and I went to the Gloves. What a place! I really like it there. About 10:15 we left and went to the 4:00 Club, stayed there about 1/2 hour, then we went back to the Gloves until 11:30. We gave Patti Suppa and Missi V. a ride home. Patti was so drunk she didn't know what she was doing. So we stopped at Shorty's on the way home to sober Patti up a little. So I guess we sort of made the rounds that night. Right? Mark says your hair is really long. I can't wait to see it. What did you parents say about it? Don't get it cut till after Xmas so I can see it. OK?
How's school going for you? We got quarter grades a couple weeks ago (really about a month ago now). I got 2 B's, 2 C's, and an F in World Civ. We had a W.C. test about 3 wks ago and I flunked it, too. So I'm not doing too well in that class. As long as I can keep my other grades up, I'll be satisfied.
Tomorrow night is EOC's dance at the Women's Club. I got asked by this boy from Aliquippa, Pa. We're really just good friends and he's a great kid, only one thing - he's just about my height. And I just pray I won't be taller than him in my 1/2 inch heels. I think we'll just sit out the slow dances. We're doubling with Bonnie Freund and her date so we'll probably leave the dance around 10:00 and go to Shorty's. See, it's a dinner-dance. Din is at 6:30 and the dance is from 9 to 1. It should be fun cuz all 4 of us are real good friends.
It finally snowed today. This whole week it was really nice except it rained a lot. The wind is really blowing hard and it's pretty cold out.
We got a new dog a couple weeks ago. We had to put our other one away. He was really sick and he could hardly walk. We got the new one the same night we took Scamp away. The new one's name is Timmy. He's a beagle, 3 1/2 years old, and I love him to death. When you come home you'll have to come down and see him.
I know typewritten letters aren't very personal, but the tw. was out and I do need practice. I hope you don't mind. I really missed seeing you over Thanksgiving but I'm sure we'll get together over Christmas. Right? Right!
Be good and take care of yourself.
4 O'Clock Club,
Bonnie Freund,
Gail Benson,
Golden Gloves,
long hair,
Melissa Vought,
Patti Suppa,
Sheryl Larson
December 4, 1968 (Letter from Mardi)
It sounds like things went OK for Thanksgiving. Now back to the old grind. Thanksgiving we had a fantastic dinner. The city was literally packed with people. I've got to take some pictures. It's too beautiful to describe.
My vacation kind of racked me out here. I went to a party every single night. We were staying out all night and morning because our housemaster and Mr. Gage was supposed to be here but we never saw him. We had Jim Mead up and nobody signed in or out for the whole vacation. Friday night Mardi got totally polluted. I never had to much fun. I could not walk down the stairs without leaning on someone. I was with Mike all night and he wasn't feeling any pain either only I think most of it was marijuana. I was really gone I must say! I got home and Wendy and I hit the bed at 4AM. About 5:30 Peroski wakes up and throws up for an hour w/ dry heaves. I lot 5 lbs in one day. I was hurtin Saturday.
Well I just lost my pen. MariJo brought back her record player so now we have the extreme luxury of "home music". It kind of gives me the excuse to buy a new album. Which I shouldn't do.
It's 4:15 already. Days are short thank God. I think I'll play the lazy bum role tonight and just watch TV. I suppose I should loaf while I can, starting the 16th, exams, exams, exams, so...
Here I am again -- I clonked out for about three hours so I won't fall asleep tonight either. Linda and I have been sleeping on the living room floor the past couple of nights. It get like an actual oven on the top bunks, and we have all our heat turned off. At least we don't have to worry about freezing here. Tonight I swear we had hurricane winds. Our bedroom shook like a piece of tin. I thought it would fall out.
Nothing is really going on here. I go to see Andy Williams Friday. Tomorrow we're going to the theater again. The "Yum Yum Tree" is playing. Laurie Peters was in the first show I saw. She was the girl in "For the Love of Ivy". I hope you can come out sometime. I wish everybody could come out sometime, especially now. It's too beautiful. We're just clonking around here wasting as much time as ever it seems. Two lousy weeks. I'll never get back on that plane. Blaaa. I'm so sick of studies, studies, studies.
I got a full run down from Barb today in her letter. I think we'll have an exceptional riot over Christmas and anyone not in the mood get whipped.
Hi again! I will finish this letter tonight. I was reading Sex and the Single Girl, "How to have an affair". Duh!
I want to go home! We're playing Christmas carols, sob, sob. Please take care. See you in two weeks.
Barb L,
Jim Mead,
Linda Barney,
Mardi Peroski,
Mardi's Mike,
Wendy Johnson
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