Sunday, September 29, 2013

February 14, 1977 (Letter from Renee)

Part of a Truffaut double-bill in Amherst

SURPRISE!  I am actually returning a letter to you the very same day I received one.  To tell the truth, I'm not in the mood to do school work and typing a letter is a good excuse to postpone the agony of school work.  I was super glad to hear that you are well and that things are going well with you.  Looks like the year '77 will be a good one for you and I'm thrilled that you are happy.  I wish I could say that I'm equally as happy, but I'm not.  I have much to be thankful for.  Morrey and I are very happy together, we love our dog and have a good life style.  My unhappiness stems from inside myself -- it is not due to something anyone else has created.  To be frank -- I hate my job -- I'm bored to tears with it, and I am really sick and tired of the hassles with administrative garbage and some of the people I work with.  What makes me even more unhappy is the knowledge that there are so few jobs available in the "outside" world and I am a bit afraid and apprehensive about giving mine up to go look for "the rainbow".  I have pretty much decided that this will be my last year of teaching -- but what the future holds in store is so uncertain that I am afraid to think of it.  The whole question is, Paul, do I keep the job I have because it pays $10,960 a year and I can easily do the work but be unhappy, or do I look for something else which will pay less but be more of a challenge?  Added to that, I desperately want to buy a house to have a home to settle in -- but I can't have my cake and eat it too -- as the saying goes.  I will admit that I am willing to put off the buying of a house until next year, and I really wonder if we'll be able to swing it anyhow.  Shit!   My mind is really messed up right now and I don't know what to do.  Morrey says it's okay with him if I quit, but in a way I feel that I'm being selfish and unfair to him in doing do.  With his business right now the future doesn't look too rosey cause a lot of businesses are closed due to the fuel shortage.  If they are close d-- nobody buys electrical goods.  Things might really turn around in the spring but right now it looks kind of grim.  To be honest, Paul, I think my problem is that I'm not a very good "waiter".  I want things now instead of later.  I look at the friends around us who have been married about as long as we and they are in their own homes and have started families, and I wonder why they can do it and we can't.  I guess, to put it nicely, I'm downright frustrated and can't make up my mind what to do.  For now until June I'll put in my time and make it through, but when June comes I'm going to have my resume ready and peddle my butt around town to see if I can come up with a job that is a challenge and a real change from the life of a schoolteacher.  So there, my friend, in a nutshell, (more or less) is my predicament!  I'm sorry if I've burdened you -- I just needed to get it off my chest by putting it down on paper.  Thanks for letting me!

Now -- the fuel crisis in another nutshell -- it stinks!  We've been off and on school for the last several weeks.  We've been freezing our asses off at home and the temperatures in our classrooms vary from 40 to 60 degrees which make trying to teach a nerve wracking BITCH!  Columbus Public Schools are closed until March 7 and they are running a school program thru TV, radio and newspapers and it seems to be working half way decently.  We, in Upper Arlington, managed to purchase extra gas last week and will have it until another cold spell comes and they confiscate it to give it to residential users.  Our kids were off all last week -- but we as teachers had to work and make up really stupid learning packets for them to work on while at home.  The principal admitted to us that the reason we were doing the learning packets was for PR (public relations) to make the schools look good to the parents since we have a 2 mill renewable operating levy to be passed in June.  It's all a crock of shit cause the administration is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.  This week we are back in school and I started a new unit on short stories.  I hope to hell I can finish it before we close down again (if we do) cause I'm getting tired of losing the continuity of my teaching and it is so very hard on the kids to remember and retain stuff we did 3 weeks ago.  My disposition gets rather nasty when I don't know how to dress for school since I never know whether my room will be 40 or 60 -- both of which are cold.  I wore my coat teaching the entire day today and it took me until 7pm tonight  at home to warm up.  My parents sent us an electric blanket, 4 pairs of long johns, and 6 pairs of thermal socks which have been real life-savers.  Thanks G-d for parents -- and especially mine cause they're just super to us.

This sounds really odd -- but my mother and I and my mother-in-law and sister-in-law are going to Las Vegas from March 21-25 which is my spring break if I ever get one.  My mother has gone thru a particularly rough year since there have been several deaths in her side of the family in the last few months and she is still recoupreating from her surgery.  She has always wanted to go to Vegas.  Morrey can't get away and he wants me to go with my mom and his mom and his sister so it appears as though we're in for a really great time.  I really feel guilty about spending the money to go and I feel even worse about Morrey choosing not to go -- but I would like to show my mother the time of her life -- and heaven knows I need a vacation in a place where I can forget entirely that the "real" world exists.  My father can't go either and doesn't really desire to go so it'll just be the ladies.  I could get in a lot of "trouble" in Vegas -- but with my mother and mother-in-law as chaperones I'm sure I'll be safe and secure and I won't break the bank -- mine or theirs!

To answer your question -- I did hear from Mark.  He called me from Dayton and tried to make connections to Cols. but couldn't.  He was supposed to come back the next week and was then going to stay with us but the weather got really bad and I guess he couldn't make it.  He did promise me that he would definitely come here the next trip he makes to Dayton and I believe Mark will keep his promise.  He told me that he sold his house in Rochester and I think he's going to look for a job in Washington.  I will keep you informed when I hear from him again.

I got a letter from Mardi and she told me about Mike being married to a guy.  I guess he wrote to Mrs. P. and told her about it.  I was stunned and shocked at first -- but the more I thought about it -- the pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit. Knowing Mike's background and the kind of adolescence he experienced, I can understand why he would become a homosexual.  I have no ill feelings about ti nor do I dislike him for it.  I accept it and I would accept him as a person if I had the opportunity to meet with him again.  I wondered if you knew about it at Xmas time when we were home cause you sort of hinted around and alluded to it when you and I discussed Mike.  Answer, please?

My parents are supposed to come here this weekend and I'm delighted cause we've spent every weekend at home since Jan. and it will be a pleasant change to entertain my folks.  They always look forward to coming here and going out to interesting and unusual places with us.  They are usually game for anything we plan.  We even took my dad out to see a belly dancer in a Greek nightclub one night and he thought that was neat.  Of course, when you consider what a night life Warren has to offer -- I guess a belly dancer does look and sound pretty appealing to "country" folk.  HA HA

I hope my letter hasn't sounded too dour and depressing.  Basically I am happy with life -- but unsettled and unhappy with myself until I find something which appeals to me in the world of work.

Our puppy, Lady, is getting really big.  I bet she weight about 30 lbs. right now with another 50 to grow on in the next few months.  I want you to know that I am really serious about our 4th of July reunion at the cottage.  My folks said it was okay as long as everyone chipped in for the booze and supplies.  I wrote Mardi and told her to plan on it.  If you can get in touch with Dodi,k Joan, and some of the others from our "circle" please do so, okay?

Well, I've procrastinated long enough to start feeling guilty about the untouched school work so I'd best be closing for now.  Be well Paul and take care.  I'm so glad to have a friend like you!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

February 10, 1977 (Letter from Harriet)

A trip to Northampton to see

Right now I'm in the student center at the University -- yes, I'm a student again!  My life has changed considerably and I wanted to tell you about it in excuse for my lack of correspondence. Oh, by the way, the reason why I sounded so dry over the phone when I spoke to you was that I was using the university watts line & I was sort of in a hurry.

Anyway, I have commenced my sojourn into the world of the scientist doing his preliminary studies.  I am taking a heavy course load consisting of "Geological Oceanography", "Chemical Oceanography", "Statistics in Research",  and Ballet (it's wonderful).  I have also begun some research with good promise of it metamorphosing into a masters thesis.  I have started to learn about the ocean plankton, (the little creatures which live on the ocean surface) something of which I know nothing about.  I am going to take water samples in a few sites in an estuary around here, identify the zooplankton, and then, by next year, have a good idea of the seasonal variation in the community of the river.  Then I will do somewhat of the same for bottom living animals at the same sites & correlate the two.  Since I can't identify any plankton yet, it is a self-teaching experience -- just me & my gold ol' microscope.  All of this, plus laboratories, reports, etc. makes for one pretty busy person.  My only weekend not spent working was when I went to Binghamton.  (Had a great time.)

Otherwise, things have been fine.  My tirp was great -- went to Arizona, California (L.A. & San Diego), and Denver, Colorado.  It was so nice -- I saw all of my close friends who have recently moved from the east, not to mention my closest friend from NYC.  It seems that we did so much in 3 weeks - -we even hit Mexico for a day.  Charlotte & I had a great time with each other, & all in all it was a fine break.

As you can tell from my recent trends, I just haven't been in a writing mood as of late -- I hope that you dont' take this to mean that I haven't been thinking of you because I have.  You are right, it is time we renewed our friendship.  It's so hard for me to plan on anything now though -- so hard to find time for anything except my immediate needs.  I am going to have to get things together. Anyway, I am going to try to get away for a day or so next weekend to Boston.  While I'm there, I'll probably see Tony.  If you get a chance, maybe we could see each other there.  If not, I'm not sure when I will be able to scrounging up another weekend before the spring  other than to see my folks in NYC.  Write or keep in touch -- I hope to see you soon.

Monday, September 23, 2013

February 3, 1977 (Letter from Lar)

I'm sitting here watching TV.  "Alexander Von Humboldt" of the "Ten Who Dared" series is on.

Dale and I have been working on my speakers.  They are quite large, 20x30"

It snowed about 8" inches today.  I had a hard time keeping up with it.  As soon as I was done shoveling the walk, I had to start over again.

Did you see any of "Roots".  I saw all but one nite.  It was very good.

I'm sittin' next to my heater.  It's only 50 in my living room, and about 53 in the kitchen,  I find it more comfortable when it's cooler than warmer.

Dale tore his speakers apart and is rebuilding them.  He put contact paper on them.  They look nice.

Mr. Conaway is supposed to have the swine flu.  Dad said I was morbid for hoping for a swine flu epidemic that would wipe out a lot of people.  But I feel we need an epidemic to bring down the population a little.

This year could be a rough year weather-wise.  In the mountains out west, there won't be much melt-off next summer, which would cause a severe drought.

We need something to shake up the world, in order to make it more livable, in the future.

I put new linoleum on my bathroom floor..  It cost less than $10 for everything.

I have to write to Barb.  I haven't heard from her since Christmas.

That's all for now.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

February 3, 1977

I like your stationery (heh, heh, a little joke -- it's the best I can do at 6:30 A.M.).  I just drove Brook to his bus stop.  Today is my day for grocery shopping & bank, etc.  (Did I tell you that we found a bank that actually gives interest on CHECKING ACCTS!!?!!)  6% --  monthly -- according to the lowest amount left there for the month -- a real bargain considering most of the banks around here change $3/no. service.

I didn't sleep at all last night.  I  must be nervous about something-- only my subconscious knows for sure & it's not helping my conscious out at all!  I re-read Walden Two (last night) since there wasn't much else to do.  Actually, the first time I read it, I only skimmed it.  Last night I found out why -- it stinks!  It must have been written with 10 year olds in mind -- kind of on a par with Nancy Drew (or what I imagine Nancy Drew to be like, since I never read any of that!)

I'm starting to get tired now.  Am I just perverse or what?  But I'm going to stay up 'cause if I sleep now, I'll be on an entirely different schedule from the rest of the world!  I realize that this letter isn't amusing (a slight exaggeration).  Have they all been bad?  I don't know why, but maybe it has something to do with not much happening to me right now.  When (notice the positive) I get a job, things will liven up!  Please don't hold these doldrums against me?

By the way -- did you ever receive the Xmas ornament I sent?  I sent some to Brook's sister in Florida & they never arrived.  The post office here is a joke, or maybe the post office in Florida is -- or maybe both?

I will answer some questions.

1.  Albums.  We spent $45 on them before leaving Pgh.  (I had to settle for Best of Mountain since Climbing is o.p.)  Since then we haven't bought any new one.  We do get quite a few from Brook's father every so often.  He works for Warner Bros.  He picks out a few of the new releases that he thinks we might like.  Sometimes he sends jazz & I like some of the ones he sends, but I've got to be in a certain kind of mood for it, you know?

2.  People here seemed to favor the execution -- at least, the ones I spoke to.  It really was a farce! Gary G. tee-shirts!!  I imagine the families of the victims were quite pleased to see people wearing those.  People don't seem to realize that it is not possible to legislate morality -- or even other social actions that don't attach themselves to ethics at all.  I think capital punishment does more harm than good.  If I were going to murder someone in cold blood, I'd be much more afraid of a life sentence in some hellish prison (Are there any heavenly ones?  Ha!) whereas, if I were publicity oriented an execution would sound just perfect.  I mean, if someone is insane enough to kill for the hell of it & allow his victims no dignity, then why should they mind execution -- no matter how gory?  And the idea of showing electrocutions on TV!  I'm sure the ratings will be high.  There are certainly a large no. of crazy "sane" people!  Oh well...I don't really want to make a value judgement!

3.  Gas shortages.  BALONEY!  Gas companies want money to develop more gas supplies.  Gov't doesn't act immediately.  People pay the price.  The usual!  (Recall the gasoline "shortages of 1973-74.  it's all a matter of $ & timing, but mostly $$$$!

4.  I think elec. can openers should be outlawed & all the other gadgets.  We got 2 for wedding presents & they're still unopened.   I hate machines, except where necessary.  Maybe I'm too primitive, but I like opening cans manually & I'd rather walk than drive (reasonable distances!), etc. But most people think that's C-R-A-Z-Y!  I was born at the wrong time...or maybe I'm still living my past life?

We've had a few days with no snow, although it's been cold.  (My quilt is coming in very handy!) The ski resorts here are suffering.  Also, they say we'll not have enough water for farming next summer.  Brook says it's always -30 out at the sites (& that's during the day!)  It's usually not that bad here.  Today it's -0 but I'm not sure how much.  It's very windy here, too.  Just walking out the door, I fell like the cold goes through my bones!

So -- what have you been doing to amuse yourself?  I suppose you've noticed that your favorite month is upon us?

This week was really exciting for me.  Brook has oral exams in 2 weeks -- so he's studying a lot. On Monday & Tuesday, I re-lined all the shelves, and on Wednesday I defrosted the refrigerator!! (ho, hum...sigh)   And at night I sew so I let Brook study without me pestering him constantly.  By the summer, I should have a new wardrobe (& hopefully a job to wear it to!)  I even broke down & made a shirt for Brook.  (He's only been waiting for it for 5 years!)  It's all finished except for the buttonholes which are boring & I hate them.  And it actually fits!  (Which is surprising, since I made it as a surprise & he never tired it on while it was in the works.)  Oh well, so much for the exciting life of G. M. E.  Next letter, if you're good, maybe I'll tell you how I dust the furniture.  (I'm saving laundry for a special occasion, because I know it's just your favorite!)  (Ac-cen-tu-ate the +; e-lim-i-nate the - ).  I do recall that song vaguely, but very vaguely.

Did you try out the spinach pie yet?  If I can find goat milk, I may make some cheese someday soon.  I'm sure it will be a great mess, but it will keep mt out of trouble!  Take care.  I really enjoy getting messages from you.  I'm sorry if I'm a pest.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sunday, January 23, 1977 (Note from Renee)

I've been thinking about writing to you for several days but couldn't find the time.  I have 10 min. before we go out for the evening and decided to put it to good use.  Things have been screwy since our return from vacation cause of the fuel shortage.  Our classrooms have been between 40-60 degrees and we're freezing our asses of.  We're waiting for them to shut down schools because of the fuel shortage.  If we close down for a month I won't have any trouble planning things to do.  I might even get an early jump on job hunting for a new job.  I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed renewing friendships over Xmas.  It was one of the most satisfying vacation I've ever had in Warren.   I can hardly wait till the 4th of July weekend to have some fun and get together.  Paul, it was also great to be with you and spend time with you.  I had fund getting plastered and it brought back many memories from years gone by.  I'm beginning to sound like an octagenarian (sp?)

Mark Van V called me from Dayton last week.  He couldn't make connections to come here then but will return in a few weeks and stay over with us and I am delighted.

Our dog is getting more lovable and adorable each day and Morrey and I are thoroughly enjoying her.  It has brought us much closer as a family and it is really fun. I have been very happy these last few weeks and life is once again grand in every way.   No clouds on the horizon right now.

We have to go now.  Be well take care and write again soon.

Sorry for such a short letter.  Will do better next time.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

January 23, 1977 (Letter from Grayce)

What I was reading in January 1977

Hi Tweet.  We took a long drive yesterday along some back roads & it was really very beautiful. We had done the same thing in November & it was pretty then, but for me, nothing can really compare with snow-capped mountains.  We have some nice one right near our house, which I always check on as soon as I get awake.  They are different almost every day.  Last night there was a wet atmosphere and the frost formed on everything just glistens.  I can't wait for the sun to come out.  It will really look picturesque then.  It's kind of nice also when it doesn't snow here, but does snow on the mountains.  That's my favorite way for them to look, so far.  It doesn't happen too often, though.  We're fairly high up here -- a little higher than the town part of Pocatello, actually.  This "development" is called the Highland Area.  Today (& yesterday), it's beginning to get more foggy than I've ever seen it here (or anywhere).  I guess the sun won't be coming out.  Y ou can hardly see across the street!  Oh well....

Just went through the Sunday paper (the only one I ever buy & not usually that one, even.)  The want ads are pretty slim pickin's.  There was one exciting sounding job for a beer bar maid -- no experience necessary.  Also, in the personals column (the best part of the paper, in my humble opinion) an ad for a live-in housekeeper -- ages 25-30 -- female -- light work -- call after 6 PM Jack. I read the cars for sale ads, too, sometimes -- but only if I'm really bored!  This same guy has been putting an ad in -- a "must sell in one week" -- 75 Mustang -- for about a month.  Oh, I guess that's enough about Pocatello's classified ads, huh?

Diane says she's definitely coming out -- barring some unforeseen disaster -- but in those disasters, she mentioned airline strikes, along with gas shortages, so I imagine she's not yet decided on how she'll get here.  Bev may be the deciding factor & in her last letter, she told me her next paid vacation is at Christmas.  So...I don't' think she'll want to drive out.   She did say something about taking 1 week without pay -- but certainly not to come out here, I wouldn't think. It would be too expensive & also too much of a bother.  So...I don't really know what's going to happen.

Ange & John just bought a house outside of Southampton, Pa (near Philly) so they'll be postponing their visit til late summer -- possibly early fall.  We're probably going to go to Oregon with them when they get here.  John's family lives there, so we'll have a place to stay.  Willy & Debbie have threatened to camp out on our back yard, but I won't believe it til I can touch them.  They prefer warmer climates & usually go South every year.  My parents have promised a visit in May.  My father wants to drive -- (but I'm hoping he won't).  Anyway, I hope they do come -- but that's another thing I'm not going to hold my breath for!   Brook's parents are now in Florida visiting his sister Pat & her husband Terry.  Also they brought the 2 grandmas!  They will visit us in June, I think.  At least I'm pretty sure about them coming.  Oh well -- I don't really expect every one I know to just come out & visit, but it would be nice!

We're definitely having company for Easter.  Kathy Conaboy & friend (my philosophy major friend from V.U.) will be coming for a week.  I haven't seen her since graduation from V.U. -- so that will certainly be a reunion.  Brook is threatening to move into the Holiday Inn down the road!  He's never had to live in the same house with 2 philosophy majors before!  This is probably boring you to death.  I suppose you've guessed by now that I don't have much to say!

We may be taking skiing lessons starting Feb. 2 -- depending on how expensive they are.  I have to find out tomorrow.  I just can't see myself sliding down a hill like that.  It will be more like tumbling in my case, I'm sure.  If my next letter comes from Bannock County Mem. Hospital, you'll know why!

Oh well -- I'll try to write a longer (& possibly less boring) letter next time.