Monday, June 24, 2013
November 1, 1976 (Note from Barb L)
A happy 27th although a belated one. After looking at Oct 29 on my calendar all month I still missed the day! Hope it was happy and the weekend was special for you. Sorry this has to be just a card -- I ow you the letter of all time! I enjoyed your last letter although some of your references were somewhat puzzling -- Leslie crops up again (rides again!). You & I have got to learn to deal with a situation to its end before leaving it -- Patience. I have much to tell you. I haven't even told you about my new job & the current scheme of things here in Warren Pa 16365. Just got a letter from Anderson -- far out! He's fine & says hi! Can't believe we won't be seeing you till Christmas. If I can make it before that -- would you like to do a couple days in Boston? I wish you had a phone so I could call you! I will try you at work sometime. Until then -- take care -- enjoy the days & happy birthday once again.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Birthday Card from Diane (October 29, 1976)
Could you come down to NJ the first weekend in Dec? Or the second? There's a reason for the delay -- Bev & I are planning a trip to the Brandywine River Museum and Longwood Gardens for the Christmas displays -- which will not be ready until after Nov. (If you can't make it then,k we'll just have to take you Christmas shopping!) There's an excellent -- and expensive -- restaurant near the museum (the memory of their beef tenderloin tips lingers on) if everyone wants to splurge. However, the details can wait. Let me know if either weekend is agreeable & we'll take it from there.
I've just returned from a week in Alexandria, Va., and things are still slight chaotic. I'll write a proper letter later. Have a happy birthday!
Friday, June 21, 2013
October 27, 1976 (Card from Tony)
I got this card because I thought you'd like the picture. The saying is just drivel so ignore it please.
I hope you
Say, you know what pisses me off? The post office. Here I am ending you this card several days (2) before your birthday and I just know that they p.o. will muck it up & get it to you late. You just can't trust some people to do anything on time. Well, I wish you a good year & more just the same.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
October 12, 1976
Don't be too upset with Harriet -- it's difficult for most people to love with an open hand. Maybe she hasn't noticed your bird-like qualities yet -- (which make such non-handling essential).
How are your gums? My wisdom teeth have been coming in for 2 years now -- they don't trouble me too much, just once in awhile. I suppose it would be good to have them looked at again soon. The last time the dentist said they were ok.
About your money situation. I hope you don't have to sell your car -- it would seem like such a waste, don't you think? To save on your food budget, maybe you could buy beans in bulk at a great savings/ I'm enclosing some recipes I've come across. On the ones I've tried I've put comments; on the others, no, it can't be good to eat tuna every night -- not because of anything inherently wrong with tuna, but because it's so full of mercury. I'd think 2-3 times a week would be ok, though, since it's such a good source of protein, iodine, etc.
In case you're wondering what there 2 swatches of material are -- they're samples of the quilt materials I'm going to use. It wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but the fabric store here doesn't have the greatest selection. It will be predominantly the dark brown fabric with patches of the contrasting white fabric. I hope it comes out ok. If not I'll have wasted a lot of money on 15 yards of material!!
This little project should keep me busy & out of trouble for a few weeks, at lest! That & watering the grass seed -- a few little sprouts have shown themselves. At least I don't look like I'm watering mud every 2 hours like I did 2 weeks ago. We're wondering how much will grow through, because we had several days of very heavy rain & it probably washed a lot of the seed away (drat!!). Well, time will tell (to coin a phrase!)
Last weekend, 3 of Brook's friends from the Pgh. Westinghouse were here (the same 3 we went rafting with). They were sent out on business (monkey business) by Westinghouse & were here for a week. It was really nice to see some familiar faces for a change. We all went to Jackson Hole, Wyoming for the weekend. It was beautiful. It was off-season so it wasn't at all crowded, which was nice. We had lunch in this "cowboy bar" in Jackson. I felt strange because I was the only woman in the place, but it wasn't too bad after I got used to it. Greg escorted me to the "bar" so we could try out the saddle seats. (I was too chicken to go up by myself. Brook was busy playing "Tank" & "Stunt Cycle" in the game room!) What class! I broke down & played a few games with him later on. I actually beat him once & tied him once. Those guys couldn't believe it! (Brook was always the champ back there.) I told them our idea of a big night on the town is to go to the game place at the mall & spend $5 on these games. (Very seldom, though.) I mean, I have to play half decently -- just to keep my self respect, you know? I'm really bad at bi-plane, though -- I guess I'm just not very coordinated!
We looked at all the ski equipment that town had to offer (much) & I think Brook has been bitten -- he wants to buy (not rent). Actually, I'm not sure I want to ski. I'll probably kill myself -- or worse!! I told him I'd much rather spend the money on a good camera. (John had his camera with him [Canon] & all kinds of lenses & I was jealous!!!) Looking at all the steep slopes scared me; I couldn't see myself going down them at 70 mph. (I'm afraid to even drive that fast yet!) The prices for skiing were no less steep than the hills, though. I'll probably go at lest once, because I'd feel like I missed out on something if I didn't.
I have to water the "grass" -- I'll be back soon. A few more sprouts today! Very encouraging!
I have a tale to tell you about one of my last days in Pittsburgh. I think it would interest you, because it has to do with space & time travel which you have mentioned an interest in.
Anyway, one day before we left, I was to meet Mary Dodson (my partner in crime from Seton Hill -- the cataloger -- remember her?) at GSLIS & later we were going to have lunch. I was waiting at the bus stop near our house when this guy came along & what first struck was his amazing resemblance to David Bowie, except that he was a blonde, not a redhead. Anyway, he also had such a
Anyway -- this letter is incoherent. I'm trying to write & think above a lot of banging noise in the basement. We're having a water softener installed because the water her is so hard that is you don't have one, the plumbing has to be re-done every year & we can't look forward to that! I made this guy keep the cold water tap in the kitchen hard though, because I want to drink & cook with the water that's so calcium & magnesium enriched. I'm sure he thinks I'm really crazy!
Well, write when you can & take care.
David Bowie lookalike,
Grayce Easterbrook,
Jackson Hole,
Mary Dodson,
wisdom teeth
Monday, June 17, 2013
October 2, 1976 (Letter from Barb N)
I am writing you a letter now to find out some information concerning health education.
I just overheard a conversation where an officer's son has a bone disease and the hospital does not know what he has. T hey have been shooting him up with medication to help solve the swelling and they have been feeding him intravenously. I am very against that sort of "natural" healing. But then again what else does society know about our bodies that today's educators have forgot to inform us about?
I was reading a lot of Edgar Cayce and he spoke of natural medicines taken from plants, herbs, etc. He also spoke of osteopathic treatment. I am interested in learning more concerning this sort of treatment but I'm not too sure of just where to look. Do you have any idea? Should I just look into a nursing school and expand from that direction?
I feel the need to learn about our body and how to heal in a natural way. We are so ignorant of ourselves and what we consist of. If we could explore the vast channels that lay at the ends of our senses each human would only gain true contentment in living. Look at the gains of yoga. It is a truly relaxing art with years of added life.
I find it hard to reach people concerning diet, attitudes; what is beneficial generally, concerning our own being. It's like teaching religion to an atheist who shuts his mind to every word spoken concerning God. So I feel that in order to reach people I need to set a better example through finding my path. Also I need more knowledge to stand on firm ground in my beliefs.
I would appreciate any help from you.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
September 29, 1976 (Letter from Grayce)
I had the strangest dream last night -- actually, it was so vivid, I went around to check that it hadn't really happened! I walked into our house (in the dream) & on every window someone had put these curtain -- hand-embroidered with teddy bears! I can't remember who made them, but I remember that I was "afraid" of them -- (maybe fear is too strong -- just apprehensive about them) -- I remember not liking them there, but I couldn't give them back to the person because it would be an insult. It was very upsetting because the person (I wish I could remember who it was) would be to see me fairly often and I couldn't no have them up.
Well -- nothing like a strange beginning to a letter from a strange person. Teddy bears! A sure sign of senility -- I'm reverting to my childhood which I actually never did leave!
Today was a full day! In between watering our "lawn" (I hope, I hope) so the grass seedlings will know I care about them & won't let them die of thirst, I went to the market (more about that later) by MYSELF in the car! (After driving Brook to the bus station, of course.) I felt quite independent, but nervous. ( bargained with God to please let me arrive safely -- we do that a lot, He & I -- we've made some really strong commitments in certain areas. Also, I got rejected (snif, snif -- violins, softly) by Allied Chemical who said I did not (no kidding?!?) have the proper background to be given a job there. I also received the good news:
(1) The site where Brook works does not hire relatives of present employees....
(2) Aerojet (the other company where it was possible for me to get a job -- even though no science degree) is moving to another state.
Do you think there are degrees of unemployment (not to be confused with DEGREED unemployment -- which there definitely is -- and it seem to settle near me very decidedly -- no?)
I'm not really upset about all this -- actually, being the laaazzzzy person that I am, I'm content to wallow in nothingness for awhile. I mean, if I get desperate, there's always Taco Bell! (Actually, the only fast food place of which I slightly approve -- I fell that their food is the most wholesome -- & at least they offer non-meat things, you know?)
Back to the market (are you dizzy?). I'm sorry. I found this really neat supermarket -- it's called Waremart. You go in & pick what you want & put it in a box on this large push cart & mark the price yourself (so they don't have to hire someone else to do it & you save about 15-20%.) Also, they have a nice selection of "natural" foods & they are sold out of large bins (like at a co-op) & you weight everything yourself & mark & bag it. I was able to get bulgar wheat (which was hard to find in Pgh.) and cheap wheat germ (which I use as a substitute for any recipe that needs bread crumbs) and nice brown rice. They have a great selection of dried beans & also different flours. I'm going to try Rye Bread this winter. I'm also going to try whole wheat manicotti (with bulgar wheat thrown into the dough.) Poor Brook -- he gets to digest all my experiments. Actually, he's been pretty patient with my meatless concoctions -- for someone who was used to meat & potatoes & peas for 24 years before I started to be the cook. He actually ate some broccoli the other night & said it wasn't bad. (He was pretty hungry when he came home & that was the first thing I'd let him eat.) He also now consents to raw cauliflower in the salad -- a big step for mankind!
My friend Eleanor (my yoga buddy) is going to begin raising bees (is that what it's called?) -- that should be a good experience, huh?
This seems to be a food letter -- I'm making myself hungry!
(I made chicken with sesame seeds & P. cheese -- it was very good. Thank you.)
Maybe I'll be able to change the subject now. (Paul says, "Thank god!")
I heard something pretty interesting. (At least, I thought it's interesting.) Sugar City, Idaho may be able to get all their energy by geo-thermal means. At the site where Brook works (ERDA) they do searcher in this area, also & they think it's possible in certain parts of Idaho (but not many). Anyway -- isn't that somewhat encouraging? It's already being done in Boise, but on a very small, experimental scale. It isn't likely to be THE energy source, but it can contribute a lot if gov't has the sense to put some money into it. It won't be a substitute for what Brook was involved in -- energy for ships -- they will probably have to stay with breeder-reactors on board, but they are very safe & pose none of the problems to the environment that land-core reactors might -- also they use up & recycle their own pellet fuel products, which not many others can do. Anyway, ti's something to think about ! It would be nice if we didn't have to unearth all the coal available -- it will make such a mess of the land-- one big mine -- yech!
I just read my cards a few hours ago -- and I hadn't read them for months. I don't like to read my own because when you're too close to a situation, it's sometimes difficult to sort things out correctly -- but as a final outcome today, I got #XXI (the world). The description of that card is: "Fulfillment of all desires. Reward; assured success. Freedom to move ahead in all undertakings. The ability to make others happy. Change of home or means of livelihood (not too soon, I hope).; travel. *Arrival at a state of cosmic consciousness (hopefully thru yoga?) The path of liberation."
It's kind of difficult to misinterpret such good news, I think. anyway -- it made my day! Also, I still keep getting the Hermit & the Magician & the Hanged Man. (All predict the ability to prophesy to some degree.) I seem to get them in the fear position pretty often, though -- or else they cover the Queen of Pentacles (my card). Today, the Hermit was in the near past and the Hanged Man covered my card. Interesting.
I have a new friend -- our mailman. He comes by at 4:30 everyday & one day he asked me if he could take a drink of water from our hose. I said he certainly could not (in a stern tone) & he looked quite surprised. Then I told him to wait til I could get him some lemonade. He was really funny. I think he recently graduated from ISU & is looking for a job, & this is only temporary . Anyway, it's nice to see a friendly face.
I haven't met many people yet. Our neighborhood is new & there's no one living on one side of us & the people on the other side just moved in 2 days ago, and I didn't want to bother them now. They are an older couple (in their 50's) & seem very nice. Also, there is a couple (also in their 50's) across the street form us who we've become friendly with -- the Hunters. These neighbors seem like a real change from our newsy Wilkinsburg neighbors (except for our upstairs neighbors the Michauxs and our one next door neighbor, the Guys.)
Well, I guess I've babbled on enought now about trivia, and will let you rest.
Take care & please be careful driving.
P.S. Brook says to say "hello".
P.P.S Have Diane take you to "Bank Street 5" next time you're in Philly. It's a hole in the wall, but very good Italian food & you gete delicious sauteed mushrooms free as an appetizer -- I think you'd like it.
Grayce Easterbrook,
tarot cards,
Monday, June 10, 2013
September 27, 1976
[Postmarked 11/5]
Happy 27th! How the years fly! Sorry I haven't had time for a card! Things are very busy around our house for awhile now. Marti & I have a million little things going that we want to tie the ends up on before the dead of winter! All is well here.
I see Renee's grandfather past away --- I went her a note just a week before!
Have heard no news from anyone -- Mike -- Joan (no shock) -- Tina, etc. Barb is still here, don't know what she his going to do now, thought she'd be out of here but she likes Rick& possibly will stay here?!?
Take care & have a good day. Barb has told me to expect your around Christmas time.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
September 25, 1976 (Letter from Barb N.)
Hello. I thought I would only write to Larry, but I enjoyed your letter (which I just finished reading) so much I had to reply while your thoughts are still fresh in my mind.
I got back from the Oktoberfest this morning & I am happy to be home for now. I am going to try and tell you of my highlights of my journey to Munchen.
Doobie, Dean, and Frank, and I left Naples last Friday and caught our train to Rome which left at 2330. We slept in a couchette which is a compartment with six pull down-or-up beds. We met Nola and Eric on the train who seemed to have their problems with finding a bed. They were all "fucked up" both verbally and otherwise. Finally they got a bed and Eric had a bowl before he went to sleep. That was the beginning of our party.
In the morning we were abruptly awoken and told to get off the train. Nola found out that there was a strike at Trento. So we loaded up our belonging into a bus and headed for the Austrian border. It was well worth the bus trip and two hour delay from our schedule just to see the scenery. Southern Italy is so old and rugged looking while northern Italy through Austria and Germany is filled with green pastures and soaring mountains. I really got off on the view and fresh, chilly air.
The first nite at the fest we took it easy and only had two beers. (each beer is a liter mug.) We were feeling fine by the end of the nite.
The second nite we went to see Graham Nash and David Crosby in concert. I will never regret going to that concert in all my life! They plays all their goodies including songs from CSNY. But the end of the concert put me on a cloud for a good 15 minutes. They left before their encore and the crowed went wild for them. They came back to sing "Chicago" and "Teach Your Children". When you get to the part "Don't you ever ask them why if they told you you would cry so just look at them and sign and know they love you" the band stopped singing and the audience took over and did an outstanding job. I was singing my heart out. I know my soul was tingling. God -- it was great!
The next two nites at the "O" fest were really wild. We liked the Haufbrau tent the best since most of the people were our age. All the happy drunks were singing and tasting while the band played polkas, etc. I managed to drink four liters of good German beer. Beer like you'll never taste in the states. I enjoyed myself so much.
The last nite Doobie and I went to Innsbruck Austria for the day. Basically we went shopping through the town. I took slides of Germany and Austria so I will show them up at the lake next summer.
Munchen's transportation system was very impressive. I can say they have their shit together. It's all so new and immaculate.
Munchen is my favorite city for many reasons. I love the German people there. The city is very flat and good for a bike. In the squares with the shops you see a lot of one-two-three man acts trying to get money. One guy was playing bagpipes and had his quit-sneaker outfit. I also saw some good guitar acts. One guy was playing the bongos. But the German people took a delight in watching these people. It was all so refreshing.
I want to get involved in yoga. I have been doing it on and off for a year now not accomplishing too much for myself. I find breathing properly is very relaxing. But I'm still an upright person with too many worries. (I worry over what people think of me and that is the worst way to be but I find myself thinking of the other persons nasty remarks and I get scared -- stupid!) Now I am going to try and calm myself for my own well being.
I'm going to bed so I'll finish this letter in the morning.
Good morning.
Continuing with yoga, I am going to sign up for a class next month. It might help me more to speak with people who know yoga better than myself.
Now that I am back I am going to be better to myself. I hope to relax and take in my surroundings at a restful pace. Yoga should be the key to my well-being. I hope it will stimulate me in all aspects. So I hope to be on the right path now.
I would like a good camera also. I might buy a friend's camera. It's a Canon but I don't know the model. Mike is into photography and he prefers another model where he can do more of his own setting with the camera.
I plan to sell my guitar and buy another model. I am getting pretty involved in playing. I enjoy it so much. Hopefully next summer I will be able to play a few times at the lake.
Paul I want to put in for an early out for school. I'd like to go to school for one or two semesters then go to Sweden with Larry. But I'm not sure what direction is best for me. I feel I need some education because I want to learn but I would like to go to a vocational for a skill. I am still considering nursing. If I can go for two years I would have some training that I could use if I didn't go all the way. I could always work at a head start program. Do you have an opinion or suggestions of schools?
I'm glad Dale is finally going to school. I'm sure he will do well. This is the beginning of Dale's own life. Another steps towards his own being.
I had a good talk with Laura, my roommate, last nite. We both look toward living as bounded by God's glory. I am trying to understand the philosophy of his love but when I reach him I will find my peace. Laura was predicting part of the future she sees for me. I felt clouded as if in a vision when she spoke. But today I must remain myself striving to live life with feelings that change like the wind.
I will end here for now.
Barb Nelson,
bus ride,
Graham Nash and David Crosby,
train ride,
Friday, June 7, 2013
Sunday, September 26, 1976 (Letter from Lar)
Dale let me use his stereo set while he's at school. I listened to "The Royal Scam" for 5 days straight, and I'm not tired of it.
I just wrote a letter to Barb.
I went bowling today. Got a 181, pretty good for not bowling in quite a while.
Mike & I had supper here tonight. We had squash from my garden with cheese, sweet corn, Mom's rye bread, and Mike had steak.
Mom, Dad & I are going to Rose's for supper tomorrow. Mel & Levina will be there too.
On the radio at 10:00 on Sundays nites is our old time radio hour. They have comedy programs from around the 40's. Some are good and some aren't so good.
Since I have Dale's stereo, I'm listening to albums a lot more. The only problem is I don't have much of a record collection.
It's been raining all day. It hasn't let up at all.
Not much else going on in Warren.
Barb N,
Dale's stereo,
Larry Nelson,
Mel and Levina,
old time radio,
Rose Seeley,
The Royal Scam
Thursday, June 6, 2013
September 23, 1976 (Letter from Debbie)
I just got your letter so I thought I'd sit down and write to you while I have a few spare minutes. I did promise no more several month delays.
The weather here has been beautiful, for Michigan. But I do miss Montana. I think if I had lived my whole life there I would still miss it. I loved Montana. Someday, I'm dreaming again, I'll go back.
You asked "how special" my relationship is. Well, that's hard to say. I care for Hank an awful lot, too much for a gal who doesn't want to get "involved". It's really a funny (strange) situation. First of all, let me tell you about how I met him & the circumstances leading up to now. I met him at a Parents Without Partners (PWP) Bi-Centennial carnival. He was working on the kissing booth & I was working in the booth next to him. He kept teasing me until I came over and bought a kiss. Wow! Did he kiss! He was perfect for the job. Anyway, I met him again that night at the dance. He took me out to breakfast afterwards. We've been seeing each other since. Now comes the "cute" part. When I met him he was living with another girl. He had been trying to get her to leave for several weeks then. Anyway, he gave her 2 weeks to move out. So on her deadline she moved back home with her parents. Then one night during a PWP meeting Hank got a phone call from Marlene. She said she got into a big fight with her parents and wanted to stay the night at his house. He, being the kind of person he is, said ok. Well here it is 6 weeks later and she's still there. She told him the next day that her folks had kicked her out & it was because of him. He told me last night he feels guilty because it was his fault she got kicked out. So here I am in the triangle, Hank, Marlene, & me. I don't know what to do or think. He's a fantastic guy. He's super with my kids, but I feel like I'm going with a married man. I know he cares about me, but he is like you, "no commitments". Sometimes I'd just like to say go away & leave me alone, but I can't. I care too much. So, I ask you, how special? He gives me alot of good times & alot of heartache. Is that love?
I didn't mean to spend my whole time talking about Hank & me, sorry. Well anyway let me know what you think. Write soon & take care.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
September, 22, 1976 (Letter from Kathy)
The job that Gary had hoped for at FORD did materialize and better than anticipated. Two weeks after he started as assistant service manager or service writer, the service manager quit so the store manager has been getting Gary squared away to take the job. He should get the title shortly and the raise in pay to go with the title and, also should get a demo car. Things are looking brighter.
Think of you often -- especially when I meet a neat single gal. With the base located here though there are a higher % of single guys to gals.
After having lost our 2nd cutting of alfalfa to hail, we lost the third cutting to rain. Hay costs are going to be high this year. Thankful we don't have a horse to feed. It's been a rather wet summer here -- not anything like Warren, but it has rained almost weekly.
Did some canning and freezing this year. Now that I'm caught up on all that, have time to get the long lost letters written.
Gary now has Saturdays off so our lives are coming together a little more often now. It's really neat to have him around more. It's something I've missed the past couple years with the long hours he had at the motorcycle shop.
Wishing we could have made a trip home to Pa. in Sept -- it's been 3 1/2 years since we've been there, but finances and Gary's new job wouldn't allow for it. Finance should be better in the spring, so I may go to see my parents alone or wait until Sept. when Gary will have a week vacation. It would be impractical to make the trip by car in a week, so unless he can get an extra week, I may still plan to fly myself. Wish I spent a little less time planing my or our lives and more just enjoying it day to day.
Think I have convinced Gary that after 7 years of marriage we're ready as we ever will be for children. Just can't imagine my whole life without some children (1 or 2) to enjoy. Think he's scared of losing the freedom to enjoy the out-of-doors. We'll just have to work together to make a good adjustment. So! -- I'm planning a little girl for next Sept!!! It may not be a good time to have a baby but it just so happens to be convenient for me/us.
After having managed to work through rope burns and smashes from the horses next door and then from some puncture wounds at work from dirty instruments, I've now discovered a lump on my right hand next to the joint in my middle finger. Going to watch for a couple weeks and then make a decision. Quite concerned as it does involve my occupation.
Somehow Gary agreed to take a 3 evening course with me on family planning. Really do think it helped our marriage, although it seems like it would have improved just with Gary's new job. I'm sure he must feel better about himself. I just couldn't have faced another winter with him at that cycle shop.
Anxious to hear if your job is still exciting to you. Take care -- looks like those waiting years are paying off for us.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
September 20, 1976 (Letter from Harriet)
Well, here I am in Rhode Island. So many things have happened to me in the last few weeks. I think that I'll be brief and give you a better view of my present life when I see you next.
I am living in a beautiful house on a suburban type island. The house has lots of big windows which look out over the water. The location is nice because on one side of us is a salt march and on the other, an estuary-type ocean inlet. It is quiet and peaceful, and I am very happy here.
I live with two really fine women. They are also returning to school after 2-3 years of absence, and we have developed many areas of common interest. They are good people, too, and we have found a bond of trust between us.
School is very exciting. Oceanography is fascinating, and I'm glad I came here to study it. I'm taking "Biological Oceanography", "Physics", & "Calculus". Now that I look at it, it probably doesn't seem that great to someone who's not into it. As for me, I'm ecstatic!! Today I went on a field trip and was studying the "Rocky Intertidal zone". What really happened was that everyone went rock climbing & sliding down rocks covered with algae.
My life has been one of perpetual motion. Packing, unpacking, etc. was really a drag. Then came the hassle of getting my courses settled in school. Finally, in rapid succession, came a visit from my parents, a wedding in NYC, a visit by some friends and a wedding in Binghamton. I'm tired from all the moving around and am quite content now that it's all over.
It would be really nice to hear from you -- my # is 401-789-8970. You are only about 1 1/2 hours away form here, so we should try to see each other.
P.S. How the yoga comin'?
Saturday, June 1, 2013
September 1976 (Letter from Ken)
Thanks much for our research. You asked why it was so important. Well, I have to pre-empt the answer with a personal note or two.
First I must tell you, that I have given any work in my life to God. I have accepted as my personal savior. Consequently, I am into Bible prophecy as would figure. Please note that this does not preclude Buddhism as a philosophy, yoga, T.A. and other things I"m into. Anyway, it says in Daniel that the beast (anti-Christ) will bear its own number. The number of the beast is 666. The original title given to the first Pope was in Latin of course, and it was all in Roman numerals. Those R. numerals add up to 666. Throughout history, there has been an attempt to hide this information. You see Paul, we are in the last days now. The ten horns referred to in Daniel 7 are the ten counties of the middle east. There will be a revival of the Roman Empire and a great peace maker shall arise. If you have been watching the news, you will see that the pope is about to emerge as the peace maker. I always got the impression that you were an agnostic and more of the Eastern religions. I am mitigated even to the point where I master the tarot cards. I do hope that you accept Jesus as your savior because he paid one heck of a price to be available. Being open minded and a fellow truth seeker as you are -- what a marvelous project that would be. Dissect the Revelation of Daniel and concord it day by day with the current events of the day. I am doing this myself.
I know this about you -- first let me lay this absolute truth upon you. There is only one thing that cannot be taken from you and it is your right to choose between good or evil. What you seek is what you get. I know you seek good. I hope that is Jesus is part of your life or will be soon. I really pray this.
Please let me know if this letter reaches you. As soon as I hear back from you and know my letter won't end up in the dead letter office, I will send you a long scribe. Sure do hope to hear from you.
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