Sunday, September 30, 2012
March 26, 1974 (Letter from Tony)
These past few weeks I've felt very much like I'm running on a treadmill, and I have to keep running faster and faster just to keep in place. But I have finally gained control again and am in the process of consolidation.
Law school, and I'm talking in broad terms - -including my entire existence at this time, has been a very strange experience but one that I'm appreciating more and more as time goes by. I guess I'm like a guy learning how to sail, and I could manage pretty well in the port of Buffalo, but now I'm out on an ocean and I've never done much long distance navigating. I have to learn how to follow the stars, picking out the ones that are important for me. That I must make all the daily decisions, and that these have such an impact on my future are not new ideas, but I never realized as clearly as I do now what my responsibilities are. Coasting along heedlessly moving where the wind will take me, was an art to be developed at Buffalo. Now I'm trying to marshall my skills so that I can assume my own direction, even if it means moving into the teeth of a gale.
I get somewhat confused between short-term, daily events, and long-term lifetime pursuits. That life ins a seres of conflicts to be resolved or avoided is not a very enticing characterization, but perhaps it's true, at least in our Western society. It's become apparent to me that Freud preached nothing but a new religion, to be accepted one faith, or rejected. There is no psychology in Asia except that forced on them by Europeans. They have only a philosophy or religion, and they emphasize harmony and oneness. Only in a culture based on strife could Freud postulate that our minds work "as if" there were three parts, ego, id, and superego. And countless others could form theories emphasizing insecurity over sex or territoriality. Pick whichever one you desire, believe in it, act on it, but never become convinced that it's the "right" path, the vanity of evangelists is so astounding to me. I saw "Elmer Gantry" on TV a while ago, I enjoyed it despite the contempt I felt for their beliefs or righteousness.
It's a beautiful rainy, drizzly day here in the Oakland hills. I've moved to this new address 6843 Broadway Terrace, Oakland Calif, 94611. Chris and Ed, my old roommates, moved to Concord, 30 miles from here because Ed works there. The room I'm in here was occupied by a young man who got his M.A. in engineering in December and is now touring Europe. This place is a very comfortable house. My housemates are all 2nd year law students who lived in Manville, as I did for the 1st semester of our 1st year. 3 of the 4 are very relaxed and congenial as we all get along very well. The 4th is loud, obnoxious and has the maturity of a 7 year old. Getting along with him takes a major effort.
We are currently on our spring break. I had some wild dreams about going to Mexico on the Grand Canyon but financial reasons, and the charm of staying here, in my house, with the fireplace, without the obnoxious roommate, all combined to influence my decision, so I stayed here. I did go to Mt. Tamalpais and Muir Woods (redwood preserve) for a short camping trip but since then I've left this property only 3 times in 4 days. Once I went to the store, another time I went to play basketball, and third time was to get some books from school.
I'm into one of my "knowledgeable" moods. I am excited about reading fiction, history, psychology anthropology, etc. I get somewhat frustrated at the slowness of absorbing everything I wish I could, an din time this will temper my enthusiasm. That seems to be the sort of process most of my feelings go through. I guess it's pretty basic.
I hope you're doing OK. When does spring come to Pittsburgh?
Have you seen American Graffiti? I thought it was tremendous. The actions of the people in Colden-Springville were somewhat different than those shown in the movie, but the characters themselves were very much the same as people I grew up with.
I just read Miss Lonelyhearts and Day of the Locust. I enjoyed the first very much, perhaps it raised my expectations too much because although I liked Locust I was a bit disappointed with it. Any more recommendations on what I should read?
Friday, September 28, 2012
March 13, 1974 (Letter from Renee)
It is I, not you, who should apologize for not writing in so very long. I had every good intention in the world to write to you over Xmas vacation; however, I had a houseful of company from the day we got out of school to the day went back and then I lost your address. I was sort of hoping that you wouldn't give up on me and would decided to drop me a line. It was so very good to hear from you once again. Thanks for thinking of me!
Well, where do I begin to tell you about us and what's going on here in Columbus. Ohio? First off, Morrey got his associate degree from Franklin University in Dec. so at least now he has a "piece of paper" to hang on the wall. He also recently received a promotion at Loeb Electric and it looks like his future is secure there. The money is not super great right now -- but there is definite hope! I'm very proud of him and quite happy. My job is just fine, I'm in my third year at Hastings Jr. High. Things sure are a lot different now that I have a few years' experience under my belt. I can't believe how easy teaching is now compared to when I first started. I actually have time now on week nights to do a few things which I like to do rather than things I always have to do. My kids are really great and I don't have any major problems discipline-wise so I guess you could say I am content. I will be teaching in a special program next year (if our next levy passes). It is called the House Plan and it is designed as an attempt to inter-relate the scholastic disciplines. We take a group of 125 kids and the English, Science, History, and Math teachers all have the very same 125 kids to work with in a 4-5 period time sequence. We can group the kids to work with them the beset way we see fit, and we can change the groupings whenever we want to facilitate special work and projects. If the kids are assigned a research paper in History or Science, then the English teacher can work with them on the project since all of the students have the same 4 teachers. I am very excited about the possibilities this program has to offer, and I feel that the progress allows me to set a goal for myself and work to my fullest potential to achieve it. So much for my job....
Morrey and I have been busy socially. We're on our second set of bridge lessons and it has really been hard for me to learn but I'm working at it. We're just about ready to invest in a pair of combat boots for the two of us so we can communicate across the table-ha-ha! Bridge is a serious game and I'm such a "joker" (no pun intended!). We've made a lot of friends since I've been teaching and there's always something going on every weekend. Morrey and I like to socialize but we also like just being alone and lately it has been really hard to find time to do what we want instead of what everyone else wants to do. I'm really looking forward to this summer cause I'm doing everything I've waited to do all year -- sleep, read volumes of novels, sew, and be a real honest-to-goodness housewife.
Would you believe -- it has been a week and a half since I started this letter! I started to write it just before my spring vacation and tomorrow I go back to school. I drove to Warren for a few days to see my folks and I was bored to tears. I read three books in two days and about a million magazines to keep myself busy. I stayed in Warren from Mon. to Thurs. Left Warren with 3-4 inches of snow on the ground and before I got to Corry I had an accident. I've never driven in such miserable conditions. I slid from one side of the highway all the way to the other side and knocked down a speed sign. I wasn't hurt -- but my pride was! I didn't damage the car very badly visibly, however I'm told it will take about $200 in repairs to fix our new VW. I was heartbroken -- but also quite happy to walk away from it in one piece since I could have hit a tree or another car. I stayed in Corry overnight with the Zalzneck's and came home Friday. The roads around Erie were impassible and the visibility was zilch. Once I crossed the Ohio border the weather miraculously changed for the better. I've decided never to drive to Warren again by myself except in the summer time! For all the money it's going to cost us to fix the car I could have flown to Florida and really had a good vacation. Hindsight is always better than foresight!!
Well Paul, I could write some more but I've loads of school work to do before tomorrow morning so I'll close for now with a promise to write again as soon as I can. If you have any chance of coming up our way to Columbus -- please do cause we'd be delighted to have you. If you want to bring a friend(s) with you we have plenty of spare beds and rooms.
Be well and take care.
car accident,
House Plan,
Renee Prayzer,
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
February 27, 1974 (Letter from Barb)
Today is Ash Wednesday and that means spring and that leads to summer and I can't believe it! I'm sorry about my seine of time here and also about my lack of correspondence -- I have no excuse except the usual (for me) -- constant hassle, I have seldom experienced a more unproductive and hassled six months -- I think the problem originated w/ my not listening to the right voice about a year back when I was making some decisions. I haven't had the right strength to get thru this shit positively her e-- I really got royally screwed my by landlord and was forced to move -- I don't even want to go into it. I'm living w/ Terry and Kathy (from Humboldt Street) in Charlestown -- moved Sunday and Rick helped me move. The place is not bad although the building looks like a firetrap from the outside -- the apt is OK and you can't beat the price -- $98/no including heat between the 3 of us. The neighborhood is families but very industrial -- no trees or grass that I can see, it's right near the Bunker Hill Monument -- that's the only cultural find so far. I have generally lost all my enthusiasm for Boston w/ the bad luck I've had this time. It's amazing how things can work out so well as they did before when I lived here and so shitty as they do now -- as you can see, I'm not exactly thriving -- fuck it. I can't blame the city -- I can only blame myself for coming back here when I knew I shouldn't.
New subject -- Harry says hi -- she likes being in the new place cause she's never alone - Terry's cat is her buddy. The reason I'm writing this now is that I want you to call Teddy -- he's in Pittsburgh now for a few more weeks before he goes out to Columbus -- I talked to his cousin and he said Teddy's been working hard and doesn't know anybody is Pgh so maybe you could call him and offer your services in getting ripped together -- I'll give you his # when I get home to finish this -- I'm just leaving work now. More later.
Hello again -- here's the # -- 824-4300 Ext. 325 -- he's staying at a Quality Inn in North Versaillies, wherever that is, wonder why everybody's ending up in Pittsburgh -- breathtaking Gateway Center -- Greyhound station -- I wish I was back in Pgh and could start all over. I would have thrown the finger at Seton Hill long before I did!
How ya doin anyway? It seems to be getting toward the end -- do you finish in June or August? Then you'll be one of the few professionals among us -- (professional what?)
Have you heard from anybody? I haven't. How about Michael? Is he still not talking to his father? Hey, Timmy's taking karate at home from Tom Handest's wife -- this is his activity now - he's still not over Rita and is laying low. Daddy's news is that Jeech is missing -- nothing new -- he always takes off now. Of course Mama doesn't go anywhere. Nobody has any news these days. I haven't heard from the Graves -- no late bulletins on the state of the house-building. What can I say? I'm not in tune to these people anymore. I threw the I Ching Sat nite and put "nourishment" -- in mind and body, rejoin your own kind and the opposite was restraint -- no hard restraint now. I guess it is the time to be connected to people again -- the cycles always go away from or toward people -- would be nice to break out of the cycle altogether -- now that would be progress!
Write soon and take care -- if you do talk to Teddy, tell him I said hi -- I wish I could come and visit you both -- I fell like going somewhere -- Duh, no kidding.
P.S. Terry and Kathy say hello, hello -- Terry's looking for a job again.
Barb Lucia,
I Ching,
Timmy Lucia
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
February 26, 1974 (Note from Elaine Seaton)
Not the Manhasset Public Library in 1974
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your note. I had been ill (unheard of! unthinkable! unacceptable --- but it sure happened) and home in bed for a solid week. When I returned to th office, I was swamped with work, plus, this is budget preparation time.
As I had indicated to you, I don't know exactly when the man who is presently in the Junior Librarian position will be leaving, although he has said he'd like to leave by summer -- if/when he locates another job well outside the New York area.
On that likelihood, which I think is fairly reasonable....
The last ten days in April don't conflict with any plans of mine, at this date. Why not drop a note, closer to that time, with a couple of alternative times that seem convenient to you to plan a visit here, and I'll confirm a definite time back to you.
Warm regards to Sue.
Sidebar: Wonder whatever happened to Elaine.
[Elaine Seaton. "With Friends Like These...." , 1980.]
Mentioned in The Congressional Record, May 9, 1995. Acknowledgement of Manhasset Public Library's 50th anniversary.
Monday, September 24, 2012
February 15, 1974 (Letter from Kenny)
Sorry it's been so long since I wrote but as per usual, I've been pretty busy. I can't seem to find your last letter but I remember distinctly being quite surprised at several things. I didn't know Mardi was married and I was even more shocked to find out that she didn't marry that guy from Minneapolis. Also I was mildly surprised to find out Joe and Mary are going to have another kid. It must have been good to see them though; right now I can't even remember that last time I saw Poskanzer -- probably just before graduation. I always thought that he was going to Florida or something -- I just don't know how he can afford to support a fairly on a salary that can't be that tremendous. In any event I hope everything works out for them.
How's things going for you? How's school and Pittsburgh? When are you going to be finished? Things in Phila are about the same -- gang killings etc. Lauren is still going to school and will be going straight thru the summer at which time she'll be done. She's been applying for teaching positions for next September and we're pretty optimistic. School has been shitty as usual, I'm taking 2 Wharton courses this semester which I thought would make things easier. 1 is pretty easy but the other one is killing me because stupid me took it out of sequence and I can't drop it because of very strict credit per year requirements. So naturally things aren't going too well on that front.
I've pretty much decided to let go of any ideas that some high class job for the summer. I figure I'll do shit-ass research for a professor for $2.50/hr and maybe take 1 or 2 Wharton courses. I guess things could be worse. In a way I'm kind of looking forward to it -- I've never gone to summer school before.
Speaking of Wharton (that's funny I didn't know we were) Herbie might be going next year. He got in and he's seriously considering it. Imagine that, little Herbie going to graduate school.
How's your social life going? Anything to do in Pittsburgh besides cheer for Pitt's basketball team. I hope so for you sake because you definitely aren't getting any younger and besides someone told me it helps your skin clear up!
I'm going home next weekend for one of Lauren's friend's husband's party (a lot of possessives and I lost track). We haven't been home since Christmas so it should be pretty good. Oh yeah, my mother bought a condominium in Florida recently (somehow my grammatical structure leaves something to be desired). She is going to rent it out on a permanent basis for about 4 yrs until she's ready to move down there. She bought it now to preserve the low price for the future, which is pretty smart I must confess. So in any event in the future we'll have a place to go free in Florida. What are your summer plans? I figure you should be about ready to go continent -hopping now that you've covered this country. So let me know what's going on.
Got to go now, so take it easy and write back.
Joe and Mary Poskanzer,
Kenny Tuchman,
law school,
library school,
Sunday, September 23, 2012
February 17, 1974 (Letter from Barb)
As I begin my correspondence after a lengthy pause (roughly 2 months) you are the first one I'm going to write to. Lucky boy. I almost feel like skipping all the external events, they could sound like such a down and their relation to reality is not that close anyway. Now I know why Joan never writes letters -- no news is better than the news you have to give sometimes! Well, here goes --
#1 -- I'm moving again. A big black cloud has come to rain on my parade by the name of LANDLORD -- I know I've managed to talk into every bad situation in the book since I've been back here but this one was really and truly unforeseeable. After a health dept inspection occurred because of my kitchen wall continuing to crumble away, this strange sick man of a landlord let loose a barrage of harassment -- shutting off my electricity, chasing away the repair man, threatening me and telling me to get out (troublemaker, communist, etc.) This all happened almost a month ago -- I had housing out on it and he turned on the electricity (finally) but his intent was clear -- to get me out by the end of the month. Due to his violent nature and my own vulnerability in staying here alone and having Harry here all day I was forced to look for another place. I can't even explain the hassles, lawyers, tenants organizations, Rick, and the other things he's done like letting his German shepherds at Harry, turning off my hot water, etc. The kind of situation you've got to feel can't be real, but it is. How does one know that renting a decent place w/ a good lease doesn't insure anything? I had no way of knowing this character was a nut and a lease is just a piece of paper to him -- I'm really not that bummed out about him, I just don't believe it! So -- next weekend I'm going to move in w/ Terry and Kathy for the time being. I have reached the stage of not being disappointed or elated by outside events. There's been no progress in that area for 6 months, although I have made some inner progress, it's not reflected in anything around me. Everything has kept an unstable and transient nature and I don't expect a change. At work we've just moved to a new building -- from a very quiet, patient-oriented and small older place to a new, big clinic where people pay the status game and rigid attitudes abound. I am now working out of a cramped, ridiculous room 2/ fluorescent lighting, the whole trip. There is a certain amount of conflict between us and our own attitudes and what we found when we got there. They even object to our toys and things for the kids -- they don't feel it's dignified to have to step over a kid playing with a toy -- interferes with business-as-usual -- to us, business as usual is children, to them it is something different. With the attitudes I've been encountering everywhere here I really go into a despair sometimes. It's like starting the world all over again every day. As this past week was our final week after the move and I was frustrated at every turn, I allowed myself the luxury of getting high every high but one! I have really not turned to grass in a long time but there are times when I feel I need out of my daily circle of thoughts and worries and the constant tyranny of the ego. For months I have been living an isolated life of my solitude and my habits and now I feel like getting stoned with people. Friday nite I went out with a friend from work and her roommate -- got very stoned and went to see 2 Charlie Chaplin movies and enjoyed myself immensely. Tomorrow I have off and Terry and Kathy and I are going up to New Hampshire to see Doreen. I'm even renting a car! It has taken a very little while to dawn on me that there is no permanence here for me -- everything I've come back here to find has dissolved, but I had to know it for sure -- I must know the truth of things. I have no plans now -- I can only wait for the voice to speak again and hope I have the courage (again) to follow it. Seems that every few years life alters itself completely and there's a time of just nothing and waiting until it shows a completely new face. 5 years ago at this time the same thing was happening and although that sounds like a long time, it seems to me just a moment -- then the change came not only as a change in place but a complete change in goals, attitudes, a whole new ball game. (no pun intended, he, he) I feel like that whole time of being young and just living to learn is over -- I've been learning for 25 years and there's something else to live for now but I don't know what it is! It's not more formal education and it's not a career (per se) and it's not marriage yet -- I just have no concrete picture to present. I'm very attuned to what's in the wind and when I see it, well, I'll do it. I feel very out of touch with most of the old people -- I just don't know where they are -- all I know is they're not where I am. You and my brother, Tim, are 2 people I can perceive as being close to where I am; Mardi is worlds away and it's something I'm sorry to see. I'm not judging anybody or myself -- I'm just noting how it is. I don't even blame Mardi or anyone anymore for their decisions -- I just accept it. What can I say further? I have no positive view of people one way or the other. Look around and tell me if anyone has even begun on any sort of understanding, knowledgeable life -- a few have and there but then there's the fucking government and do you believe, does it seem at all reasonable that it keeps on day after day? Today this guy tried to crash his helicopter into the White House and they put him in the psychiatric ward! My God, they've got the wrong guy! It is all so insane... I don't even think we have a congress at this point. The people here are very angry and radicalized but these aren't the ones from the anti-war days -- they're the middle class -- the haves are mad now -- amazing, isn't it and doing civil disobedience and violence and still no one moves, no one does anything. You know, they did a study of college students now and most of them have no memory or idea of the anti-war movement or the draft or Vietnam or Kent State and they could care less about impeachment or whatever -- I don't know what they're into now, but hey, it wasn't that long ago, how can it change that fast? It's like national amnesia. I remember Teddy being prepared to leave the country 5 years ago because of Vietnam and now he's a traveling representative for Dunkin' Donuts in Ohio! It all seems to bizarre. What I really see is a lot of people including me and everyone else, reach a certain age and just slip over the line into place and stop!
Well, I better stop raving here -- what good does it do? I haven't even asked you what's up -- I see by your letter that Leslie is not one of the up things and school doesn't sound like one either -- it's been over a month since I got your letter -- I'm sure w/ your usual speedy recovery you've gotten into 10 new things by now. Hey, I did begin a journal again in January and I really like doing it again -- this time it's much more free-flowing, but I don't keep it up on a daily basis -- it's more or less erratic but I've noticed that when my mind reaches a certain point, at a given time in the cycle of moods. I pick just when I feel the need to express myself the strongest -- I don't know. Do you do it on a scheduled basis or wait for a time when you feel you should do it?
I'm going to bed now -- this letter is not what I intended --- I wish I could write you a better letter now but I can't. Take care and keep writing.
Barb Lucia,
journal writing,
landlord problems,
work attitudes
Thursday, September 13, 2012
January 21, 1974 (Letter from Dody)
I'm sorry that I'm typing this letter but it's either this or you really won't be able to read the letter at all. (You see my handwriting has gone downhill considerably since college.) The other reason is because I'm not sure how long this letter will be and I want to be sure to tell you all of the shit.
Since the beginning of school I've been teaching and going to school at the same time. I've been taking an IPS (Introductory Physical Science) workshop for 6 graduate credits in Philly. I was also the assistant football coach this year and had a ball doing it.
About Christmas time our faculty decided to put on a musical so as to send our foreign exchange teacher, from England, down to Florida for the Christmas vacation. Needless to say, yours truly got stuck with the lead, because he didn't show up for rehearsals. (He who doesn't show gets stuck with one of the leading parts.) Well, we put the show on within 3 weeks and made $901. Enough to send this guy and his wife to Fla in style for about a week.
When I got home for the Christmas vacation the first time it was for only a very few minutes. I did see Mike and he told me about his travels and schooling etc. and it seems that he's getting sick of school. I really think that what Mike needs is to get out and work for awhile. He's really getting hung up on society and its absurdness. I really don't think that he wants to cope with what society has to offer and the responsibilities associated with it. Hopefully, he'll outgrow his "bitterness" or whatever is bothering him. It was real nice to see him though. He's still got a lot to offer this world if he ever gets around to it.
I'm glad to hear that you are getting into the swing of your new "job". It sounds as though you really dig this library science bit. I sure hope that you can get a job somewhere, IN YOUR FIELD, because it is really a bitch and half when you have to teach or do a job that isn't your major field. However, if one wants to get into a company or school, in my case, it sure does help to start somewhere.
Our new high school should be finished in September of 1975 and is supposed to be quite a school. I got on the curriculum committee yesterday along with the other guy that I teach with. We're hoping that this will be our foot in the door for a Biology position when the new school opens. Here's hoping for the future.
During the vacation I spent a lot of time with the parents and had a fantastic time. I've found them to be quite the friends as well as parents. It was a nice stay and much too short overall.
New Years Eve was something different. I started the evening with Gussie. She was to come up to my grandfather's house for dinner and yours truly lost the key someplace. Man, did I ever feel like an ass. Believe me, a total ass. She couldn't stay out for the whole evening so I then went down to the Knight's Lounge and had a fabulous time.
I've kinda taken an interest in a girl from back home but will have to wit to see what happens. I won't expand on this point right now as I really don't think that anything will materialize. Don't worry though, it isn't Linda Cummings. Besides she's married and you wouldn't believe how lucky I am that I got rid of her. Only time will tell in regards to this other girl.
On the local scene I've decided that they should name Warren Peyton Place with all of the crap that is going on there. It is unbelievable.
Do you remember Tom Peterson? Well, he married Bonnie Weldon a few years ago and now they're split up. In fact, he's supposed to be down in Florida with Cathy Siegle, who is married to Dr. Gettes' son from Youngsville. How true all this crap is I really don't know. But I do know that Bonnie is in Warren without Tom, because I was with her at the Rathskeller for about half an evening. So I've decided that I'm staying out of Warren for awhile until thing settle down a bit.
This summer I'll be going back to Edinboro, hopefully, to work on my master's degree. It should take only two summer total to finish up and then I can take a rest for awhile. It will be a nice change from this workingman's world though. A bit of a grind but a little relaxation.
Well, I'm going to have to cut for now but will write again when I get the chance. Write when you can and let me know the haps.
Cathy Siegle,
Dody DeLong,
football coach,
library school,
Linda Cummings,
Tom Peterson,
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
January 3, 1974 (Letter from Leslie)
Greetings. I'm sitting on the train on my way to the Big Apple. Decided to take the train because I'm sick of the bus and actually the train is much more comfortable. The ride feels much like floating, but still not easy to write. The new train station is across the river from the old one. Needless to say, the old one has much more class and elegance, the new one is just functional. I got on at the little boxy station in Colonie, the stop before Albany, and am very glad as there was a mess of people waiting to get on. I just felt the bump of another car being hitched so maybe it won't be too bad -- so far nobody is sitting next to me.
Being gifted with hindsight and shyness and after thinking about your visit (still thinking is more appropriate) I've decided to write and make some comments, not necessarily in the proper order. Also this letter is not meant to be fawning as I am upset and annoyed at y our own pussyfooting and should have expressed this while you were here. I checked complacence in the dictionary and fawning or subservience is the better word.
Referring back to your last letter I remember your saying that you wanted to talk to me about our relationship and smooth it out yet the only time you offered any discussion of it is when I asked you about it and then I had to ask again to get some reason behind your thinking and then I find out it is none of this bull shit you have been feeding me about being a loner, but it is this subservience if this is the honest answer.
I admit to this but failed to mention your habit of acting like a hot and cold running faucet -- sometimes you are warm and nice and I feel close to you and other times you close yourself, do not give any positive feedback and I am given no indication as to what has happened this time. Since I am not the type who keeps asking what is wrong, I do not say anything except ask you those "trivia" questions which I finally found out that you dislike.
Also you hoped to find this trait gone by the changing of environments (Buffalo, Pitt, my home) but were disappointed. Frankly I was disappointed too, to find you acting in the same way you always did. Neither one of us realized that our actions were more reactions. I had hoped that you would be more responsive than you were. The problem seems to be our mutual reticence about discussing what is really bothering us, therefore letting things build up. We have serious communication problems about what our individual needs are and still hardly know how the other is.
At this point it is difficult for us to be friends who trust one another.
Also in regards to the remark that even though you care very much for Tony you were still glad to be away from him after the trip, I think it is highly improbable that you will ever find a person who you will not get tired of at one time or another. The better and stronger the relationship is, the more you will be able to pass through these periods without harming the relationship and as far as my life experience goes and tells me, that's the best you can do.
Despite the games we have been playing, I do care for you health, welfare, and being and want to know what is happening with you. I hope, for you, that your desire to write continues.
Leslie Simmons,
New York City,
train ride
Monday, September 10, 2012
December 18, 1973 (Letter from Kenny)
Well, another semester has bitten the dust, so now I have time to write to my favorite person residing in the glorious city of Pittsburgh, Pa. Well, what's new? Hope your semester went OK and you memorized the dewey decimal system or devised a new card catalogue or whatever things they teach you. (Do they tell you how to walk around on your tiptoes and speak softly so as not to bother any of the assholes that are reading?)
Anyhow, school was shitty as usual and I busted my ass the last month or so, all for nothing because I blew one of my exams. It just shows how totally absurd the whole thing is because even if you know the stuff it doesn't mean shit if you don't see an issue while pushing your balls off during an exam. The grading system is by absolute percentages, so even if you deserve an A, if everyone else does also, most of you won't get it. Rather than have you compete against an ideal paper, they have you competing against each other so it just perpetuates the neuroticism and everything else that is stereotyped about law school. I haven't seen "Paper Chase" yet but I've heard it is an accurate portrayal of the little gnomes they refer to as law students. As a matter of fact, 1 of my friends saw it and he actually got nervous during the movie when the professor was calling on people! Anyhow, it's going to be a struggle to get through the rest, but I'm kind of locked in because I'm really not equipped to do much else. Because I'm not graduating until 1976, this summer is shaping up like another writeoff financially. It's incredible now the more education I get, the more difficult it gets for me to find a job. Enough of that bullshit. I'm really looking forward to Christmas vacation though I don't really expect to do anything out of the ordinary. Lauren and I are going home this Friday and will be there until the 7th of January. We've got 2 wedding to go to. Bobby Marks is getting married Christmas Eve, and he's letting us stay in his apartment for the week he's away on his honeymoon. That's great because the biggest pain in the ass whenever we go home is living accommodations. Lauren feels strange at my house and I feel strange at her house and naturally everybody's parents get pissed off if we don't divide time equally between the families. That's really the only hassle about being married and otherwise I must admit it's pretty good. Also a friend of Lauren's is getting married Jan. 6.
I haven't been doing much; I don't remember what the last movie I saw was, and I honestly have no idea how long it's been since I went to a concert. Are there any new records out? Is Elvis Presley still big? Is Shelly Fabares still singing "Johnny Angel"?
Herb applied to Wharton (Business School) for next year so he might be in school with me if he gets in. I guess he got the itch to go back to school after a couple years. Also he is still young (16 or 17 I think). Holy shit, fucking Herbie is going to be 232 and you're 24, this is getting ridiculous how old we've all getting. A couple of nights ago I went for a walk around campus and ended up in the Quad where they have the undergraduate dorms. All these kids were having toilet paper fights and spraying fire extinguishers at each other. It really brought back memories, but freaked me out when I stopped to think how many years it's been since we were freshmen.
Herb hasn't been doing much, he finally broke up with that girl he was seeing which was just as well because all he was doing was using her. He's heard from Chris a couple times recently and said that Chris is really reaching out for someone. Chris is supposed to be home over Christmas so maybe I'll even see him then. By the way send my Christmas greeting to your family, including all the Nelson (Ozzie, Harriet, Dave and Ricky too). What have you got planned? I hope you get this before you go home (maybe I should send it to Warren) but even if you don't' a belated Merry Christmas.
Have you heard from the Polish kid from Calif? I hope he still is alive and well in Berkeley. Now that I recall your last letter (which embarrassingly was months ago) I realize I never got those pictures you took at the wedding. Don't feel bad, we haven't gotten our album yet, nor do we expect it for another month.
How else is your life? Any romantic inclinations (besides beating off)? How are your friends from Warren: Mardi, Barb, Mike, etc.
Lauren's sister is a freshman at UB and she really likes it, so I guess the cycle keeps going on and on. I would like to get up there sometime this year though with the 50 mph speeds it will take forever.
Anyhow, enough said for now. Take care of yourself and write when you get the chance.
final exams,
Kenny Tuchman,
law school,
library school,
University of Pennsylvania
December 15, 1973 (Letter from Kathy and Gary)
Enjoyed your letter as always.
Things have not lessened for business.
Gary was on a 13 hour work week last week and we passed at the door at 7:00 in the morning and 5:00 in the evening -- awful.
I'm working more than ever and some of my hobbies are suffering -- like the bread that baked an hour and a half too long last night. Giving baked goods for Christmas this year to people here instead of dumb gifts. Thank goodness I got a good start and a big freezer. Experimented with pretzels, bagels and all sorts of breads. Made other gifts by sewing and such. More like the old time Christmas.
Gary's out in May. Pray that things go well and we get the bike franchise. It worries me and although Gary shows little I think it bothers him that it bothers me. Wish I could have his confidence. I'm not worried about his ability just the market. Money is so tight. Know anyone with too much money?
We have 7 golden retriever puppies 5 weeks old -- just precious.
We're going to Colorado Springs for Christmas. Hope snow is light in Wyoming mountains.
Glad to hear you enjoyed A. C. and that you let it "all hang out". Gotta enjoy life -- right?
Just celebrated our 3rd anniversary. Really unbelievable. Seems like last year we were married.
Well, housewife duties call -- have nice holidays and hope I caught you before you left for Warren for the holidays.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
December 14, 1973 (Letter from Leslie)
Greetings. Am sitting in my room and dug up an old favorite to listen to: Emerson, Lake, and Palmer -- the first album. Love the keyboards.
Last Saturday Steppenwolf's 16 Greatest Hits came from RCA -- it is a good selection of songs with some really good dance songs.
Your journal must be becoming an immense size -- I, unfortunately, haven't been writing in mine at all, I get bogged down by the amount of things I want to say and say to myself-- I can't write all that, so I don't' and there are long periods of inaction. Even so I've written more this year than the previous two years combined.
Last week was a real joy, but if all goes well, after this coming Monday I will be all finished. On Monday of this week I had to hand in a flow chart that was a real pain to set up. I enjoyed doing the final drawing, (used 4 colors -- red, blue, brown, black) though and got an OK on it. If it was possible Burgess would probably put OK on my transcript as a mark for this course -- he's so vague and forgetful that's really annoying. He always forgets to tell our class things that we would like to know, like when and what of the final.
Ahh -- just put on another old favorite -- side three of Live at Fillmore East. Back to finals -- on Wednesday I had my final in Lib605 -- the Reference Process -- know some of the things I did wrong but no way I could get less than a B as I went into the final with an A. Also going back to Monday. I picked up the takehome part of my final for Information Processing. Ugh pick one out of 4 to answer and I don't like any of them. So on this Monday I will hand that part in, take the in class part and probably take Burgess' final and be all finished.
Even though I am going to be in Albany through spring '75 I still check out the job board to see if there's anything interesting. Nicest job so far was for as asst ref librarian in Boston. Also have thoughts of becoming a map librarian, but for that I need to greatly improve my German and it would be nice to be able to read French. Knowing how ambitious I am, will just have to see how things progress.
For plant life, I now have 3 cacti in my room. One is a golden barrel cactus -- and I have transplanted it into a green pot I threw in high school. The other two area in a bean pot I found in the attic, also in the pot with them is the little cross-legged man which I also made in high school (my most productive years in sculpture, ceramics, and graphic arts).
Now playing is Hot Rats with Peaches en Regalia on top. Mmmm. Did I tell you that my car has improved gas wise? There were some pieces missing in the carburator. Now I get almost 18 mpg and hopefully will get a couple more when the timing is readjusted. I bought a new valve cover gasket and have plans to put that on tomorrow and then maybe the oil consumption will slow down a bit. Since I haven't heard anything I imagine your Beetle is running okay.
That's it for now -- take care of yourself.
P.S. My phone number is 518-372-1764 if you need to get in touch with me in a hurry about your plans for this vacation.
Christmas vacation,
Leslie Simmons,
library school
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
December 13, 1973 (Letter from Leslie)
Hi sweetie. What to say. I'm sorry things are going to be the way they are going to be. I love you and am not looking forward to your being so far away. There is no use discussing this further in this letter - I will wait to talk to you in person, I definitely want to see you over the Christmas vacation.
Over my vacation, from the 17th of Dec (just two finals that week) till the 13th of Jan, I plan to be in Buffalo for awhile and in New York City for while as well as at home. The dates are not set yet so when you write me again, let me know what your plans are.
Overall things are okay. Have started doing Christmas shopping and am deciding who to send Christmas cards to. I haven't sent cards in two years.
This is a shorty because I don't have much time this morning. I did want to mention some records though -- for my birthday I got Rick Wakeman's Six Wives of Henry the 8th -- wasn't sure I liked it, but now it is beginning to grow on me. Side one is the best. Lately I've been playing Get Off in Chicago, Can't Buy a Thrill, and Hot Rats. Played Grover Washington for Chris and he really bored me -- sounded like he was more show than substance.
Also have started reading The Prime of Life by Simone De Beauvoir. Am enjoying it. Will write again as I have other rambles on to mention.
Take care of yourself. Let me know when you are going home so I know where to write you.
Christmas vacation,
Leslie Simmons,
library school,
Saturday, September 1, 2012
December 11, 1973 (Letter from Tony)
This will be just a short letter. I just want to let you know I'm still alive and well and will be back East over Christmas. I'm flying out of here Dec 15 (I hope) and going to NYC. I shall visit my sister there for a time, then drive her car to Colden and probably stop in Troy or Syracuse on the way to see Jerry. I would like to see Boston and all the people there (well, some of the people there) but I doubt that I will have the time or money.
I'll be in Colden until Jan 3, fly to NYC and then back here. (I wouldn't really be terribly surprised if one of these flights were cancelled, what with the fuel shortage, TWA strike, PSA strike, etc.)
What are you doing over vacation? If you are in N.Y. Dec 15-18, I'll be at my sisters, 339 Beach 92nd St., Rockaway Beach N.Y. 11693. Phone # 212/634-2396.
After that, I'll be in Colden and area, probably, until I leave and you have my address and phone # there.
I've been studying a lot, working in S.F. as a volunteer of a civil rights group, going to some movies (The Delicate Balance, Klute, etc.) and even the Nutcracker Suite Ballet and the Messiah. It's been good, and getting better.
It's been a while since I wrote, and telling you all the details would take too long, so I'll just stop here and fill you in when I see you in Warren or Colden or Buffalo or NYC or Pittsburgh of wherever.
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