Monday, December 30, 2013

June 20, 1977 (Letter from Barb L)

Just thought I'd drop you a note before falling into bed -- hope your return to Springfield was pleasant.  I have been working my butt off lately in preparation for my week's vacation next week.  I am going to the Cape on Friday the 24th -- arrive in Hyannis 4 p.m. Will stay till July 2nd.  Maybe if you get a chance you can come down -- you will be welcome at Linda &^ Kinky's for sure.  I will be at Linda Johnson's, So Yarmouth, 617/394-1559.  Give me a call or I may call you at work.

I still don't know how I'm getting back.  If you are planning on coming for the 4th weekend -- let me know!  I will take the bus to Springfield and ride with you.  You, me, and the lobsters.  Mardi wants to do the lobsters on Saturday the 2nd.  If I am not back by then I'll put them on the plane in Hyannis & ship them but if we both come back we'll bring them.  Maybe we can talk her into doing it on Sunday.  I guess that's the day Reene was planning on having everybody up to the cottage. Why not switch days?  No big deal but Mardi wants to be sure & get the lobster I guess.

Yesterday we finally got the babies baptized.  I'm Jeremy's godmother & Gino is his godfather. Mardi put on a big spread.  Don't know how she does it all but she really came through with the manicotti and meatballs, etc. etc.

I don't have any other news.  Seems like all I've done is work.  Did go to Lilydale with Rita.  That's a story in itself.  Had a really good experience there.

I got a roommate last week -- Karen Werner.  She's young (20) but not too Warren, ya know?  I like her anyway.  don't know how long she'll stay.  She's having boyfriend troubles & will probably get the hell out of town soon.

Won't we all....

Patsy's boyfriend/future living mate is here this week.  The first couple days he just stayed high & cruised thru the Warren scene.  I'm out of grass -- boo hoo.  It's rough.

Well Paul -- take care & do give me a call sometime about the 4th weekend or just shoot on over to the Cape if the feeling moves you.

See you soon.

P.S.  Guess who called last week -- Terry (of Humboldt St. fame).  I gave her your address -- she's still too shy to call you though.  She's doin fine.

Friday, December 27, 2013

June 20, 1977 (Letter from Grayce)

(I hated Network -- the only reason we went was because we heard from so many people that it as good!  That's the last time I listen to them!)

As you can probably tell, I'm in a silly mood!  But I will try to compose myself to some extent -- at least enough in order that I'll be lucid (or as lucid as I ever can be!)  I liked your card.  I do think it conveys the mystery of Scorpio.

I've been keeping myself busy -- with weaving, mostly & also with my new interest -- printmaking. Woodcuts & lino cuts will be a very demanding medium, I think, but so engrossing.  I'm really fascinated & hope soon to be doing something in them.  Right now, I'm just reading about different techniques & methods U& kind of gathering ideas in my subconscious for subjects.  Its a limited medium, but it was a charm all its own & lends itself to the concrete in a way that painting does not (but in a way, that weaving does, also).  This probably makes no sense at all, huh?

Actually, I've only showed the water colors I've done to one person (other than Brook) & that was my boss.  The incredible thing is that she bought one, and that has, for some reason, given me more confidence in them & in me, too, I guess.  So I think that I will exhibit them in August at the show here -- if I get them matted in time, which I think I can.  also, I guess I"ll show some of the weaving I've been doing -- who knows?

I'm not sure, but I feel different for some reason.  Actually, I don't think my personality has changed, but I do think my outlook has changed in some ways -- and mostly, I think I know myself better & that's almost certainly a result of being alone so much & having to deal with this stranger me.  I can't describe how painful this "metamorphosis" has been in some ways -- but it's also been very happy -- a contradictory kind of thing, but not really & I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, but I'm not exactly being eloquent on the subject -- mostly what's important is what I left unsaid -- as in all matters, huh?

This weekend, I'm looking forward to!  Brook has his 4 days off -- Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues. -- & not a moment too soon.  He really needs some time to do what he enjoys -- I mean how many weeks can you work 16 hrs/day without some kind of a break!?  Anyway, I have a picnic (I bought a picnic basket in Salt Lake City that I can't wait to use) -- a quiet one -- planned for one day.  A day we can just do NOTHING -- maybe bring something to read, and also maybe a day of weeding our non-lawn (the seeds froze, so we've got to plant all over again!)  this might be relaxing, also, since doing things with the hands has a certain appeal for someone who has to study & memorize all week.  And for Tuesday, I plan to be at work, so he can have a day completely lone.  I mean, I'm sure now that this will be the most valuable day for him.  It's funny -- now that we don't see each other so much, how we do value the time that he does have off from work, but even though he says I should stay home that day, I'm not going to, because everyone needs time alone -- don't you think so?  I'm sure you agree with me.

Anyhow, I have enjoyed our time here so far, very much.  But I must say that I think of "settling" in the East -- although I'm not sure of where!  I've always liked Main -- or maybe New Hampshire.  But first I want to see all of this area.  We're planning a trip to S.F. and L.A. by way of Reno (to stay with Kathy & Bob) and that'll be neat -- if Brook can take some time off after Aug 20th.  I don't know if we'll ever get down to New Mexico, although I'd love to since we have friends there.  But if not, I'll still be very happy that I've even seen what I've seen.  It's been a good experience all around.

Well, take care & don't apologize for not writing right away.  I don't want to make demands on you, I'm just happy for your friendship.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

June 13, 1977 (Letter from Cheryl)

Sittin here waitin for the old man to come home from work so I thought I'd drop ya a few lines. Haven't wrote in a long time, so I hope your still at the same place.

So how have you been doin?  Good I hope.  Have you gotten any time off from your work since I last heard from you?  It's the time of year for it.  I wish I could go hitching some place, but the urge will pass.

What's ya do over Memorial Day wk. end?  We went to this place called Camp Tuffet in Mont.  It's on Lake Mary Ronan. Sure was pretty up there.  Caught alot of salmon & they sure were good. Then on the way back we went threw the buffalo range.  Saw alot of em & got alot of good pictures.  Kids sure got a big kick out of it all.

Last wk. end was the annual "Lead Creek Derby Days" carnival & it was wild.  For 3 days there's a carnival, fireworks & a lot of drunk crazy partying people.  It really brings the people out of the walls.  We spent about $60 on rides, games & food but had one hell of a time.  Was drunk the hole time.  Not stumbling drunk, just fun drunk.  But I'm glad it only comes once a year.

Well I finally heard from George last month.  He got busted for 1st degree burglary in Portland. Guess they dropped the charges & just charged him with parole violation.  Got a questionnaire from him today -- he said that everyone thinks hell only get a yr. to 18 mo. but I bet he's there alot longer.  They've got the new prison all finished now too.  He had a lady in Portland & had been with her for a year almost.  He said he don't think she'll wait for him.  I don't either, not being that far away.  Unless you live right in Deer Lodge it's hard to wait a long period of time for someone, no matter how long you've been with em.  At least me & George are still friends.  I just wish he'd of kept his shit tog. & out of the joint.

Have you got any pot plants this year?  I've got about 60 up & they're all doin pretty good.  Have had alot of rain & hot humid weather & they really like that.  Just hope they don't get ripped off this year.  They have a habit of disappearing the past 2 yrs.  Is there alot of speed back there?  Boy I wish I had some.  For awhile it was pretty heavy but now no one has got any. I didn't say that cuz I wanted you to send some -- that'd be stupid.  I was just curious.  I really don't need it anyway, cuz we're trying to have a baby.  Been tryin for a couple months but nothing so far.  Maybe this month.

Some people we use to live with are back in Conn.  Jeannie hadn't seen her people for 5 yrs & when she left it was just a little town.  Now I guess it's really big.  She don't like it too well either, but they don't have gas money to come back.  I'd sure hat to be stuck back there.

Well, Paul, I've gotta go.  Don't think I'm gonna make it up till he gets here.  He's on nite shift for 2 wks & stayin' up from 8:00 A.M. til 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. ya get a little tired.  So take care & write soon & let me know how your doin.  Bye for now.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

June 13, 1977 (Letter from Tony)

A facsimile of the Fuji that opened up my world in 1977

Well it's been a little while, not as long as the last time, but a while nonetheless.  So it is with a trace of annoyance for not having done this sooner that I take pen in hand to write to you.

The main impetus for this letter is the possibility that I may be seeing you next weekend (June 24-25).  Up in Amherst they are conducting called the Toward Tomorrow Fair -- or maybe it's not called that.  In any event, it's a big alternative lifestyle get together that has been strongly recommended by some friends who went there last year.  So, on the basis of this recommendation, I talked to Michael & Liz & Bliss & now you, suggesting that we all go.  Have you got other plans for the week end?  I hope not.  Have you heard anything about this affair?

How's your life?  Well, I expect.  Mine is going very nicely, although not simply and I just don't have the energy to describe it in this letter.  Please let me know if you are going to be around that weekend & if you're interested in going to the fair.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

June 4, 1977 (Letter from Connie)

Well it certainly took long enough, but I've finally come to my senses.  I'm moving back to Seattle September first.  Probably won't have a job but I'll get one.

I'm so unbelievably calm and confident about the decision after having been so frantic.  'Smarvelous!  This choice is so right.  It's time to go back, and I think I'm finally ready.

Other than that no unexpected news, really nothing more to report.  Drove to Nebraska for Memorial Day to see some cousins there.  My brother and troup hope to get into their new house by Christmas (but that's what they said last summer!)   And the kids are growing like weeds.  Pam is talking about switching from the enormously unsuccessful real estate to legal secretary or some such.

So pal, you blew it.  You had your chance to come just half a continent to see me, and come September you'll have to go the distance!

Bringing Up Baby was on the tube a bit ago.  Love it of course.  But the channel that cut the stateroom scene from Night at the Opera of course cut the scene where Cary Grant has no choice but to flounce around in Hepburn's negligee -- another of the classic scenes of all time.  And because of a thunder storm, had a transmission failure, and missed what must have been the dance number in Astaire's Flying Down to Rio.  Crud.  I just don't live right!

I'm so silly.  Getting so excited because three months from now I'm finally going to take positive action.  But I never said I was spontaneous.

Anyway -- take care of yourself.  Hope you're as calm and clearsighted right now as I am!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

May 29, 1977 (Letter from Barb N)

Modern Farm and Suburban Homes (booklet)

Hello, how are you doing?  I am doing fine considering that I am basically still in the same situation I have been in for quite some time now.  I won't try to suppress my dissatisfaction for my job or the Navy in this letter to you.  It would be too apparent to hide my feelings from you.

At work we have lost two watchstanders so they had to put us into three sections.  We are back working twelve hour watches, four days on and two days off.  It is a very shitty schedule.  But when you don't have any people to replace the other watchstanders you have no choice but to make the other watchstanders work longer hours with the same pay.  The Navy system is very unfair pay wise.  This command is short of people so times are hard.  Other commands who have too many people are on easy street with the same pay and bennies.  I feel like all I do is work and sleep.  I will be so happy when I leave here.  We will have a good celebration when we meet back in the States.

I am not sure when I last wrote to you so if I rehash some old stories please bear through with me.

I have been partying a lot but hardly drinking.  I never recovered from the night I got so sick on vino and now I can't seem to drink more than a few glasses at a meal.  At least my head isn't as fuzzy. I still enjoy sitting down and smoking a bowl.  I would prefer grass but I guess I will have to stock with hash until I get back to the States.  I am going to bring some back to the States with me when I get out of the Navy.  I will carve the inside of a candle out and melt wax back into the candle.  This will make the candle and hash inside airtight.  This seems like the best idea I have heard of so far.

Want to hear a shocker.  I am going to be getting married in a year and a half.  I don't like to use the word married, it always has given me a trapped feeling.  But I think that Leroy and I will be able to enjoy life together.  I have told him that I will still go through with my plans to travel after I get out of the Navy.  We would prefer to marry right away but I think it will be better to wait.  I want to kick back and take off my shell that I have worn since I have been in the Navy.  It will also give me time to think if I really want to marry right away.  I might have a different feeling along the road.  I don't think so but who knows.  If and when I do I will be living in Texas for awhile.  I wrote to Mom and Dad and told them that I might marry.  I wonder what they are thinking.

Leroy and I took a ferry to Ishica last Thursday.  An old man who was driving the ferry had me steer the helm for a good while.  Since I had my new OM-1 Olympus Leroy was able to get a picture of me at the helm.  We went swimming at the beach and laid out in the sun.  There were a lot of German tourists on the island.  We found a path that led up to a beautiful villa.  We took a devious path and smoked a bowl.  I think if everything went all right with my camera we should have some nice slides.

The Exchange finally got my camera last week.  I bought my camera right away.  I am so pleased with my camera even tho I haven't seen any prints yet.  I know that it will bring a lot of enjoyment in the years to come.  It is well worth the investment.  Now I have to make sure that I don't get it ripped off my some Italian (or American or anyone for that matter).

I bought a backpack at the sports store yesterday.  It is a good pack for $45.00.  I also bought a pair of good hiking boots for $25.00 which is a very good price.  He started off at $50.00 and came down when we told him we only had twenty mille.  I am ready for my trip to northern Europe in October.  All I have to do is make arrangements for Larry's flight over.

The Italians who work on base have been on strike during the past week.  They were out in the streets throwing glass and burning junk cars right by the base.  NSA is a dead end and so there is only one way in and out so it is easy to cut off the road.  They had the National Guard out trying to keep the traffic flowing and the Italians from causing too much damage.  I worked mids when they were out causing hate and discontent so it really didn't affect me.

They turned off the water in the section where the base is located at for 24 hours a few nights ago. I had a mid watch and I didn't know about it until I got to watch.  I hope it is not an indication of what the summer will be like.  It's a drag when you dont' have any water in the afternoon.  It also means that the electricity will be going out this summer, too.

I am planning on visiting you for a month in Springfield.  I am not sure when will be the best time to visit you.  Maybe after the Christmas holidays if that is all right with you.  I will probably stay in Warren for a month or so just to relax.

Not much else to say at the moment.  I hope you are happy in Mass.  If I think of any other bit of info I will add a note later.

Monday, December 9, 2013

May 25, 1977 (Letter from Grayce)

Our trip to Salt Lake was great -- actually any place would have done just as well, I suppose. Mainly, we both wanted to get away.  I really enjoyed the place, though, too.  We saw some films, and had dinners in new places (including a good seafood place, which Pocatello does not have). Actually -- none of the films were the one I wanted to see (Three Women) but we did see Annie Hall (also The Late Show) & since I love Woody Allen, I enjoyed seeing him again.  I feel like he's my friend.  Anyway -- Three Women isn't here or in Salt Lake & I'm assuming it won't be here at all -- so if you've seen it, you can tell me all about it, n'est-ca pas?

As I'm writing this, I'm resting from 3 previous hours of painting.  I'm kind of getting back into watercolors, which I did a lot of before, but haven't done any for a few years.  I had forgotten how much I enjoyed that medium.  What I'm doing, is, just small things of wildflowers that I've seen & sketched, and/or just seen pictures of.  I'm pretty pleased with the results & I have Brook criticize each one -- since I know I couldn't find a more discerning characters!   And of course, he always tells the truth -- and lo & behold -- so far he's been pretty positive about them.  My next step will be to mat them -- which will probably be put off until 1983, because I don't really enjoy that part & it's so tedious!!  Linda (my boss) wants us to go up to Jackson Hole this August to try to sell some of our stuff, so if I get these done, maybe ....but I don't know, I'm such a chicken!!

Work has been really strange lately -- everyone is quitting.  Almost all the department mgrs quit (mostly because of the merchandising manager, who has a real personality problem.  He's overbearing & condescending & also obnoxious (&those are the nicest words anybody can think of!)  Anyway, it's a real nuthouse because all the new managers are new & don't know what's going on & therefore, don't know what I need to do -- when they need displays, signs, etc. etc. -- you get the picture!

The poor head of the store is a nervous wreck.  He's such a sweet man, Mr. Boyle -- and it's going to look like his fault that everyone quiet & nothing could be further from the truth.  I'm worried about him.  He really looks upset all the time.  So the other days, I asked him to lunch with Linda & me. We're going to take him to Jake's on Friday.  (Jake's is a nice place here, but probably not a place he goes to.)  When I asked him, I thought he was going to cry.  I think he's a little apprehensive about going with us, too, because I'm sure he thinks we're both crazy people.  If we're not fighting with people about displays, we're giggling & generally making fools of ourselves in other ways & he always seems to catch us in the strangest situations!!!  Anyway, when I said we'd like to kidnap him for the day, he said something like -- he wouldn't be able to take us for a whole day!  So we told him we'd settle for an hour.  Anyway, I hope he has a good time, he certainly needs too!

How is your sinus condition?  When does the season end there?  Sept? -- that can certainly be an annoying ailment.  Maybe man should have stayed on all 4's - then this wouldn't be known to happen -- also backaches?

I'm sure this is an inane letter.  It's 4 AM and I'm starting to get tired & I have to get up early tomorrow (today) & get Brook to the bus stop.  So....I think I'll stop for now.  I think I won't even read over what's above because it will wind up in the trash & I don't want to waste paper anymore than usual!

Well, here I am again & it's now May 26th, right?  Actually, it was May 26th before, too, but it didn't feel like it because I hadn't gone to sleep -- and you thought that this part of the letter might make some sense, didn't you?

Did I tell you about this book I picked up?  It's called Astral Journeys & I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but it looks very interesting -- and seems like it will tie in with ideas we had of space travel.  So, if I learn anything, expect to see me!  (heh, heh)  Now you'll have to be extra good, since I may be watching you!  Actually, I think the book mainly deals with poltergeists, etc. rather than actual physical travel, but it's a step in the right direction!

Last Sunday, I got this overwhelming desire to talk to a friend.  Brook had been gone for 2 days, so I'm sure that had something to do with it.  I probably would have called you, if you had a phone!!!! It's strange because almost Never do I get a strong desire to call anyone, even people I really want to talk to, like you!  I did call Diane & I think she was awfully surprised.  That's probably the first time I've called her long distance in all the time I've known her.  I'm a disgrace, I guess, but I always feel close to people, even if I don't see them.  I even feel as though I know how they're feeling Y& what's happening with them.  Anyway, it was a dangerous thing to do -- making that 1 phone call.  Because after we hung up, I felt like talking to every one & I think I would have if I didn't have visions of Brook's face when the $200 phone bill arrived!  The phone company should use the Lay's Potato Chip slogan -- "Betcha can't talk to just one?"  I guegss I didn't get quite enough sleep last night, huh?

Well, Ill free you now from this crazyness.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

May 12, 1977 (Letter from Lar)

Thanks for the card.

I am still getting the New Times.  That's one magazine I wouldn't give up.

As far as I can tell, Mom and Dad don't have the book "The Lutherans in North America".

I had a nice birthday.  We had trout for dinner at home.  Mom made a rice pudding with honey which was very good.  Mom and Dad gave me a set of colorful sheets and a fireproof strongbox to store important papers in.

Mom made a spice cake and put vanilla ice cream between the layers and topped with whipping cream. I wouldn't have any frosting on my birthday cake.

Supertramp is a pretty popular group in Buffalo.  They used to play a lot of the Crisis? What Crisis? album last year.

I just heard on the radio that the Moody Blues have a new double album out.  Three sides are live and one side is new studio music.

Dad was feeling down yesterday.  He's upset about the church.  The attendance is down as it is in most other churches.  Dad blames himself.  He would like to retire early.

Dale doesn't like working at the Process.  He'll get his first paycheck tomorrow, maybe he will like it a little better.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

May 11, 1977 (Letter from Grayce)

Keith's Beautiful Homes magazine
One of my favorite discovers at Johnson's Secondhand bookstore in downtown Springfield, Mass., in 1977

I've been putting off getting my eyes checked for 4 years, now, so I finally went to a Dr. Clothier here. (He's related to the Clothier's of Strawbridge & Clothier & was originally from Philly.  He's about 60 now & has lived in Poky most of his life -- small world?)  Anyway, I did get some good news.  My eyesight has improved!  (It must bee all the carrots I eat  What's up, doc?)  So my new lenses are now only 1/2 the strength of my former ones -- which is encouraging.  My right eye is almost 20/20, also.  He said in cases of eyestrain which is what I had that caused me to need glasses in the first place -- this sometimes happen.

Today I ordered a really nice set of woodcutter's tools -- for etchings, etc.  Linda, my boss, is going to teach me some things about technique & then I'm going to experiment with some printmaking of my own.  Who knows, I may find my niche (no pun intended.  It's a very precise & exacting art, so I hope I have the patience for it.  Here's where yoga may help me some.

You know, sometimes I thoroughly regret not going to art school -- except that I feel that philosophy was also very good for me.  But, I felt so terrified of being "not good enough" in art -- because there are lots of mediocre people in it now, I think & I couldn't take a positive rejection in that area.  Do you know what I mean?  I sometimes think you may feel that way about your writing, huh?  I'm  sure you talented, but it's awfully hard to push & sell yourself?  It is for me. Linda really thinks I should take some of my things to shops around town & try to sell them -- but I don't feel ready -- Although I'm certainly not getting any younger.  She is constantly pushing herself to sell.  She's mostly involved in graphic arts, so gets jobs from area businesses.  But I just can't seem to ask people if they'd like to buy such & such, etc.  I usually wind up giving things to people when they say they like them.  Oh well...

I'm just sitting here with a glass of good beer & I'm also defrosting the refrigerator & also doing some laundry.  I know that any minutes things are going to catch up with me, by which I mean, the ice will start falling all over the floor, just as the dryer with the shirts in it gets finished & I should be there so they don't get wrinkled!  But til then, I suppose I'll just sit her & blabber on in my merry way!

About the macaroni.  I think there's really no comparison between homemade & store boughten -- just like most other things, I guess.  But it is a lot of work to make your own.  I usually do, but I don't do it too often for lack of time (& also inclination, to be honest).  Every once in awhile, brook will reminisce about Philly & my mother's cooking & I'll know it's a hint to please make some manicotti, or some such thing.  Anyway, in South Philly, my neighborhood had a neat little place to go.  This elderly woman made ravioli, cavatelli, canneloni, manicotti, gnocchi, etc. all day long & sold them fresh to the lazy people & they were very good.  It was nice while it lasted.  For ravioli, you really should get a ravioli cutter, whereas with manicotti, you don't need anything special.  The next time I see you, if you want to , I could show you some stuff.  It's not too hard, just time consuming.

I made a cheesecake yesterday & I thought of you & (you had asked for one last time I saw you), I guess I wanted to send you some, so....[drawing of a slice}.  It's the best I can do right now.  (heh, heh)

It looks as though Diane will be coming to see us pretty soon -- sans Paul & Bev.  Oh well.   Maybe next year?  Brook's parents are going to fly out for a week starting July 16th.  I'm looking forward to all this company, but I hope they're not bored.  This isn't that exciting of a place.  I did warn them at least.

On May 20-24, we're going to Salt Lake City for a little rest & relaxation!  Brook has really been working hard -- usually he's away 12-16 hrs/day & sometimes he has to stay overnight.  Last week, because of my working so much we didn't even see each other for 3 days!  We haven't had a fight for months!  I keep telling him we'll have to make an appointment & really have a good fight!! (Actually, I'm only kidding -- I'm not that feisty!)

Well, I guess this is the end.

P.S.  I don't expect you to remember my birthday.  I'm debating with myself whether or not to just make Apr. 27 another day to sort of "de-classify" it in my mind, you know?