Saturday, February 15, 2014

August 28, 1977 (Letter from Lar)

I'm sitting at home in my recliner watching Jacques Cousteau on TV.  It's been awhile since I've written, so now is a good time.  I've been busy working as much as I can.  The extra money will help when I go to Europe.

I can fly round trip to Europe for less than $300 on a military flight.  I should be leaving Oct 27th and coming back on Nov. 23rd.  The weather will probably be cold but I plan on being prepared for it.

I bought a new sleeping bag.  It's a fiber-filled bag, I got it from L. L. Bean.  I need a good parka now.

Mike, Bruce, Monty and I had a corn and venison roast at Washington Park last nite.  We stayed there til after midnight.  We wanted to do something different for a change.  We had a good time.

My writing is kind of sloppy cause I've got the pad in my lap.

It's Monday afternoon now.  I'm going to try to finish this letter now.

It is thunder storming for the past hour.  We needed the rain, things were starting to dry up a bit.

Frank is on vacation for two weeks, so I'm working by myself.  Frank will be retiring next January.  It won't be long til I take the show over.  I'll have to have some help in the summer.

Bob Nelson moved into the small apartment at the Myers old house.  He will do yardwork for his rent.  I won't have to be mowing there anymore.

Mrs. Crary plans on having a showing of Mr. Crary's photographs on Sept. 16th.  We were framing some pictures today.  There is still a lot of little things to do before the exhibition.

It has stopped raining so I'll ride my bike to the store.

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