Friday, May 31, 2013
September 19, 1976 (Letter from Bev)
Hi. It was so good to see you again and I really enjoyed spending the day with you and Diane. Possibly you'll be coming down this way again soon? Diane said that you might and I suggested that you come to New Castle. She also mentioned going to Chadds Ford. Have you ever been there to the Brandywine River Museum? There's a very good Wyeth collection there.
It looks like I'll be at my same job for awhile. The Wednesday after Labor Day I called the Hampton V.A. Hospital to see why they hadn't called me for an interview as they said they were going to. Well, they hired someone else without even interviewing me! What a bummer! Then I called the Wilmington V.A. and they, too, hired another person. It seems almost impossible to get into that system. I was so disappointed that week and very depressed. But, I guess that something will come along sooner or later. I have just applied for 3 more positions. One as Anglo-Germanic Bibliographer at the U. of Va. in Charlottesville. I've received a reply already from them saying that I'll be hearing from them again in the coming weeks. Another position as a reference librarian at George Mason Univ. at Fairfax, Va. The third at Virginia Medical College in Richmond as a periodicals librarian. All sound good. I think that I would enjoy working in a university setting and plan on heading my job looking in that direction. My hopes of getting a V.A. job are very low, but my application is still good until June 1977. Who knows what will come up.
The day after Labor Day the nursing students came to the hospital and now business has picked up again. Whenever any come into the library I have to stop what I'm doing and help them. I do enjoy this and it's good practice for me. I remember where to look for a lot of little things that often make explanations easier. It's amazing, though, how helpless some of them are. I just can't remember getting such help from my college librarians!
On Thursday, Sept. 16, I was at my job for 2 years. It sure went fast and I think I've learned a lot. I just don't think I can learn much more in this job and do want something better. I am thankful, though, that I have a decent position. Last week I had a letter from Ruth Taylor. Remember her? She hasn't found a job yet and isn't working anywhere! She said that she soon would have to find something, even work as a clerk. After reading her letter, I decided not to complain so much anymore.
Last Sunday Diane came down and we went to the Brandywine Arts Festival, the largest art show in Delaware. There were 200 craftsmen and 250 artists participating. It was really a nice show and I saw many things that I wanted. I bought a hand-made framed mirror with a planter at its base. It's quite unique and made a nice addition to my apartment. This Saturday is Art-on-the-Green in New Castle and Diane is coming down for this, too. It's much smaller than the Brandywine Arts Festival, but nevertheless it'll be a good showing.
On Saturday, October 2d, the Philadelphia Regional Group of the M.L.A is having their fall meeting in Wilmington at the Academy of Medicine. Usually the meetings are in Philly, but the program committee chairperson is from Wilmington, so she got her way this time. The speaker is the copyright specialist from the Library of Congress. It should be an interesting program. I'm not too clear on the new law, so this meeting should be quite explanatory.
This Tuesday I'm starting an adult education class at the local high school. I'm taking beginning Italian. Why? Because it was the only language course being offered and since I don't know any Italian I figured that it won't hurt to learn some. I was the 9th person to sign up for it, so we should have a nice-sized class. All the names on the list were typical, 3 & $ syllabus Italian names and here I am with my very un-Italian last name. I'm looking forward to it and I"m sure it'll be more fun than work.
This week is the 1st of the Ford vs. Carter debates. Things still aren't settled about the telecast and it seems to me that the League of Women Voters is being too picky about the whole matter. I hope it gets televised. If not, I wonder if it'll be on the radio? I'm really not too interested in politics, but for some reason this presidential campaign has me intrigued. I'm most sure that Carter will be the next president and I only hope that he's as sincere as he seems to be. All at the hospital are hoping for more money for mental health. Maybe then some real treatment for the patients will be a reality. Tomorrow the continuing education lecture at the hospital will be about treating the alcoholic. Although the alcoholism unit is a separate entity from the mental hospital, the staff is sometimes interchanged. The staff from alcoholic services use the library an awful lot. Maybe they have more time than the psychiatrists have.
Did you plant the coleus that I gave you? I hope they grow for you. I just transplanted my coffee plant. What a time I had! I really should have had some help. It's getting very tall and is supposed to grow to 6 feet! I hope not! Some of my other plants need repotting soon. It seems that they doubled in size over the summer. Some of them will soon take over my apartment!
I hope that all's well with you and that I'll be seeing you again soon.
Bev Long,
Ford-Carter debate,
house plants,
Italian language class,
job hunting,
Ruth Taylor
Thursday, May 30, 2013
September 18, 1976 (Letter from Grayce)
I have the sagebrush blues -- have been pulling the stuff for 1 week and although I'm almost finished I really needed this little respite. I have a rash (of course) from the stuff & it's beginning to get unbearably itchy -- so I'm stopping (the rash goes away in a few hours if I remove myself from the irritating weed.)
Brook (that lucky wretch) hasn't been able to help because he has 3 exams this week. He has 2 hrs. each of Math, Physics, & Radiation each day & about 1 hr. of homework in each also -- so he's been pretty busy -- I've been pretty busy making popcorn for him to study with, also!) but his exams are over today & tomorrow we really have to start getting the soil ready for the grass seed. We don't have too many weeks left before the snows (according to the weatherman.) By the way he (the weatherman) certainly has an easy job of it out here -- it's only rained once in the time we've been here & people said that that was unusual! It should be great fun trying to grow grass. Oh well, there are always wood chips & bushes.
Something neat this week -- A STEREO! We're both actually excited about it. Brook didn't think he'd finish his amp before Xmas & we really didn't want to wait, so we bought one. Got a good deal on a Kenwood (1/2 price) at the Sound World here in the "mall". Brook intends to sell it when he finishes his (who knows when?). He's not going to have much spare time for quite awhile.
I'm just having such a good time listening to all my favorites! Steely Dan, Bonnie Raitt, Michael Franks, and David Bromberg are the currently most enjoyable. I don't know how I was able to do without them for so long.
It's so quiet here-- when the records are not on, all I hear is the ticking of the clock. But just recently, they've started construction on a house near us and I am awakened in the morning by this funny construction worker who sings "Good Morning America" at the top of his lungs --a real comedian! Actually, I get awakened twice, once at 5:20 AM to get Brook up (a Herculean task!) Just last week I had to take custody of the alarm clock & put it on my side. It seems that Brook's subconscious didn't want his conscious self to hear the alarm. He'd shut it & go back to sleep & claim he never heard it. One day of this trick was enough -- so now I get to be the bad guy!
At least I've been sleeping ok (not great, just ok). I try not to do the yoga too close to bedtime, though because I find that it gives me too much energy and then I really can't sleep. I usually do some about an hour after I've been up (not as soon as I wake up -- it doesn't seem to be a good time for me) and then later in the day, about 3-4 in the afternoon.
I've just added the Sun Goddess Salutation to my daily list and I usually do it 2x -- I doubt I'll ever get up to 12! I didn't think I'd like this one, since it's so long, but I find that I really enjoy it & it's an excellent warm-up (which is its purpose). I may cut out some of the beginner's warm-ups which this takes the place of. I find as I go on that I enjoy the positions so much more than the warm-ups (but I'm afraid to drop any arm-ups since they feel so beneficial -- and the fact that I don't like them as much must mean that they're good for me.) I don't know when I'll ever get to a headstand (one of the pinnacles). Some people never do. My "guru" (the woman who encouraged my interest) said it took her 3 years to even attempt a headstand -- let alone to get it right! So I suppose I won't worry about it. One thing yoga teaches is Patience, just to wait til it's time for certain things to come -- not only in the physical & mental progress of the discipline, but also in the process of living.
I am also coming to value detachment more & more in receiving your letter about the hopeless situation the world is in. I can hardly disagree. I used to feel so disillusioned about man. You see, at one time I believed that man could progress -- but now I see that that was such a fool's paradise. (Revolution just reverses itself in every instance.) Now I feel that the postponement of Armageddon is not a good. Man really needs something to shake him up. He doesn't deserve the good things he has & won't until he realizes that he has them. Unfortunately, he won't realize he had them til they're gone -- or at least mildly threatened. I know this seems rash -- but what else has ever affected man but his own misfortune and pain? Biblically speaking, this is sound also, no?
I really have a feeling for the Old Testament and its solidness -- the New Testament seems pale by comparison, to me. In the O.T. the emotions were more "real" it seems, while in the N.T. (& that includes NOW) the emotions are petty -- even the sins seem petty in a way -- this sounds very incoherent -- but I can't seem to express what I feel -- maybe you understand with only the suggestion?
Well, enough of this -- I'll get off the pulpit, now.
I feel very right being here. I am happy. I haven't missed yet having a job, because I've been pretty busy. Actually, I felt that I was stagnating in Pittsburgh (that includes double the year we spent at GSLIS). I was very disappointed in myself, my lovely job at Seton Hill -- the only thing I was pleased about was being with Brook. He really held me together during those year.
Here I feel as though I can hold myself together (not always, of course), but that I can explore things that are new & that I can grow a lot. Brook feels the same way. (I hope he gets more time later on.) I think living here is going to have a profound effect on me. I hope it will be good, but of course there will be some negative thing s-- just not too many would please me.
I have lots of ideas for doing things right now. I probably will never implement all of them. Before I left Phila, I found an old quilt that my mother had sewn by hand while my father was going to night school. It was the only thing she's ever sewn by hand like that. She used to use it on my bed when I was little. She wanted to throw it away! (I'll probably put it in the "guest room".) I'd also like to make one of my own, but that won't be able to be even thought about for some time, I guess.
Ok, Paul, I know this letter is boring. I'm sorry. Maybe my next letter will be better. I'll try.
You didn't say much about your trip to Philly. Did you like Winston's? The Art Museum? (You really can't see it all very well in 1 day.) Bev wrote me that she enjoyed seeing you. I wish I could have been there. Oh well...
I guess I'll be going -- back to the weeds!
alarm clock,
grass seed,
Grayce Easterbrook,
new stereo,
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
September 10, 1976 (Letter from Barb N)
So how are you?
I'm getting ready to go home from my mid watch. Twelve hours is a long time to be cooped in a room without windows. I'm standing watches with my roommate Darrel. He is no problem whatsoever to get along with. When Darrel was on leave I stood watches with Sharon who never stops complaining. he could really get me uptight.
Before work I made your lasagna recipe and it came out pretty good. I decided to feat on watch. Laura, Darrel, and I sat down at the platters dish for a dinner. (Laura is my other roommate.)
Here comes Carrel now and I have to sort the message traffic. I can't wait until they install the computers so we don't have to hassle with sorting traffic. The computers will be here on the 15th.
I'm getting set to go to the Oktoberfest in Munich. It should be an enjoyable time. There will be four of us in the group. Crosby and Nash are doing a concert at the festival.
I am anxious to get back to the states next summer. I really want to go to the lake. I have been dropping hints. I will put in a chit next April. The glamour of life overseas has faded fast. I enjoy being here but not in the Navy living in Naples. I feel too restricted. It really doesn't matter where I go now because I still have a year and two months in the Navy. I can't wait to get out of this outfit! I feel that I am losing too much "freedom". I find working with officers too absurd.
Enough of that.
I broke down and bought an album by Firefall. I really enjoy their music. My guitar playing is doing fair to bad. I plan to buy a better guitar and sell mine. I really enjoy playing the guitar.
I went to Florence a few weeks ago and had a marvelous time. I really enjoy getting away. I want to see Venice before it falls in the water.
I was talking to a guy tonite and he was saying he has been a Christian now for 5 months. He is selling all his belongings and moving back into the barracks. I don't agree that the way to "heaven" is only through accepting Christ. Man is put on earth to cultivate and nurture its growth. I'm not saying we have done a good job but I believe if people weren't so lazy and selfish the world would be a "heaven on earth". I believe in God and I cannot deny him. I'm searching for a direction in life. But I believe fervently that we should strive to enjoy the beauty we are blessed with. It's no sin to own luxuries if they are used constructively and not for impressions. I don't believe we were put here to be persecuted and if Jesus died on the cross an innocent man it wasn't to shame us but to show us that he served a godly life full of good virtue. If Jesus died of old age it wouldn't have had any impact on civilization. I don't want to be frightened into believing I will perish in hell just to accept Jesus as my saviour. I would rather live a good life full of positive deeds than to run and shout meaningless words to listeners who grow deaf. Maybe time will change my views. I am still very young.
Better end here.
Barb Nelson,
mid watch,
Monday, May 27, 2013
September 4, 1976 (Letter from Debbie)
Pine River in Michigan.
Looking much the same as when Debbie was there in 1976, I'd guess.
Surprise! Wow, how long has it been? Much too long. I'm ashamed of myself. I always answer letters. I'm getting as bad as you.
It seems like I just don't have any time anymore. I've taken on the position of assistant chairman of family activities in Parents Without Partners. It's quite a responsibility, and it takes all my spare time. Anyway I enjoy every minute of it.
How are things with you? What have you been doing with your time? How's your job going?
The kids are both doing well. They are about to drive their poor mother crazy! I sure will be glad when school starts. Jody is a totally different boy than the one in Montana. He's even talking well now. But Jeremy is the chatterbox. It's hard to believe my baby is growing up so fast. The little monster is even sassy.
Last weekend I went on a canoe trip with some friends of mine. I've never had so much fun in my life. We went on the Pine River which, by the way, is one of the fastest rivers in Michigan. I had never been canoeing before and it was quite an experience. One I know I"ll never forget.
I've met a fantastic guy. He's older than I am but he sure is special. He also takes up a lot of my time. Have you met anyone special, yet?
I'm planning to go on a family camping trip next weekend with P.W.P (Parents Without Partners). I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.
I can't think of much else to say, so I guess I'd better close for now. I'm sorry I've waited so long to write. I promise to be better next time. Write soon and take care of yourself.
Hugs & kisses.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
September 1976 (Letters from Ken)
Darn man, it was really beautiful to get your letter. Like yourself, I hardly know where to begin, to be specific, general or in between! But first I just want to emphasize how happy I was to hear from you!
I guess what would seem most obvious of importance from my perspective is what time of day it is. What I'm referring to sis my potential "get out". The 19th of this month I will have been down 24 months. It has been a long time but most fulfilling. I have 16 months or less to go. Not bad and I still have a lot left to do within these hallowed walls of myself and the joint. Like you I have been widening my horizons in much the same direction and yet in much of a different direction. Your truth-seeking seems to cover the intellectual ground and self awareness spectrum. Other than studying transactional analysis, chess, & bridge, those have been the limits of my intellectual development. However, I have become top-rate in all three of the aforementioned fields.
The remainder of my development has been toward God, Christ, self, Bible prophecy, cosmic awareness, use of power, etc. all leading toward spiritual enlightenment and freedom & peace. You might find this strange, but even in prison, I look forward to each day and find so much happiness. Of course, the big drawback is not having a woman physically, but perhaps some darkness is necessary to give contrast to the light. I thank God every day & night for bringing the great truths that he has in my darkness through life. I could go on & on with what I've learned and I'm sure you can too. I hope we can do this in future letters. I know we can. You & I don't have to play the game "I know more than you do". In other words, it won't be an ego or vanity race, but rather a constructive exchange of truths & knowledge. How's that sound to you old' buddy?
You know, I can't help but tell you that my writing to you was the result of a spiritual urge and therefore, there being a reason for everything, it must really be important.
Before I forget, I have a super favor to ask of you that will fall right in your alley. The Romans gave the first & original pope a certain title which translated mean "vice christ". The title is three words long. The first word is vicar or vicer or something like that. Being the researcher that you are, could you find out what the title was. I know that all 3 words are spelled with Roman numerals. It is very, very important to me. I have exhausted my resources which are of course limited. You will keep running into "vicar of Christ" in your research but it is the original roman title that I need. The significance is great. I really hate to be a prick, but please make it a hurry-up issue as there are a couple of dozen of us that will be waiting for your reply on this matter. When you do find the title, add up the roman numerals -- you will be amazed. After that I can fill you in on the rest of what goes with it.
Say, do you know you live in the state I was born? Yep. I was born in Boston at 4:21 am Feb 12. That makes me 31 tomorrow! I didn't realize it till just now. Well my writing is starting to get scribbly, so will break for a while and go to show.
Back for a while. What dictionary publisher do you work for? Actually it sounds like a decent gig what with you having time for personal projects. I don't mind telling you, I'm in about the same position. I have the best job in the joint and only work an average of 10 minutes a day whereas everyone else work about 7 1/2 -8 hours. Personal projects do seem so rewarding. Right now my mind is racing so fast I'm having a hard time keeping up with my pen. When you do see your break-away point, what will it be? I'm not quite sure what you want in life. In fact, I only recently figured out what I want in life in a total sense.
Five to six miles each morning is really super. I envy you. Actually all I've been able to do is keep my weight down. Decided to wait until the last 7 or 8 months to take care of my physical development, but it is all part of my agenda plan. I even have my schedule laid out to fix my physique -- cutting out again for a while. Someone just called me to Colombia, so I'll be in nice head shape when I return. --later. Hi -- back again. Thought I was going to Colombia but found myself in the poorest section of Mexico. Bums me out.
Say, when you run, do you fill your moth with water? It's an old Indian trick and it works fantastic. Makes you break thru your nose hence expanding your lungs more. Also keeps your saliva glands cool. Try it -- you'll like it. Kool-aid works good or something with flavor. You'll have to tell me more about your experience with yoga. Don't hesitate to be specific. I don't' think I could ever get into cause I've always got a sprained something or other. Like even now, I'm wearing an ace bandage on my right foot. I played on the all-store team (softball -- 2nd base) this last summer. On the last out of the season, I threw my arm out, going home with the ball for the force play. We won as the throw was hard enough for a double play. This summer I will be a player coach. If I do say so myself, I play softball real good.
In re: your original work in American History, are you attempting to write a textbook? You will find in your research that John & Mary Walley came over on the trip to Plymouth Rock and their names show up often in Seward's Diary. A good place to further your research is the "Boston Genealogical Center" Say, also you'll find my great-great-great grandfather's name on the plaque of the crew of hte ship "Constitution". His name was the same as my younger brother -- Harold George Walley. Up until my goddamned Yugoslavian mother, the Walleys were thoroughbred. I'm now just a half-breed.
So -- were you trying to tell me that you don't get high on herb anymore? It's not bad. I went into the natural high for a while too. Ten days on water, fruit (not canned) and vegetables (not canned) and you're off. My tendencies to be carnivorous, though, brought me back to the chasm of sin. The human body isn't even made to digest meat.
In telegram style, let me lay out some news.
Divorce from Denise last year -- Dollar Date Dead -- no pictures of Wendy since 1 yr. old -- lost most "friends" -- doing only God's work now -- 3 stomach operations -- plan to release to Calif (Oakland) -- in process of checking this out -- cut off all ties with all but selected "few". So look here, I'll get back to ya tomorrow morning. Tonight, a group of us Christian brothers sit around and rap. I'm afraid I do most of the rapping. Till the morning. Gonna get this in the mailbox right now and continue later.
Denise Walley,
Dollar Date,
Ken Walley,
transactional analysis,
Wendy Walley
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
September 2, 1976 (Letter from Denise)
Hi! Sorry I haven't answered since now. I haven't been feeling too good, and I've been pushing myself to get a lot done. Wendy's been keeping me on the move too.
I really wished you lived closer to Pittsburgh too. It would be really nice seeing you. AFter all, I think it's been about 2 years now, or close to that since you left.
Wendy's growing up really fast. She's a little smarty pants too. She's got so many crazy expressions that it's really funny. I can't help laughing at her at some of the weird things she does. This morning she wet her diaper which also went onto the rug. She looked at the wet rug and said, "I did that." She was talking about herself. She is something else.
I'm still living at the same place, but the first opertunity I get, I'm moving. I don't have a place to move into that's why I'm still here.
I don't know if I told you this, but the day after Kenny went to prison, two black guys broke in and held me at gunpoint. T hey took one hundred and thirty dollars and two ozs. of reefer. Later, one of ht guys came back and broke into the back door. They took my calculator, camera, and the last oz. of reefer I had. Ever since then, I was scared. I still am but not as much as before. I do want to get out of here though. The sooner the better I'll tell you what Paul, you can move back to Pgh and find a place of your own that's nice and big, and I'll move in with you! (Joke Joke)
Yes Paul I wish you were here. Don't forget now that you sorta promised to come down this way during the fall. I'd really like seeing you again. If you can't make it, that's allright, but please try.
Wendy wants me to play with her now. I guess I'll be going. Keep up the good work you been doing. It sounds like you're pretty happy at where you're at and what you're doing.
Keep in touch!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
August 31, 1976 (Letter from Grayce)
N.B. Prevention magazine says a few beers every once in a while are good for you. Because they contain elements of nutrition that are no longer in modern man's food -- even most "health foods".
I am presently taking a break from the exciting job of UNPACKING! (Oh, if only my fellow phil. majors could see me now!) I was going to make a pun from "unpacking" which is the logical positivistic term for "getting down to basics" about a word's true meaning -- which might interest an old dictionary buff like yourself? Actually, I have no idea of what I'm trying to convey here, myself, my surroundings are a total scramble & my mind is jarred b y them. Maybe I should start over.
You new stationary gave me quite a start -- it's the exact paper I used to get from Brook when we first met. As you can tell, the stationary business hasn't come up with any brilliant ideas in 5 years! What a farce, actually, Brook thought little of the paper, too (not me, I like it, but them, I have strange taste) so he went to his friend B.V.D. (Bill Venables, for short) who just happened to run a printing press at the time, and made some papers up 'specially for me -- quite romantic. Our mailman used to geet quite a kick out of those letters. Anyway, there were yellow & had a pretty sunset delicately printed on top (just in black) but I really liked them. What reminded me of this is that for two days, Brook & I sorted our letters (writing every day for 2 years by 2 people equals quite a heap of letters!) We got rid of some. I was upset because so many of the ones I wrote said the same things -- what drivel! Anyway, it was a nostalgic way to spend 2 days -- I do like your stationary, though -- very forceful! (he-Tweet?) Should I start again?
Our trip across was (thanks God!) uneventful in the car trouble sense, which we both were a bit worried about.)
Ohio to Indiana - very nice, too flat.
Iowa -- I never want to see corn again.
Nebraska -- ditto, but we stopped at a few Pioneer museums, and they were pretty interesting.
Wyoming -- I liked this place, unfortunately, we drove a lot of it in the dark and I didn't get many pictures.
Utah was my favorite. I can't imagine this place being the way it is. It's scary, in a way. If we have another ice age, maybe the whole earth will look like Utah and when man (or whoever will evolve next; I hope somebody who deserves the earth more) appears, he'll never know about exotic flowers or hardwood trees? It could change the furniture business! (I'm sorry, I'm in such a giddy mood!)
We spent a week at Pocatello's finest -- Holiday Inn, which wasn't too bad. We swam every possible minute & that nice. Unfortunately, Brook got hut one day by scraping his nose on the bottom of the pool, also his forehead. I still don't' understand how he did it -- the water he dived into was 10' deep -- but I think he scraped his nose in the 4' part, which appeared a bit too abruptly -- anyway, he's ok. He was just shaken up a little. I was afraid, though, when he came up, his face was full of blood. After that, we were less energetic in the water.
It's so quiet here -- hardly ever a car goes by our house. The population in this town is rising quickly though. They expect 80,000 in 5-7 years (it's 48,000 now). I am now gazing out our back door at 2 workers putting up a house across from us. They're putting up the skeleton of the roof right now. I'm surprised at how quickly it's being finished.
Brook is at his first day of classes. I hope he's having a nice day. One of the guys he knows who's already out here said the program is very tough. (Brooks thinks he's very intelligent & didn't think he'd have any problems at all!) I suppose my main function right now is to be here for Brook so he'll have all the support he needs. I hope I don't take up too much of his time. For now, I don't have to worry, because I'm up to my ears in things that need a place to stay, but after the house is settled, I will have to keep myself busty. Maybe I can be a waitress at the Mall? There's an ice cream place -- I definitely have enough experience in that.
Is this letter boring? I'm sorry -- it's awfully incoherent, too. Brook has to catch a 6:00 AM bus out to the site each day, and I don't see him again til 6:00 PM. He's been taking the car down & leaving it at the bus stop (2 1/2 miles away). Later on, I'll drive him down & ave the car during the day. I'm not sure I'm ready yet, though. Brook's taken me out several times, but he's never let me go out alone. It's pretty crowded here on the roads, it's surprisingly like Monroeville! Eventually, though, I suppose I'll be driving all by myself! (Frankly, I'm scared, but I suppose I'll survive!)
The transition from everythingness (maybe just somethingness) by which I mean the possibility of seeing certain people & doing certain things to nothingness (not in the sense really of NOTHING, but in the relative sense of less stimuli of certain types) is certain to be a major difference in my life. I feel it may be for the best. I need solitude right now. I think maybe I'll be able to be alone more readily, also. That is one thing that's very hard to me and which I must overcome.
I do hope you can make it out here. You know, I'd love to have you. Actually since you have such a short time, have you considered flying? It's really not that expensive & if you consider that "time is money" it's cheap! (I can always rationalize spending!) Anyway, think about it? (It's a natural for a Tweet, anyway!)
I'm so pleased about the yoga. Actually, I didn't mention it "off the cuff". I didn't want to seem like I wanted to "force" you to try it, but I did want to consciously make an effort. I knew you'd be open to that suggestion. That's one aspect of your personality I am very impressed with -- your openness to new ideas -- (maybe because I'm not always as open as I'd like myself to be?) I've always felt that I could tell you any thing and it would be taken without undercurrents of "she's crazy" even if I was crazy. I hope I get to see you more often at some point in my life. Oh well -- I guess I'd better get back to UNPACKING! Take care
Grayce Easterbrook,
Monday, May 20, 2013
August 17, 1976 (Note from Diane)
Sorry for the delay, but after 2 sets of visitors, 2 birthdays, one hurricane, and two power failures (not to mention a clogged garbage disposal), my mental processes aren't so hot. I even forgot to pay teh rent.
Anyhow, I do hope you can visit the weekend before Labor Day. The wkend after is "The King and I" wkend -- and the old gang form Penn State is going to see "our" musical. I called Bev and she is making arrangements to come up the weekend you're here, so you two can see each other. Let me know which road you'll be and I'll send directions promptly.
The mystery disease is still a mystery although the Bellevue-Stratford seems to be connected with most of the sick people. Naturally, the tourist business in Philly is suffering.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Friday, May 17, 2013
August 13, 1976 (Letter from Cheryl)
I finally got around to writing you again. George got out and he came by here for 4 days. He left & we kept in touch; then me & my old man had it out so I up & split & went to see George. Had a really good wk's vacation. George is here now -- just got in today. Don't really know what he's gonna do. Matter of fact I don't know what I'm gonna do. Guess things will work themselves out, they always do.
George, my son, went to Montana (Seely Lake) with some good friends of mine & is havin himself a ball. Riding horses and fishing, camping & hiking. I really miss him tho. So does his sister, but school starts the 1st of Sept. so he should have a good time till then. When they all get back, we're planning on goin to Yakima, Washington to pick apples. That in itself should be a trip, seeings how none of us has ever done it before. It's pretty country down there tho, and most likely will be a lot of fun. Cuz the people I'm goin with are crazy -- a lot of fun to be with.
I haven't been doin too much lately -- mostly stayin home and enjoying the last of summer. There's a lot of wild fruit here; huckleberries, raspberries, strawberries cherries & apples -- a lot others too, but I don't know the names of em. Anyway I went eating them & cookin with em. There's mushrooms up on the hill too, but I'm afraid to eat em or cook with em cuz I don't know about em. But it's still far-out to take your kids up there in your back yard & let em see & eat all the wild stuff.
Our house goes up for auction the 30th. As of now the landlady & lord have no say so over anything because they both went to Missouri. So I guess I'll just stay here & wait & see what the new landlord says. If he's smart he'll let me stay her e-- this place isn't worth moving into -- no one would want it except me & the mice. (Except for the land; that's what I'm afraid of.) Someone will want the land. I'm really gonna hate to move from here.
George just said to tell you high -- and said to remind you "it's August and he's broke & wants to know when you & him are going truckin"!! That was just off the wall talk -- but he remembers and wanted to know if you do --
Well I gotta go -- we're goin' to bed!! Fun time!! Write soon and keep in touch. So will I.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
August 11, 1976 (Letter from Mardi)
Well, I don't know where to begin with this letter! I can't believe you've been out there five months already! Hope your job is doing you good things. I imagine you're fairly settled in your apt. by now! Being a permanent apt. dweller, you will find yourself doing a little of the "happy Homemaker" scene.
We have had an exceptionally shitty summer this year! My summer consisted of two weeks in Minneapolis & Barb went out to the Cape. I'm sorry I didn't get a postcard off to you but I never had a free moment. Seeing everybody was great. The weather was clear & sunny & my first full day was spent at Lake Harriet biking & just enjoying the whole place. Bill is doing really well & he's extremely "mellow" now! Visited TCF which now encompasses an entire city block. Visited w/ Alma & had lunch w/ the kids at work. Went to see Dutch & JoAnn, they are typical suburban people now, beautiful home w/ co-ordinated L.R., D.R., etc. He's a good man, though. Just had a very relaxing time. Everyone is so much more relaxed there.
My mother is no longer working at Cowdrick's!!! Shall wonders never cease? She quit after they took away a week's vacation form her. She is now at NPC!!! She had been thinking about it for some time. She had no benefits at the drug store.
Marti also started a new job at Betts in the west end in their Purchasing Dept. We're both happy he's there. He's familiar w/ his new position because of his former employment there. He works 8-5 with no week-ends -- VACATION. He's been working w/ Jan Priest doing contracting work in the evenings! Levinson Bros. was taking its toll on him!!!
Joan -- remember Joan? -- is now here in Warren. Don't know if I can even begin to explain to you what she's doing because she doesn't know what she's doing! Let's go back to when she left for Atlanta. First of all, the daycare or camp for the children fell through & she's been struggling to make ends meet. While there she & the guy who was to organize this camp became very close. She received her divorce from Freddie about 3 wks ago & got married to Mr. Bill Schwartz. They came back here to Warren right after they were married because her parents were freaking out & didn't know what was going on! Now they are happy -- Joan is married to a white man. Anyway, everyone was surprised, especially Barb & I. So they were here Sat, Sun & we all got together Mon. night @ my mother's to meet Bill, etc. We visited & they were going back Tues. We all said good-by & that was that! Three days later my mother calls & says Joan is still here! She stayed & Bill flew to Atlanta where he'll work till he gets "the truck"? fixed & can get their clothes, etc. Meantime Joan is looking for a job here! She hates Atlanta, & they want to settle up here. She's really got me confused this time. Common sense does not enter into Joan's mind at any time. She has really blown everyone's mind this time! First of all, I never thought she'd get married again for awhile. They both could have stayed here & gotten jobs -- why would one stay here & one go to Atlanta? It's a waste of money & there is nothing that could be so important that they couldn't stay together! Anyway I've not done any advice giving -- just listen. Whatever they ant to do they will do!
Marti's parents were just here for two weeks -- actually good old Rachel has quited down some & she was quite bearable! His sister & husband were here also but stayed in a motel. Her new husband is not too outgoing & doesn't seem to fit in with regular folks --- his Maine upbringing has not helped him to socialize!! Marti won't get any vacation time now so I doubt if we'll be making our annual trip to Maine.
Everyone is fine here. Matthew will have his 2nd birthday next month -- amazing! He is talking away now, he doesn't quite make sense though. I'll have to start looking for an extra special gift for the big guy. I'm behind in baby gifts! Matt & Candi Voigt had a baby girl. Mike & Laurie Curren had a baby girl, Veryl & Betsy Brinkley had a little boy & Bill & Jodee Andrews are expecting & Jim & Linda Blackman! It has been nothing but babies!! I feel like an old pro at it!!
So how is the job going now? Have you been working in various depts. yet? Barb is presently unemployed & looking. If I were her I'd go back to Boston soon. She's been pretty tied up with this Rick West guy. She apparently really likes him. I've never met him but he's about 5-6 years younger. Between her life & Patsy's it's a regular Peyton Place. I doubt if I'd last more than one summer in Warren if I were single. The guys are either too young & immature or too old, divorced w 3 kids & screwed up. There is a definite scarcity of intellectual males 25-29. Barb may be working a couple of days @ the Hoffman home on Conewango & waitress @ Paces a couple of nights. She is suppose to be in Cambridge for a wedding the 22nd & thinks she has a ride.
Well, I'd better close & get some othings done -- it's off to the "Warren County Fair" tonight -- hve to let Matthew see the cows & horses etc. -- it should hold his attention for 1/2 an houro or so!
Take care, sorry about not writing sooner!
Barb L,
Bill Anderson,
Bill Schwartz,
Mardi Minneapolis,
Marti Graves,
Mrs. Peroski,
Rick West
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
August 20, 1976 (Letter from Grayce)
Nonsense! (My not taking the time to read your letter thoroughly!) Naturally, I got it the day after I mailed yours -- which gave me no time whatsoever to delete the offending (heehee) Kierkegaard, Hegel, etc. passages . . . did you suffer very much from them, dear? Just be quite thankful you have some thing to make you sleep (ah, zzzzzzz!) That commodity has been rather scarce around her lately. I've had about 3 white nights this past week & expect at least a few more before we leave on Monday.
Yesterday, we played volleyball at a picnic for 4 -- count 'em -- 4 hours (with several beer breaks, of course) & even t his exercise did not tire me out sufficiently to receive a full, uninterrupted night's sleep. Oh, well . . .
How did Parent's Weekend go? I hope well. Was everyone impressed with your new nest?
I haven't started Rhys' book yet -- I'm saving it for Nebraska (or Iowa, if I absolutely cannot wait!) I've been trying to read as much Simone de Beauvoir as possible lately. I just realized a few weeks ago that I've started reading all these feminist writers, so I' like to do a thorough job. I've read some Colette, too, & enjoyed her very much. Haven't decided who should be next yet.
I'm not sure if I gave you our new address, but I don't think I did. (Thought you'd get away without it, didn't you?)
2050 Steven Lane
Pocatello, Idaho 83201
Numerologically, it's a pretty good address for me -- 5 & 7 are my lucky numbers. (The zip code can be played with also, to arrive at both 2 + 3 = 5 & 8 - 1 = 7.)
I'm happy that you've embraced yoga. Now we can discuss effects. Do you know your body better yet?
Grayce Easterbrook,
Jean Rhys,
Simone de Beauvoir,
Friday, May 10, 2013
August 5, 1976 (Letter from Grayce)
Just sitting here, catching my breath -- it's only 9 AM and already I'm tired -- I think I'll probably be able to sleep tonight. I've been trying to organize some of my accumulated things (of which there are far too many!) It certainly is work!
I meant to write soon after you left, but for some reason (besides being busy showing the house, etc.) I just couldn't seem to. I'm not sure exactly why, but when I've seen you for a few days & then you leave, I don't seem to be able to write very soon. It's almost as if I have to let you recede a bit, so I can see you at a distance (reminiscent of the idea that one sees one's friends more clearly from a distance as a mountain climber see that which he had climbed?)
I think it's because I'm so happy when I do get to see you that I don't fully believe that you are here, when you are here, & when you leave, it's like I have to sort out a dream of oms kind . . . does this make any sense at all? I'm sure I'm not getting the emotion on this piece of paper!
Regarding our house -- we have had quite a few inquiries (especially from the Sunday ad) but Westinghouse offered us an amount which almost was what we asked, so allowing for closing costs (which they pay), legal fees (ditto) & trouble of transferring deeds & other general time-consuming & boring details (which we will be ecstatic for them to take care of ) -- we feel it is all around better to sell to them. (We only had a certain amt of time to accept their offer &^ were afraid if we sold it privately, there might be a delay with the buyers getting a loan right away & we can't wait 'cause we have to pay for the new house.
This week we are planning to take the beveled glass out of the front door & also the stained glass window on the third floor (which you never saw -- it's plain, but has some nice colors). It's going to be quite a task -- since neither of us has done it, but I have faith in Brook's skill. (Myself -- I would do best to keep myself scarce I'm so clumsy!) I just will be very upset if the windows break. I plan to learn how to make stained glass, but only God knows when, (or where) -- certainly not in Pocatello (although one never knows.) Actually, I know the rudiments, I'd just need some good equipment & some (much) practice. Maybe I should get more competent at weaving first, though. It's not too good to have too many interests at once. Between Brook &^ myself, we're bound to cover everything before long -- I'll be jaded by the time I'm 28! (Like Kierkegaard.)
I feel such an affinity with him. Maybe because his life was full of such pathos -- it just seems to affect me so much. He was such an "indirect" person, but his philosophy really had a great effect -- (although he always refused to admit to being a philosopher! -- he detested Hegelian logic and didn't want to be associated with its consequences in any way) as for its consequence s-- Hegel personalizes history & let it roam wherever it liked. Many feel that Hegel's ideas greatly affected Heidegger & that he in turn came up with the Aryan purity of race idea which in turn brought about the climate in which a Hitler could flourish. (But he also brought about a climate in which Marx could write.) It was such an open-ended philosophy -- that was its main problem. As a matter of act -- Kierkegaard & Marx attended the very same Hegel course in Berlin (but never got acquainted) & came out with such totally diverse ideas -- it's something that's hard to believe. Oh well, enough of this lecture. (Wake up, Tweety!)
The yoga seems to be progressing. My body often wants to balk at taking time to slow down & relax for the exercises, & that is supposed to mean progress. (The book says your body wants to be lazy (mine certainly does) & to get old -- so any attempt to rouse it from its natural course, it will try to thwart). I really feel that this helps me relax, though. I am a tense person & now I feel much more relaxed than I did. Part of this is because I don't have to be at Seton Hill anymore, but part must be due to the yoga, I feel.
I got something neat in the mail yesterday. (A 2 carat diamond, hee hee) Actually, it's one of those Wellington counterfeit diamonds, but it does look real & it's just in a very plain setting. I rather like it (but it's so rock-like, I don't think I'll wear it very much.) I forgot to mention that this was one of the third prizes in a mail-order catalog contest. Occasionally, I enter these things, just for the fun of it, and occasionally I do win something. This ring is worth about $50 (they say $75, but I don't think so) so I suppose it's nothing to sneeze at. (Maybe next time, I'll win the car?)
Well, I suppose I'll try to get t his in the mail today. We are going golfing tonight (neither of us has ever been) with the people upstairs. I'm sure I'll be terrible (it's certain to be a lot harder than miniature golf!)
Grayce Easterbrook,
house selling,
stained glass,
Thursday, May 9, 2013
August 4, 1976 (Letter from Tony)
Here I sit in my Colden retreat, stretching time out to at least four times its normal length. It's only been one week and 5 days since I finished the rather exhausting grind of the New York State Bar Exam. and yet that experience has passed through the normal holding ponds of recent memory and is now firmly bedded in my long ago past.. I can't recall any other experience I've had which grew so old this quickly.
My position here is a familiar one, yet not one that I am completely comfortably with. I guess mainly it's the rapid change from being a decision-maker leader in Binghamton to being a well-fed cared for son in Colden which I haven't quite accepted fully. Not that it's bad, I do so enjoy being here. But there is a touch of anxiety every now and then. It's almost sinfully irresponsible to be here relaxing & reading & sleeping & playing & eating.
A portion of that anxiety can be attributed to the uncertainty of my future. Do you see the incongruity, Paul, where here I am with all my immediate care provided for, being rather dependent & removed from the hustle & bustle "real" world while I sit & contemplate how I'm going to structure my immediate future. I could just go on relaxing here for some time unless that [illegible] propels me into action. But a life decision made here would tend to be rosy-colored and may not look so fine in the bright light of coming reality.
But I carry on too much on this. I expect to stay here at least another week, then I'll trek on to Boston by way of Springfield. My stay will be more certain when I speak to the unemployment people on Tuesday next. But now I expect I'll be in Springfield Aug 11, Wednesday. I may stop in Binghamton first or I may do that on the way home.
My blueprint for the near future is this. I want to get a seasonal job -- full time for 4-5 months. This, surprisingly to me, is not much accepted in the lawyer world. Anyway, I then would want mid April til October free to do some vegetable growing. In this period of 6-7 months I'd be working only about 20 hours a week in April-May & then about 10-12 hr/wk thereafter. I should be able to grow enough vegetables for myself and several others -- and if I fully commit myself I would become a vegetarian & provide most of my food for myself. Some of my inspiration from the book -- Living the Good Life -- by Helen & Scott Nearing, wherein they describe their 20-year experiment of living on a Vermont farm & providing their year's livelihood in only 6 months.
This would then leave me up to 2 months free time to do some legal work or travel.
The idea of part-time work has always appealed to me. It remains to be seen if I have the courage and determination to carry it through. Enough for now.
New York State Bar Exam,
Tony Szczygiel
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
July 30, 1976 (Letter from Renee)
SURPRISE -- I've outdone myself this time by answering your last letter the day after I received it. I love hearing from you and reading your letters but I often wonder how your hands can stand writing for so long. I would never "hand write" letters cause I would get them half done and give up because my hand would hurt! I hope you don't mind the typewritten letters, but if it weren't for the typewriter I'd never write anything on paper!
My summer so far has been super enjoyable. I haven't done anything I didn't want to do , and I've spent a lot of time by myself just puttering and reading which I think has done me a world of good. Being used to the school routine and schedule I am constantly asking myself "what do I do next," only to find out that I don't have to do a damn thing if I don't want too - and that suits me fine. Morrey says I'm a different person in the summer cause I'm not moody, bitchy, or depressed. In September I'll start my Jeckyll and Hyde routine again! (Excuse my spelling -- I'm off duty as an English teacher!) I've been doing a lot of macrame and have enjoyed it a lot. I go to the health spa a couple of times a week to exercise, and it really is fun. I also go to a weight watchers meeting (53 lbs. so far!) once a week which takes a couple of hours out of the day, and the rest of my life is total unstructured which I love. I have never experienced a summer vacation that has been so free of hassel and worry and I don't find myself running around to the point where I'm exhausted. Some of my school friends might think I'm kind of a hermit or recluse -- but for the first time in my life I have learned to enjoy the solitude and quiet of just staying home and doing my own thing. I wish I could go on like this forever, but I know that eventually I would be looking for something which would bring more substance into my life. Before this summer I used to have to have a lot of people around me and I enjoyed entertaining and having something planned to do every waking minute, but I guess I've matured somewhat (or learned to like my own company a lot better) cause I really enjoy doing nothing and not having a whole lot of people around me.
Morrey is extremely busy "carving a niche" in the business world, and I must say that he hasn't had it easy cause the sales market is really shitty at the moment and competition is at an all time high. I have every confidence that he'll eventually do quite well, and until then I will work to help us survive. I am seriously thinking of quitting my teaching job next year and looking for something to do with the skills I have -- but Morrey isn't very encouraging about my giving up teaching, and he doesn't like me to talk so much about quitting. I will start seriously looking for something else next spring, and if I can get another job I'll do it. I feel that my creativity at this point in my teaching career is getting stifled, and a lot of the people I work with frankly don't give a shit about the program or the kids -- they just want to get through the day and through another year of it. I feel that I have a lot to give and I'm not using my talents to my fullest potential. Since no one working around me is doing much to change and they're really getting set in their comfortable little domains, I feel that next spring is the time for me to strike out and look for something more challenging.
I am glad to hear that you are thinking about paying us a visit in Columbus someday in the future. We would be delighted to have you as our guest and promise to show you the interesting sights and sounds of Columbus. There are always placed to go and things to do so anytime you decide to come, just give me a little advanced warning and we'll arrange a fun time for us all.
In answer to your question, YES, Morrey and I definitely plan to be in Warren over Labor Day weekend, barring any unforeseen emergencies. We'll stay at the cottage, so feel free to give us a call and come out for some Shulman-Prayzer hospitality any chance you get.
It was nice to hear that your parents still ask about me -- I'm quite flattered and glad that their impression of me was a good one. They have always been so nice to me when I've called them and I think you're pretty lucky to have such great folks. My parents always ask about you and what you're up to these days and I fell them in as well. To answer your mother's question, No, I'm not keeping up with my singing these days, but hope to eventually get back into it within the next year. One of my goals has been to lose the weight and then try out for some parts in local players clubs or musical organizations. I dearly miss not having music to be a vital part of my life, and unfortunately Morrey has no musical talents or interests. However, he has bought us Symphony season tickets for next year which I know I'll enjoy and he'll endure! Because of Morrey though, I have taken an interest in sports and we frequently go to Cincinnati for a Reds baseball game, or to the Coliseum in Cleveland for hockey games in the winter -- which I've learned to enjoy. For a while the only thing I enjoyed about a sports event was the hot dogs and popcorn -- but I have managed to learn some of the finer points of the games -- and now I really like it. As a matter of fact, Morrey and I are going to Cincinnati tonight to stay for the weekend and we have tickets for a ball game Sunday afternoon. We've been to the cottage a lot this summer and Morrey adores the place. I like it too but there is very little privacy there with my Dad around, and Morrey spends most of his time in the boat fishing, so I have to go prepared with something to do or I go out of my mind. My dad just loves to have us come and he goes out of his way to please us and make us comfortable which we really appreciate. Morrey and my dad get along better than my father does with his own two sons -- and Morrey and my father buddy around a lot which is good for both of them in many ways.
Many thanks for the suggested reading list. I will take it with me on my next trip to the book store and library. I greatly appreciate your taking the time to fill me in on quality literature available and I intend to take your suggestions seriously.
We have a busy month ahead and an expensive one too with buying back to school clothes and going to the dentist for a lot of expensive crown work for me. We're throwing a surprise 65th birthday party for my dad on the 21st of Aug. and I have to get busy and send out invitations and plan the menu and evening's events. I'll probably start back to school work with my team members the last week in August so from now till them I have a lot of relaxing and enjoying to do.
I hope you'll plan on seeing us over Labor Day and I hope to hear from you much before that.
Please be well & take care & have fun.
Renee Prayzer,
Shulman cottage,
summer vacation,
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
July 26, 1976 (Letter from Harriet)
Once again, I greet you with a letter! I hope that I didn't sound obnoxious on the phone. I did understand your situation & would have definitely done the same thing (gone to Pittsburgh). It seems as if the starts are against us. After I spoke to you, I decided that I'd do a super amount of work so I wouldn't have to study next weekend & you could come. Well, you know how that goes! It's hard to do extra work in the summer. Also, this is our last week of school & next week we have 3 exams in 3 days! I guess we'll have to put it off again until August. Do you still want to come to NYC or would you rather go camping? Let me know.
NYC has provided an interesting summer for me. I have been taking advantage of the museums, movies, parks, etc. Not to mention ballgames, ballets, and concerts. I have been meting a lot of interesting people and learning a lot from them.
Living in my house affords no solitude, and I have been forced to become a beach bum to be alone. It is nice, I can take my books there early in the morning and stay until it gets really hot. I'm getting brown -- darker than I have ever been.
After next week, I will be a lady of leisure. I intend to take a few short trips -- to Binghamton, etc. -- and then off to Rhode Island. Let me know when you are free & hopefully we can work something out.
Harriet Diamond,
New York City,
Rockaway Beach,
Monday, May 6, 2013
July 19, 1976 (Note from Grayce)
Hi -- Diane & Bev will definitely be here for the weekend of the 24th (this Sat.). I'm just assuming that you can be here this weekend also -- no "no's" will be accepted under any circumstances! We just got back from Idaho & I've lots to tell you. You can look forward to much ear stuffing!
I have one favor to ask -- if you are coming over Thursday night, could you possibly fix it so that you get here after 6 A.M. You see, Brooks' been working a lot of extra hours & he'll be working that Friday too & I wouldn't want to disturb hi before he has to get up . *He gets up at abt. 7, but if you get here at 6 it wouldn't be too bad. It's just that if I have to get up for 4 or so, this alarm will bother him, too. Would this inconvenience you very much? Maybe you'd like to nap a few hours before you leave anyway? Then you can play when you get here. Is this ok?
Well! Please come! It will be so nice, we'd really like to have you.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
July 18, 1976 (Letter from Denise)
Hi! I know you know that Kenny's in prison cause I guess he told you. I guess you have his address so when you want to write to him you can.
I know Kenny just wrote you a short note, so I write you a longer letter and tell you what's happening with Wendy and me and Dollar Date.
First of all, D. D. is coming along fine now, but not like it was in the beginning. We're only making about 100 a month instead of 7 or 800. Now I've decided to give it up. I'm not getting anything out of it except a lot of hassles from a lot of people. If you want it or know anyone who wants a business of their own, let me know. I'll be more than willing to sign the license over to whomever wants it.
Wendy is getting older and bigger now. She's a year old already. She's learning a few more words than what she already knows. She understands a lot more now too.
I got about 2 flys in here now that are really getting to me. I'm trying to kill them, but they just won't die. I'm slapping the heck out of them but they just won't give up. I just got rid of them right now.
As for me, I'm just waiting for Kenny to come out.
When Kenny went to prison it was Feb. 19, 1976. That very next day, someone broke into my place over here, held me at gunpoint and took $130.00 in cash and 2 oz. of reefer. The following Sunday, which was 2 days later, one of the buys came back and stole my desk calculator, my camera, 2 oz. of reefer and the ear phones to my stereo. These two guys were some of the people that Kenny was dealing to. I know who they are, but I can't prove it to the police. Ever since then I've been scared to stay here by myself. The first place that I find that's half decent, I'm moving out of here. I don't feel safe here any more without a man in the house.
Wendy ust went to sleep now. It's afternoon nap time, and I think I'll get some work done upstairs.
Let me know what's happening with you.
P.S. Sorry about all the greasy spots. Wendy got hold of the letter.
Denise Walley,
Dollar Date,
held at gunpoint,
Wendy Walley
Friday, May 3, 2013
July 15, 1976 (Letter from Cheryl)
Sorry it's taken so long to ans. your letter, but alot has been goin on. Saw George for 4 days last month and it was so good to see him. He really enjoyed seeing & being with the kids and believe it or not him & Shorts got along good. Everyone took it good except me. I wanted to go back to him so bad & wanted him to stay but he couldn't. He already broke his parole. He left and we haven't heard from him since. I just hope he's okay. No one has come lookin for him yet either. I wonder why cuz they usually do. Maybe they figure their better off without him.
We went to West Yellowstone and it sure wasn't like all the years before. No one was there I knew except one person and millions of pigs. They even had guards there from Deer Lodge, with dogs. We didn't stay there, we went camping. Had alot of fun doin' that.
Georgie's birthday was the 7th and we had a big party with cake, ice cream, presnts & spankings. Sure was fun -- he was 11.
We'll be movin in 30 days but I'll still have the same p.o. box number. What happened is the landlady's son just got out of the navy and he's gonna buy this place and she wants to move in here. She gave us an eviction notice and the whole shot. So everything we put into this place we're tearing up, or down or takin' with us. It was a junk pile when we moved in, so that's the way she'll get it back. I don't mind leavin the house, it's the area -- the mountains & peace & quiet -- but we'll find something (I hope).
So how ya doin? Real good I hope. Still goin' to junk stores? They opened up 2 new ones here and they got some neat stuff in em. But we got to much stuff already. It'll take a u-haul trailer to move us & our junk.
Well, I've gotta go -- only have 2 pieces of paper left and 2 more letters to write. So you take care of yourself and write back sooner than I did. If I hear from George I'll tel him hello for ya. Bye for now.
Cheryl Lowery,
eviction notice,
George Lowery,
Georgie Lowery,
Wallace Idaho,
West Yellowstone
Thursday, May 2, 2013
July 14, 1976 (Letter from Barb L)
Was that April? Seems like a month ago at the most! No explanation will suffice for my not writing all this time. It's a matter of discipline. I have been thinking of you -- especially since I was not in Warren the whole time. Let's see -- May -- I interviewed for a new job here -- teaching at the new Day Care Center that Children's Services is starting-- gave my notice at the workshop and quit there at the end of May. My friend Linda had called me from the Cape & wanted me to come for the summer but I didn't know about the job yet, etc. I did to up there the 1st two weeks in June & helped her with the kids & restaurant. Didn't write any letters but I know I should have called you. Weekends there were impossible to get away from however since that was the work time & week days were free. I really didn't know how long I was going to stay -- if I had a negative reply from Children's Services I intended to stay there. But I had no reply the whole time so I did come back June 20th. The time on the Cape was really good after the hectic month of May trying to finish up my work at the workshop & training somebody, etc. During the middle of the second week I almost decided to stay -- it was such a temptation to go back to that life in which I was so happy & contented in the past. Why did I come back to Warren? 3 reasons: the possibility of the job that I really wanted. Harry & Sanchez were here, & #3 -- the perennially illusive reason -- a relationship with a man here! It always happens to me at in-between changeable times. I started going out w/ this guy here in April -- young (22) and a Warren person, although saved by the fact that he's a freak & has been away before. Another Taurus named Rick -- of course. I don't know if you're familiar with him -- Rick West. He's the cousin of a deaf-mute girl at the workshop. He's Warren but he's not -- anyway, it's a good relationship coming at a time when there was nothing else to hold me here. Seems it's in my karma to be in Warren for awhile longer, although I felt so much more myself while away. I can't even explain it! I did talk to Rick (Gray) on the phone while I was there -- he called Linda's & we had a nice friendly conversation. Unbeknownst to me, he came to Boston Airport the day I was leaving looking for me -- the nite I arrived home he called again. I really had thought he did not want any contact but I guess it never changes. Also when I returned home I got the letter from Children's Services -- no job. Turned out she hired all certified teachers in order to get her grant money. So here I am -- 3 weeks later -- I volunteer at the workshop 2 afternoons a week & am unemployed. I've applied for unemployment & will find out about it Friday -- probably will not get it due to quitting my job. I have some money left but did spend a lot on my vacation (enjoyed every minute of it!) I really don't want another job in Warren right now. Would love to go back to the Cape next month or even September. If I get unemployment I will be happy with having some income. I've been busy reading, doing macrame, going to the workshop & hanging out with Rick. It's easy to shed the Warren work ethic in two weeks on the old fun-loving Cape! Of course I see Patsy a lot -- whose now working as a bartender at Cole's Landing & of course Mardi about once a week. I did the 4th of July parade w/ her & Matthew & Yolanda. Martin is still working at Levinson's & hating it. He's been talking about moving to Phoenix, Arizona but probably won't. Mardi took a week in June & few to Minneapolis! Far out, huh? She stayed w/ Mary (David Brown's old girlfriend who now lives with "Stone" -- Bill Peterson.) After spending some time w/ both Dutch & Bill she then returned home with no appreciable traumas, much to everyone's surprise. I guess Bill is really mellowed out -- lives in a nice place, works steady, quit smoking cigarettes (unbelievable) and appears to be calm and collected. Dutch is a suburban husband living in a big fancy house & appears somewhat melancholy & quiet, according to Mardi. It seems that Mardi has begun to accept what and where she is & is no longer trying to go back to a Minneapolis past. I think the security here is what she needs & she realizes this. She seems a lot more content anyway. No word from Joan to anyone, not even her family. In May her father called her & found that she's living w/ a guy & does not intend to come back. Next time anyone called the number had changed so no one even knows where she is. I really don't understand what all the secrecy is about -- how bad is it to be living with somebody?? Who knows? I just hope she gets her divorce in the process.
Well, there's the news -- I just saw your mom yesterday "over town" & she wondered if I had heard from you. Your life sounds "wonderfully secure" indeed -- a first for you! Looks like it could be beneficial to you. I do want to get up there & visit. There's a guy in Warren from Boston (friend of Martin's, work at Rexnard) who drives back & forth occasionally. I can ride w/ him later this summer as far as your place, if you're going to be around. In any case -- we will meet again, my friend, even though it didn't happen in June. Meanwhile you continue your Springfield existence & I'll continue my Warren romance (incongruous terms!) Hope you had a good time in Pittsburgh w/ the library school reunion. Take care -- I will write again. I'll call you if I have a chance to come up -- send me your phone # if you're not listed.
Harry & her "itchies" say hello! Also Sanchez.
Barb Lucia,
Bill Anderson,
Bill Peterson,
Cape Cod,
Children's Services,
Joan Piccirillo,
Rick Gray,
Rick West,
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
July 10, 1976 (Letter from Ken)
As you can see via this return address, I am in Federal Prison. Doing 5 years! Was arrested for manufacturing Have 5 months in now.
Denise, Wendy (Squeege) and I are as tightly together as ever. Your Goddaughter is doing just fine. Had her 1st birthday this past June 24th. She is a real sweetheart. Will send you a picture if you want. Please understand that my spirits are very high for happiness & freedom is a state of mind. Dollar Date is also doing real well. Remember, the offer to take on Dollar Date is always open to you.
That was really something you got into! What can I say. I'm glad you didn't get hurt too bad. I know you wouldn't do something like that, even for me.
I hate writing letters, so I hope I did O.K. Remember, any time you decide to return to Penna., my securities are open to you in all perspectives. Even though I'm in here, my home, business etc. are solid, and anytime you are welcome to move in, visit, or whatever.
Your friend
"Fellow Truth Seeker"
Dollar Date,
federal prison,
Ken Walley,
Montana State Prison
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