Monday, January 20, 2014

Saturday, August 6, 1977 (Letter from Connie)

Well, well.  Thought I'd take a little break from packing to drop you a line.  Maybe my last from Cheyenne Wyoming, magic city of the plains.  Boo hoo.  Actually I'm just in the clearing-out stage, going through papers and junk.  I have this spare bureau, and I've been tossing letters and cancelled checks and papers and all kinds of assorted folderol in there for a year.  Good think I have to sort through it.  From 4 drawers, I have it narrowed to one fat box and one overstuffed garbage sack.  Can't bear to throw away letters of Christmas cards.  They're kind of nice to trip across -- cheesy letters, sorry-to-hear-you-re-down letters, newsy letters.  It's nice!

Really torn about leaving, and am in a quandary about what route to take home.  I really love the job, and I could hardly be lucky enough to find something as good again.  But I picked a date out of the air, and I'm going to stick to it.  Some cousins from Nebraska came through on their way home from California.  Had a nice visit.  They kept saying they really really wanted to come visit them on my way home.  Problem is it's 1000 miles and at least 4 days out of my way.  And I'll probably be so anxious to get home I may make the whole trip in 24 hours!  (I don't have your easy-going ability to just take my time.)  Or then I could go up through Yellowstone to Helena for a day or so.  Have to stay here until 5 pm Aug. 31.  Knowing me, I may leave at 5:05!

Oh -- I disagree totally with you about Star Wars.  Don't know when I've enjoyed a film more -- it's just pure fun.  A whole cult has grown up around it -- and we who've seen it have deep intellectual discussions about Artoo, Threep.o., and light sabers. It's terrific!

Got an easy book of classical stuff.  Been valiantly working on them with minor success.  I'm really going to miss my piano when I go back.  Some friends have pianos, so I may be able to mooch off them for awhile.

I've been so busy the last couple of weeks -- a radical change from the total boredom here:  two sets of company on both weekends, three going away parties, a barbecue, and visiting cousins. Monday I run to Denver for a two-day conference -- even get a state car and per dium!

Oh -- it was so neat!  Was talking to one of my 5 bosses (there are truly more chiefs than Indians here).  He's leaving, transferring to Chicago (!) Friday.  But he offered to call the state planning office in Olympia to try to get me a job there!  What a nice thing to do . The job market is so tight there -- and it's awkward for me to walk up to these people and say -- You really need a librarian -- and here I am -- and you only have to pay me 15 thou.  Good ol' Shermie!

Well -- should go back to packing.  Ah gee.

Oh -- my Seattle address.  For the moment probably have to route through my mom --- (have no idea whree I'll really be)
             316 Richmond Beach Road #5
Seattle (yeah!) 98177

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