Thursday, April 11, 2013

June 4, 1976 (Letter from Harriet)

I was just sitting quietly under a tree, thinking of things, and my thoughts turned to you.  Tony told me that yo are really happy in Springfield -- that's so nice to hear.  I've never been in Springfield, but Massachusetts, especially the Berkshire Mountains, holds a special place in my heart.

I've been living on a farm way out in the hills, and it's making me feel great.  Living in Vestal, those few months, I really missed being out in the country.  I've definitely realized that this way of life is "home" for me.  I hope that when I eventually settle down, that a home with some land fits into the picture.

I've been spending my days taking kids on field trips, and my skin is starting to turn brown.  I will be teaching two more weeks, and then, hopefully, I will take a 5 wk. course in Geology.  I planned to go to school t=for that course in NYC and live with my parents, but City University was closed due to lack of funds.  There are going to be a lot of angry students in NYC if it doesn't reopen. Anyway, I'm going to have a lot of 3 days weekends and plan to spend a nice, lazy summer.  I'm going to try to come camping in Mass. sometime soon -- I want to go to Tanglewood.  Maybe I'll come to see you then. Stay happy.

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