Tuesday, February 12, 2013

July 15, 1975 (Letter from Grayce)

Dear Tweet (Polar Bear, Sven, sugar hater, ozone protector...ad nauseum.)

Although I can never hope, in my wildest imaginings, to write you a 30-page letter, one can never tell, I suppose.  Anyway, it will give me something to aspire to (no matter how I try, I always have dangling participles! -- it sounds so false the other way) I must say, though, that I was quite pleased to receive your letter (it brightened an otherwise dreary week in which my emotional state may be typified by the above picture).  I'm so glad we write.  I've gotten some insights that I wouldn't have if we had been talking -- of course, the opposite is also true.  And I hope you can visit.  I don't care when, but you'd better get here!  (That's a request, although, it sounds like an order.)

About the ozone.  Actually, I have been aware of this crusade for quite some time.  I could never use spray deodorants, or anything else for that matter, since they react strangely with my skin, which is probably the strangest of the strange anywhere on the face of the earth.  I think many people have heard of the dangers involved, but they are too lazy to give up convenience items that they have grown accustomed to (another dang. partic!!!)  I mean people are so lazy.  (Me included, of course, but not in this particular instance.)

I seem to have a preference for parentheses, also.  I suppose it indicates lack of foresight, but I don't think it's too serious.

I have a theory about the ozone.  (Paul say, oh, oh!)  I promise to make it short!  Anyway, I always thought that at this time in history people were supposed to mate with people of another skin color, not all at once, of course, but gradually.  And since a medium loss of ozone will only affect white people (if I were a fundamentalist, I might say they deserve this for their past behavior?) then by the time the ill effects start to occur about 25-50 years from now, people will have (ideally) stopped robbing the atmosphere (as Oregon has) and also have started to protect themselves against the ultra-violet rays.  These are just the highlights of the theory, but, as I said, short!

As for your being the holder of two (?only two) such incongruous nicknames, just count yourself extremely lucky if it ends there.  I seem to have this need to tease people.  It's not good and some people must not like it and misunderstand it (although I don't think you are one of these people --= am I right?)  I have one friend that I still call "Chapel" because her nose is so cute.  I can't explain it, though and she's stopped wondering why.  Brook thinks I'm really (and truly) crazy.  When I first met him, it struck me that he hardly ever laughed or smiled.  And once when he did, I was very surprised by it and it didn't seem real so I accidentally said "Bozo" -- not even meaning to, but it just slipped out.  (I suppose because of the "painted on" smile.)  He was very hurt because he thought that I was saying he looked like a clown.  So I really felt badly.  I still have to watch my little nicknames for him.  He's awfully sensitive about things like that. (Of course, he can call me "Mickey Mouse" -- and that's not too bad considering some of the others he's come up with) and I can complain til my ears fold up, but it doesn't  do any good!!!

Anyway, I only nickname people I fell pretty strongly about and, fairly I suppose, since stranger might seek to have me locked up!!!  Do you really think I'm warped?  I ask because sometimes I worry.  Several people have told me I was really "odd".  Brook, in one of his relatively few tactful moods, told me I was a "collector's item".  If even my best friends have told me things to this effect, I can imagine what strangers think.  I really would value your opinion wince I think you know certain aspects of my character pretty well.  I guess you will think I'm weird, but I am very afraid of being "insane" if that would mean being locked up.  Otherwise, I wouldn't mind if I could just be left alone.  I don't think I would ever turn into a violent person and I hope not, anyway!  So don't start ordering my strait-jacket yet.

Well, on to a more pleasant topic.  On July 23rd, Sr. M Ronald leaves for Florida for 2 glorious weeks of vacation!  (For us, also.)  I can't wait.  Unfortunately, she's getting another nun to come in for those 2 weeks (is this pen skipping business contagious, do you think?)  to "watch us" (those are her actual words).  We're not exactly thrilled by this, but she can't be as bad as SM Ronald.

My weekend at home was bittersweet.  As usual, I got to see almost everyone for about 1/2 hour. I only got to see Ange at the "shower" and couldn't really talk there.  She and John got an apt in the Northeast which is an hour and a half away from center city and 2 hrs from my parents house (and that's if there's no bad traffic on I-95).  I know we won't see each other very often.  I am also upset since the people upstairs are moving to New Mexico.  It seems as though as soon as I meet people they leave, am I that bad?  This happened with people at Seton Hill also. I'm sorry; I should not pour these thoughts out to you as often as I do.  I'm sure that this is meant to make me self-sufficient and I just have to grow up!

As for children -- it would seem that they would certainly be nice to have.  I'm not sure though.  I don't want to have them to make me happy.  And I'm not sure that I'd be a good mother. Neither Brook no I fell ready right now so I guess we don't know what the future holds.  I meant to go into depth about this, but I find that I don't have a ting to say.

Anyway, I hope to get to see you soon.

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