Monday, May 21, 2012

June 25, 1972 (Letter from Kenny)

Well how the hell are you?  (That's my Joe Poskanzer opening.)  I'm sorry I haven't written but I really haven't done enough to write a paragraph about.  The biggest news around here has been the weather (as ridiculous as it sounds.)  It had rained for 14 straight days until yesterday, then today it poured enough to make up for the slip yesterday.  The flooding all along the coast has been amazing.  Olean and Salamanca (remember them, near Buffalo) were almost wiped out.  Henry Marcotte was on the news in New York with a report from old Western N.Y.  I hope you swim well because the water might not be gone by September.  Lauren is in Rome now and she should be coming back July 14th.  I'm really sorry I didn't go to Europe this summer because I haven't done shit so far and work sucks a whale's dick.

I've talked to Herb a couple of times, most recently last Tuesday.  He's been going crazy there.  Last weekend he stayed in West Chester and he doesn't know anybody so he didn't talk to anybody for the entire weekend.  By Monday when he got to work he was crazy so he spent 3 hrs talking to anyone in the office.  (Pause.)   As a matter of fact I just finished talking to Herb.  This weekend wasn't a whole lot better for him.  He bought Crime and Punishment to read and said he's staying away from books with sex in them because it will make him horny.  Herb is in very bad shape.

I haven't been doing a whole hell of a lot on weekends either.  I've been seeing a couple of my friends from Wantagh and watching a lot of TV.  I read Our Gang and it's a piss.  During the week when I get home from work I'm too tired to do anything anyhow so I don't feel too bad.  I take a lot of cold showers to ward off the horns but it's really rough when I see all the girls walking around the city.

Last Sunday I went to Ivan's wedding (he's a kid from school).  It was nice but hysterical.  His wife was shivering she was so scared and he was laughing through the whole thing.  All the people there were whispering as the couple came down the aisle just like everyone does at weddings.  All of the sudden the Rabbit screams "everyone keep quiet,  this is a religious ceremony" with that all the kids (hippies from Buffalo) cracked up until everyone was roaring.  It's not very funny now so you can understand how incredibly bored I am.

How's everything going with you?  How's the job and all?

I talked to Chris for about five minutes on Friday.  That was the firs time I talked to him in about 3 weeks.  I wasn't overly excited to speak with him but it seems he's been trying to get a hold of me.  I couldn't imagine why but then he told me I owed him $12 so then I knew.  By now he's probably written you and told you how much you owe.

My mother is in Copenhagen right now and isn't due back till next Sunday.  She's been gone since the 15th, so on top of being bored I have to make dinner and do washes and all kinds of shit.

I'm thinking when I quit work at the beginning of August, of going down to Florida (I can stay at my uncle's apartment) and then stopping off in Atlanta (to see Barbara and Lloyd) on the way back.

Oh well, enough unsaid.  Write when you get a chance.  Take it easy.

Oh yeah, Herb said he got your letter.

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