Saturday, April 14, 2012

November 5, 1970 (Letter from Patty)

I was really glad to get your letter, I'd given you up for lost a long time ago.

I can't remember when I last wrote, so I don't' know where to begin.

I registered for school, went to two days of classes, and quit.  A week later I split to Boston and Vermont.  I planned on being gone til the end of October, but seeing as I had no money, the lack of food and the friendly rats in the cabin we found to stay in, caused me to only be gone for two weeks.  The person I went with (Wayne) and I hitched back to Syracuse and got jobs so here I sit.  In my insurance company operating the switch board and filing papers.  I guess I"ll go back to school in January since this company and working are really getting em down,an d also cuz I want to get back to my art work.

Wayne is living with me now at my apartment, but neither of us can take my roommate, so we told her we'd be moving out by the end of this month.  Problem is, we're having a hard time finding another apartment.

Anyhow, I'd really like to have you come up, but it might be better if you can come after we moved, cuz my roommate's really a bummer.

Anyhow, keep in touch and I"ll let you know as soon as I move.

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