Saturday, April 28, 2012

September 26, 1971 (Letter from Mardi)

Hello friend!  I certainly hope you're feeling ok after your little hospital visit.  I'm sure you're ok.

So, Nelson what's the deal.  You never mentioned a word about what you were planning to do!  Am I to play detective?  Since you stated you were going to open a checking account I took it you are apparently settling there!?  No school I take it?  Exactly what the fuck are you doing?

I've really been busy, classes have started and I'm really shitting my pants!  I've got some really "neato keen" classes; economics (not bad), college algebra (terrible, just terrible), management, accounting, and good old human behavior course!  I don't even think I'll be able to make it -- but I'll try and try.

So life goes on.  Anderson is going to Mexico this week sometime!  He and another guy -- I'm really jealous, but he deserves the trip, as long as he doesn't blow that much dope or get caught.  If he gets it in Mexico no one will ever see or hear from him again "my sister...."  He gets his new car tomorrow or the next day, the thing will be neat to take some trips.  It's a sporty station wagon far out.

Haven't really heard too much from anyone.  Mike is back in Warren, he was in Philly and saw his girl.  Maybe they'll be getting married.  Barb should be home now too; she told me she only "plans" to stay for two weeks.  I think she should stay longer and she may just do that anyway.  You knew Sue Smith was out there for one week (neat letter).  I haven't written too many letters so naturally I haven't gotten any.

I just wanted to get this quick letter off before this week started and I wouldn't have time!!!

Write me a few lines soon and tell me what you're doing -- so I'm a nosy bitch -- Take care.

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