Friday, February 3, 2012

October 2, 1968 (Letter from Renee)

I was half awake then I read your letter -- but all that talk of sex, etc. sure woke me up in a hell of a hurry.  Your letter sounded just like you when you're drunk -- and I really got a laugh out of it -- besides getting turned on by those lovely poetic passages about my terrestial bod!  The "bod" is in fine shape -- haven't had any good lovin' lately though.  Maybe I might come back to Buffalo again for a booster shot.

All is fine with me.  I'm one with classes every day at 1:00, and I have 3 7:00-8:00 classes at night (ugh!).  I usually drag my ever-lovin' bod back to the dorm to catch a few hours of sleep in the afternoon so that my bod will be prepared for the night life around here which includes trying to make some sense out of the fucking books which are assigned reading.  My courses aren't too bad.  I've racked up about 4 papers to write -- at latest count.  Jesus, do I ever hate writing BS to fill in 10 pages for one paper.

My social life is great.  Had two dates last weekend and have a date this weekend to see Simon and Garfunkel.  Whoopie!  I guess my bod is in mod this quarter.   Anyway, I'm not complaining.

I haven't heard from Mike yet, although the idiot promised to write to me right away.  I imagine he's too busy learning where his ass is these days.  If he doesn't write to me soon, I guess I'll have to break down and write to him.  Got a tear-jerking letter from Mark -- all about his problems and I wrote back and told him to stop acting like a baby and start acting like a man!  Heard from Mardi, too.  She seems to like Humboldt, but hates her roommates.  Well, I guess we all have our "hangups", don't we?  (Except yours is the largest hangup according to the measurements you so generously sent to me, if you remember correctly!)

I'm supposed to be in 3 different places tonight, so I doubt if I can stretch my bod that far.  Guess I'll just have to play eenie, menie, minie, moh -- and see where I end up!  (In bed!  Haha Whoopie!)

Well, I've got to get ready to make my beautiful entrance at the W. Baker Cafeteria for dinner soon (ugh) -- so I'll close for now -- and hope that you can find time to write me another of your "Great Classics series" in the very near future..  Until then...Be good and keep "yours" in shape.

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