Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 20, 1969 (Letter from Mardi)

I just got your collage in Psych class.  It was really funny.  It wouldn't fit in my mail box to say the least!  You should get my letter tomorrow, great letter wasn't it?!  So right now I have absolutely nothing to say.  I want to put your collage on my wall but I don't have room. I'll have to fit it on the ceiling.

How is my collage doing?  My valentine card was sharp, wasn't it?  You're one of the lucky ones to receive the first in a series.  It may be valuable in about 565 years.

(2/21)  Now I'd say I'm a little behind in my letter writing!  So you think my idea is pretty good.  As of right now just Wendy and I are coming definitely but I'm sure Barney may come with us.  Things are really blah around here.

Those pictures are cute!  What a bunch of dopes!  A little potted?

It got a letter from Mike.  He's been in the hospital twice with some infection.  The cutie didn't tell me.  Honestly someone could die and I wouldn't know about it.

Sue Smith is at the airport right now.  She decided to go home!  She'll get into Buffalo about 8:00 AM.  She'll be in Detroit about 3:00 AM or so.  Blah.  I couldn't take flying alone all night and morning!  She'll see Shorty's.  Chuck is supposed to be coming home so she won't have too much to worry about, she'll sure surprise him.

We're really looking forward to seeing you all.  Surf Club, Surf Club, Surf Club!  I'll probably have my father pick me up Thursday night.  All I know is we'll be there.  H ow far are you away from the airport?  If I call you how long will it take you go get out to the airport?  I'll be calling about March 9, Sunday, about 11 your time.  Believe me, it won't be long -- 5 minutes.  Find out if your father will definitely pick you up -- but that doesn't really matter.  I have to call Barb sometime soon!  I doubt if she'll be coming home.

Well, I'll close for now; I will be back tomorrow.  I've got to get some sleep.  Good night!

(2/22)  Hi again!  I will get this letter out!  Right now it's a lousy Saturday.  We don't get any mail today because of Washington's birthday.  Big deal.  I didn't get a letter yesterday either.  Blah!  I should have stayed in bed today.  I know I would have gotten a letter.  My mother said she saw Renee home.  She came home to get her teeth fixed.  I haven't heard from her.  I can't believe she's dating Morrey again.  She probably doesn't have anything else to do and Renee loves to get out so Morrey would be perfect.  I heard from Mark.  I guess he finally got his single and he love it!  He had some dandy roommates!

Well there's not much to say and Wendy is going to mail some letters on her way to work, so I'll close up.

Wendy and I will see you in about 29 days.  Linda is going home the 28th so it'll just be Wendy and I.  Are you sure it's all right if we stay there with you and your roommates?  Nothing like inviting ourselves.  We're looking forward to coming out there -- way out East.  Duh.  Take care.

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