Sunday, March 18, 2012

September 3, 1969 (Letter from Patty)

I'm going back to school this Sunday and I can't wait.  This living at home stuff is getting really bad.  My father said I've been going out too much cause I've been out twice in the past three weeks.  He also said I spend too much of my own money and that it was about time I started acting like a lady (?) instead of a dumb college kid.  Not that we had a fight or anything but he keeps pointing these things out.  I've got something really good for him though, I've been dating a guy form Sicily for about a week now and my father hasn't met him yet.  Things will probably blow sky high.  I hope they don't' go til after Sunday.

I got laid-off my job in my father's office (fired?), so I got a job at Dunkin Donuts and promptly threw my apron on the floor and walked out on the fourth day.  This happened last week and I haven't worked since.  I don't mind not working, but the lack of money is killing me.

Did Mike last through the summer at his job.  It doesn't sound as if it was one of those jobs you'd like to keep for the rest of your life.

Well that's about all the dull (& exciting) news I can think of so I'll leave you now.  Write soon.

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