Thursday, March 15, 2012

June 28, 1969 (Letter from Kenny Tuchman)

My dearest Everett, (I never wrote that before)

It was splendiferous hearing from your.  The summer is going too fast, almost 1/3 is over already and is it shiity.  How is summer school?  Hope you don't flunk out.  Guess what?  I pulled a 3.3 last semester groovy, huh?  I got another C in economics, how I don't know, otherwise I would have had a 3.5.

Many jobs have fallen thru but I'm finally settled now.  The Wall Street job fell thru then my cousin got me in as an apprentice carpenter at $125 for 35 hrs a week but then there was a strike and the boss couldn't hire me.  Then I was going to work in a diamond and jewelry place really cool though.  You have to wear a badge and doors open automatically and there was a lot of kids (20's) working there full-time and the guy really liked me and gave me a summer job, the only one, the salary wasn't good but I figured I'd have a good time.  You have to take a lie detector test before you work to see if you're an addict (?) or alcoholic and would steal stuff because it's all real valuable.  So I took a day off from where I was working for the test knowing the job was mine and the machine was broken and would take 2-3 weeks to fix.  So I'm working in a tag factory that my cousin got me into.  They make all kinds of tags for everything.  I work real hard though lifting heavy stuff and running errands all over the city.  I get 2.25 an hour which isn't bad and have to get up at 6:30 AM which is terrible.

My social life is awful, even worse than that.  Last nite I went out for the first time in two months.  Herbie and me doubled he set me up with a really cute girl Barbara knew.  Her name was Bobbi.  She was really nice 5'5" thin light brown hair with a flip at the shoulders.  I don't think we went over too big.  What's new?  We saw "Finian's Rainbow" which was pretty good.  Bobbi has a sense of humor exactly like mine.  She was ranking the hell out of everything and anything and was really funny.  She had the same fake voices and facial expressions as I usually do when I'm out with a bunch of guys.  I was quiet in a way but pulled off a couple of goodies.  Fuckin' Herbie was zapping everyone he destroyed me.  If I would have been on form I would have killed him, but I was trying to impress Bobbi and wasn't myself which was bad.  I wasn't aggressive enough I guess because I didn't even kiss her goodnight don't ask me why.  I was waiting for her to move towards me and she was waiting for me to move toward her which was the right way.  Anyhow it was a standoff.  Oh well.

I talked to Eric about a week ago and we were bullshitting about our many blind dates.  Me and him are gonna double on a blind date and rank the shit out the girls.

I'm going to see Rosen tomorrow (Sunday).  HE's been pretty low, too. I think I'm going to go to a monastery and forget girls.  I can't wait for my mother to leave because I've got big plans for the parties, July 21-August 12, come on down.

The Mets are returning to reality they even lost to the Pirates.

Take it easy and write soon, call me sometime if you want (212) 847-9718.  Don't call collect because I won't accept the charges and will laugh my ass off.

P.S.  I saw Peppermint Patty and she's gorgeous. Jerk off once for me too.

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